Showing posts with label Rogers Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rogers Park. Show all posts
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Good News At The Top of the Year
The photo above is from my high school's annual alumni holiday party that took place late last month. The lady standing to my right has been a friend of mine since we met on the first day of Kindergarten in September of 1966. She got on me -- and probably rightfully so -- when she learned of my recent health problems with my back. "I told you! That's what you get for all that boxing," she said. Maybe boxing did contribute to some of it. I'll find out after I get an MRI later this month.
Ariel finally re-signed up for the teen boxing class. I was so happy she did that; y'all just don't know. She's my best fighter right now. It'll be her, Maz, and Donovan (who I switched to the teen class because of his height and weight) in class together. They will come in the door already knowing the routine. All I have to is to convince a few more teens to sign up.
There are eight kids that will start this week in the 12 and under class. That class is more than half full, and I'm satisfied with that. However, the only familiar name in the class at the moment is my favorite pigeoned-toed guy, James. His father came in last week to sign him up. I explained to him that the only reason James didn't get any park district fights was because the other coaches were concerned about his son hurting their fighters during bouts. James is bigger than average nine-year-olds and he still needs to lose between 20 to 30 pounds. "It's hard to get a kid to lose five pounds," his dad told me. Between James' parents and I, we'll work on the weight issue.
Do you know this blog was used against me when I was fired from a job I had at a neighborhood church four years ago? The pastor there didn't like that I aired my grievances against him during our conflicts. I did go back and edit some of the entries, but I shouldn't have done that. My blog, my thoughts. I write what I want. "I have freedom of speech," I snapped at him during a meeting where he manipulated the congregation into also revoking my 30-plus-years membership. Well, at the top of this year, I received news that pastor has resigned. Actually, it was suggested that a resignation would look better on his resume than to have been fired, which was definitely going to happen. I gloated for a minute because payback is a bitch. I learned some time ago that all I have to do is wait, and I will see misfortune visited upon those who messed with me. There's no doubt that the guy brought all of this on himself. But it's also sad. Pushing fifty years of age with no job, has a wife at home that he refuses to let work (and unfortunately, she likes being a Stepford wife), with two young kids to take care of at that? Wow. Now he knows what it is to be counted out.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Boxing Frustrations Galore
As I watched the 12 years and under class as they leaned on the ring ropes, I wondered to myself, "What am I going to do with this group?" It's just about middle of April, and the park district boxing shows are closer than the kids think. Yet I seem to be facing one obstacle after another in getting kids ready for competition.
The other day, I found a mouthpiece on the floor in the men's washroom. I had given out a couple of mouthpieces to kids who didn't have them. I threw that mouthpiece out, thinking it couldn't be saved nor cleaned properly because it had been on the washroom floor. The following day, Suave told me his mouthpiece probably slipped out of his backpack, because he couldn't find it. The one I threw away was probably his. But I have no more mouthpieces to give out at the moment. I'm waiting for the ones the park district ordered to come in. In the meantime, Suave won't be allowed to spar until he has a mouthpiece.
Jermaine's whining and slacking off have become highly annoying. His mother usually comes to the gym with him, and Jermaine doesn't listen to her anymore than he does to me. Finally, I told Jermaine that he needs to stop giving his mother word-for-word every time she tells him something. "I would have been laid out on the floor if I was always talking to my mother like that," I said. Yet Jermaine's mouth kept running.
Both Jermaine and Davon shrink when they are sparring. As soon as the pressure is put on them, they sink into the ropes, turn their backs on the other person, and drop their hands. "The other person is not going to stop throwing punches because y'all did," I keep telling them. The fact the kids keep doing that tells me I'm not being heard.
Ben, who's in the teen class, has been doing the same thing lately. This has been especially true when he has to face Xavier. I get the feeling that Ben always wants to "win" his sparring matches. No matter how many times I explain to all that sparring is practice, it just falls on deaf ears.
Justen got in the ring to spar with TJ and then stopped in the middle of sparring. "I forgot I shouldn't be sparring today because I have a knot on my head," he said. I was irritated, but I was too frustrated to argue. "Just come out of the ring," I grumbled.
Shynla, who hasn't been in the gym in over a week, decided to show up on a sparring day. I couldn't work with her because I had to deal with the issues the other kids had with sparring. I didn't ask either her, or her dad who was with her why she had been absent for several days. I hoping that both understand that she's not going to learn the sport well if she's only showing up to class here and there.
