It was all guy action on Monday. In the photo above, Andre took on Reygie. Reygie loved hanging up against the ropes. Colonel, who came in, said, "Get off the ropes!" Both Reygie and Andre were getting their licks in, mostly upside each other's heads. "Eff that!" Arnold said to me as we both watched their fistic efforts, and we both laughed.
It looks as if Reygie and Andre will have fights later this month at the University Club downtown. Unlike other locations where fights are held in and around the city, there's not a lot of room for onlookers. "Ever been in that place? It's full of rich and well educated people. A friend of mine has a membership there," Colonel told me. Arnold wanted to go, but Alan told him, "If Hillari wants to go and be in their corners, then you won't be able to go." The date of the fight sounded familiar to me, like I had something else planned, but I couldn't remember what it was. I didn't have my calendar with me to verify, so I told Arnold that he should go.
I had debated whether or not to go to the gym on Monday. I had been hit with a sudden cold that started late Friday evening, and laid me out all weekend long. I was still coughing and stuffed up Monday morning. Being sick and dealing with some of the people who show up to the food pantry at work never mixes well together, so I stayed home. It was very late in the afternoon when I decided I would go to workout. But I knew before I got there that I was in no condition to spar. I wish I could have, knowing that Brandy probably wanted to do so.
In the photo above, Professor takes a picture of Reygie and Andre. The other Andre was there, too, but he didn't get a chance to spar.
In these two shots, Arnold and Joanne (I hope I have her name right) did a burn out as I counted off numbers.
Marshall and Joe face off in the ring. I worry about the hits that Joe keeps taking. It's a matter of keeping his hands up and his chin down to avoid them. But I have to admire how he shakes them off and keeps going.
Ben and Andre did a few rounds.
Marcus also came in that evening, but some newer faces were missing, namely Kylie and Erma. Later, I learned they hadn't officially signed up, but had come in last week to try it out. "I've never seen it this crowded in here," Colonel said. "It always is in January," I told him. I think there's about 15 people signed up. When most have to go out into the hallway in order to have room to jump rope, that's when I know the place is crowded.
Information for this year's Golden Gloves tournament has been released. I was surprised to learn that it is not being held at Gordon Tech High School this time. The new location is at Cicero Stadium. No news on why there's been a change of venue. Gordon Tech had the advantage of extra parking over St. Andrew's Gym, but the setup for spectators was a little too tight. I'm hoping that won't be a problem at Cicero Stadium.