Whatever will this house of pink do???
Just a little about our ultrasound appointment...I didn't get to see anything for the first half of it. There was only one screen and the girl doing the first part (I'm pretty sure that she had newly finished with her training) had the screen turned completely away from me. I'm all for people doing their job, but I'm not just an incubator. I'm a mother. I would like to see that baby moving and all his little parts. Thanks.
Another tech took over to get some of the more difficult shots. Baby boy wasn't making things easy. He was all but hugging the placenta. In fact the second tech felt awful that they couldn't even get any nice "fridge" shots for me because he had found a little nook and tucked his little head into it and wouldn't turn around at all. No amount of nudging, poking, shoving, and me coughing would get the kid to move.
So different from my girls who were little hams in the womb. He pulled the classic boy move and refused to take a good picture. ***sigh*** And so it begins.
The tech did tell me to come back when I had my next OB appointment and she would try and fit me in and get some better shots. Very nice of her really. I am thinking that I might just wait and pay for one of those fancy ones though since (with any luck) this will be our last. Might as well splurge a bit right?
Anyway, it went well and baby looked good!
Now to switch some gears and think blue.