Of course, she's not the only one. In addition to the ones whom I've never seen in the class, there are several others in all three of the classes who keep doing the "now you see me, now you don't" routine. None of the teens showed up yesterday, and Bennie, who is in the adult class, showed up after being AWOL for several days.
A woman who has been telling me for about a year that she was going to sign up for the adult class, finally did so. "Can I bring my kids in here?" she asked. I believe she has four of them. Suspecting that she might want to have the kids work out with her, I explained that the kids can't be in the gym when the adults are there. Then she tells me she can't show up every day. I don't know, y'all, but if I'm paying for a class, I'm going to be there every time the doors are open. I like to get my money's worth when I'm paying for anything. But maybe others just don't feel like I do.
Then I was late the other day to the field house. It's a long ride from Rogers Park all the way to Austin, and if CTA does anything wrong, I'm jacked up. As soon as I got there, the field house supervisor told me the parents were grumbling. Steve explained to them that I was on public transportation. From what he told me, that didn't go over well. If those parents are driving everywhere, of course, they didn't want to hear that. Most who drive have zero sympathy for those who have to deal with public transportation problems. My reaction is usually to ignore drivers' lack of understanding about that, because, honestly. . . .unless they are going to buy me a car and pay all the expenses involved with that, I really don't want to hear their opinions.
I want things to work. But when everybody else ain't on board. . . sigh.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Wiping Out Headgear
In this photo, Alan schools some of the new people who signed up for the fall boxing session at Loyola Park. I recognized one new face as Chris, a guy who owns a computer repair shop in Rogers Park.
I had a lot of energy for some reason last night, but I didn't spar. Instead, I watched as Alan and Gabe sparred. Gabe wore no headgear, but Alan put on the hockey mask type headgear that Kevin left behind a few years ago. He asked me to take it off of him and wipe it out between rounds. "This gets so hot," he said. I need new headgear, but having worn that particular headgear before, I would never buy that design. Headgear is hot enough without also feeling like I'm in a cage.
Kathy and Celeste sparred. I didn't get a chance to ask Celeste if she'd had some prior experience. It sure looked like she did. Celeste had to work harder to fend off Kathy's long arms and the punches at the end of them, but she did fine. Kathy showed more confidence in the ring.
Gabe wondered if there had been anyone at the recent Loyola Park boxing show that could have matched up with him. The only adult I remember participating in the show was Kathy. All the guys who fought were under eighteen years of age. "It's just as well that I didn't make it to the show," Gabe said. It's not that Gabe wasn't able to be matched up with people at other shows. But Gabe is very tall and lanky, and that build is often hard to find among other fighters in the Chicago Park District.
In a few days, the private boxing show at Fernando's gym in Evanston will take place. I'm going to attend regardless if have any fighters from LaFollette Park with me.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Father and Son Boxing
I sparred with Kathy at Loyola Park, and nearly tripped and fell over my own feet. My hands are always able to cooperate, but my knees don't agree. Alan told me to cut off the ring on her, which wasn't easy. For the most part, I kept planting myself in the middle of the ring to try to keep the action there.
Alan went a few hard rounds with Connor. Alan's son, Matt, was watching from ringside. "Is he doing this because I'm here?" Matt grinned. Alan was popping Connor with vicious hooks, then Alan caught the younger man in the gut. Connor was bent over. They were scuffling in the corners, too. Connor caught Alan with some full-on jabs and rights.
Matt got into the ring with his dad, and as you can see from the photo above, Matt was not wearing headgear.
They rumbled around the ring for a few rounds, then stepped back into the ring later for a second sparring session. They were all up in the corners and on the ropes. Alan was bouncing off of the ropes; Matt was blocking a lot of punches. As Matt was stepping out of the ring after their last session, Alan held up his hand in victory. Matt didn't see the gesture, but I did. I was laughing.
Matt gave me some good advice about some supplements I can take to help with my arthritis. I take glucosamine for my knees. Matt said that would help rebuild cartilage, but not do much about the daily pain that I feel. I'm willing to try anything that will help me to move better when I walk and run.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Sparring Last At Loyola
Looks like Justin will have another fight, this time at Seward Park. Alan's going to try to get Geniece a fight there, too. If I can make it over there to see that boxing show, I'll go. Depends on what my schedule will be out at La Follette, where I start tomorrow. I have to go in early to meet with Dave, the field house supervisor, to work things out.
It was kind of quiet in the gym in the beginning. Octavio and I were the only ones in the gym until John came in. Eventually others trickled in. Josh came in to work out, probably for the last time due to the fact Josh is going to start law school soon.
John and Keith trade jabs in this photo.
John and Procoro (I kept referring to Procoro as Juan -- my bad) face off in the ring.
John gives tips to Geniece while they spar.
Alan put me in with Geniece. I sure hope she gets a fight at Seward Park. I feel sorry for the other person who steps in the ring with her. Geniece's punches are no joke.
I also sparred with Octavio. I wasn't hitting him hard, but he got me in the ribs with a right. Then, I was stunned by a jab to my mouth. Octavio's confidence is growing by the day.
Diana and I pose at ringside in this shot. She had sparred with John earlier. Everybody kept telling me it's going to be very different without me being at Loyola. I'm going to have just as much of an adjustment getting used to La Follette. Glad that I was around Alan and Steve before him; I'm going to be using what I learned from them at the new gym.
John and I hug after our sparring session, which was the last one of the evening.
I'll probably not have La Follette Gym open during breaks, so I'll be visiting Loyola Park to see people and work out during those times. Gotta keep up with my original home base!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Long and Short of Sparring
Justin did have a fight at Sheridan Park last week, but Justin didn't win. "My girl said I won, Alan said I did good, even the referee thought I won. So what does that tell you?" he told me while we waited for Alan to get to the gym. When Alan got there, we all learned that the guy Justin faced was several pounds heavier. Justin said he was going to train harder because he wants a rematch.
Ken sparred with Justin, and had his hands down too much. Then Nick sparred with Justin and kept putting his head down whenever Justin came in with a barrage of punches. Alan was shaking his head a lot as he watched the action. Most of the instructions were given to Nick and Ken as to how to deal with Justin's punches. Nick caught a hard jab, and Ken caught a hard right.
Jesus and Juan sparred, but briefly. Juan got tired easily after pressure was put on him.
Diana and Melinda had a short sparring session, too. Melinda caught a jab in the middle of her face, and she returned fire with a heavy right. It rocked Diana, and she had to stop and gather herself. Diana wondered why the hit was so hard. Melinda explained that she just returned the force that she had been given. No malice intended. Melinda and I explained that happens a lot -- both parties go light until someone decides to hit hard, then it's on.
Melinda also sparred with Jesus, who was very good at slipping and dodging her incoming punches. I kept telling her to get close enough to land some punches.
Octavio sparred with Jesus, and Octavio is steadily improving. Alan can never get Octavio's name right. "Octavia!" Alan kept saying. When I corrected him, Alan said, "You know I'm not good with names. I can't even remember my name sometimes!"
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
Justin's Ready For A Fight
In this photo, there's a crowd at ringside as Justin and Nick spar. Before getting into the ring, Nick asked me to give him some tips. "Justin kicked my ass the last time," Nick said. "Got that right," I said without thinking. "I'm sorry!' I said, but Nick waved me off. "No, don't worry about it because it was true," he said.
Nick was better prepared this time around. Justin threw a flurry of lefts and rights that frustrated Nick. Nick stopped for a moment, but he continued on.
Justin also sparred with Ken. Alan talked to Justin about sparring tomorrow at Sheridan Park, so the sparring was a warm up for the fight Justin may get. Alan kept telling Justin to go easy after Ken ate a few hard punches including an uppercut to the chin.
Justin's buddies were taping their friend's sparring and cheering him on.
Geniece came in, but she couldn't spar because she hurt her right hand. A door slammed on it. Luckily, no bones were broken. Diana didn't want to spar, so I had no opportunity to get into the ring.
Mary congratulated me on getting the coach's job at La Follette Park. Yesterday, I told Barry and Jilberto who congratulated me as well. Others in the gym said they were sorry to see me go, but were happy that I got the job. Still no word on when I start over there yet. It might not be until next month when the fall session begins.
Monday, August 04, 2014
A Change In Focus
Alan focuses on a sparring session while Justin's friends -- he brought in two more to add to the entourage --stand nearby and keep up a running commentary. Moments earlier, Alan commented that there were more of Justin's friends in the gym than the regular participants. It had been raining on and off all afternoon, so that may have kept some people away. Rachel came in with her adorable two year old daughter and a French exchange student who is staying with her for awhile, but they didn't stay.
Justin sparred with Alan, but unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of that. Justin was throwing a lot of uppercuts to Alan's middle and delivering a lot of jabs. Alan put pressure on Justin, backing him up. Justin fell, but not because of being hit. Justin quickly flipped up onto his feet as his friends cheered him on.
Nick sparred with Jesus and did well. Jesus did very well, too, moving in and out, and throwing punches with good precision. Both guys were bleeding a little. However, I was surprised when Nick was the first one to draw blood.
I sparred with Octavio, and we went light. Well. . .I went light. Alan told Octavio, "Hit her! She can take it!" We did a couple of rounds.
I told Alan, "I'm breaking up with you." "You got the job? Good for you!" he smiled. I turned in paperwork -- you know, copies of my Social Security card, W-2 form, etc. -- to the main Chicago Park District office earlier today. I'm going in for a drug test and getting fingerprinted tomorrow. I'll be the coach of a boxing program at a field house near the old neighborhood I grew up in on the west side. Ought to be interesting.
That means this blog will change in the near future. I probably won't change the name since it's been that since 2005, but the focus will be a little different.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Wet Gloves
Justin arrived at the gym with his girl and his girl's friend again. The girls got to see quite a show. First, Justin was showing out on the heavy bag. Then, as seen in the photo above, he got in the ring with Jason. Again Justin was encouraging Jason to move around and throw punches. But Jason gave up after one round.
Then Justin had a sparring session with Alan. Justin was doing double and triple jabs. Alan got caught with something and nearly fell. Justin took some hits, and narrowly avoided some other hits that might have did some major damage. He had nothing but praise for Alan afterwards. "Alan hits very good for an old man," Justin said. Alan grinned.
Melinda and I sparred, and she's very good at defense. I could barely get any punches in. I ended up slipping and falling a couple of times. My left knee just decided to go out. Alan told me that I could barely walk, but I was sparring -- why? "By sheer determination," I answered after I got up off the canvas.
Rachel and Melinda sparred last, and it took awhile to get started. Rachel had on bag gloves at first, and those had to be changed. The next pair of gloves were frayed on the inside, so she couldn't get her hand all the way inside one of them. Nick offered to lend her his pair, but they were sweaty on the inside. "No, I don't want to do wet gloves," Rachel said. I've gotten so used to sticking my hands inside sweaty sparring gloves that it doesn't phase me anymore. I have hand gel in my locker, and I wash my hands when I get home. But Rachel wasn't having it. Finally, we found a pair of gloves, and the sparring session went on.
Earlier in the day, I went to check out Bridgeport Boxing Club, a new spot not far from where the White Sox play. My intent was to see if I could sell them something -- I was working in the field, after all -- but I also wanted to see the gym. It's a new place, down the street from where Sam's old gym was located before it moved. Rita is the mom of the manager, and her son-in-law owns the place and coaches. We had a good conversation. I told her I learned about the place from "Fearless" Fernando, a former professional boxer who now is a trainer and works there. I'll have to come back there, buy a day pass, and do a workout sometime.
Monday, July 28, 2014
A Cool Day To Box
It's supposed to be summer, however, the sun was out, but the heat wasn't up. I was going to turn on the fan in the gym, but the extra ventilation wasn't really needed.
Plenty of sparring action went on, with Justin, John, Nick, Melinda, Jesus, Jason, and Geniece as the participants.
Jason and Jesus's session ended quickly after Jason said "I'm having trouble breathing." Alan told Jason he had to pace himself.
Justin and Keith were both aggressive during their sparring session. Justin was pleased. He said during the session, "That's what I'm talking about! Finally!"
Melinda and Geniece went at it. Melinda was a little hesitant in throwing her punches fully out. Her and Geniece were hitting each other at the same time with jabs.
Later, John worked the punch mitts with Justin. The two girls standing on the apron of the gym? One was Justin's girlfriend. I wasn't sure who the other girl was; perhaps a friend of Justin's girl.
John called me out -- for sparring, that is -- the next time we're in the gym. The next time, I'll be able to use my new mouthpiece.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Octavio Steps Into The Ring
In the hallway outside the gym lay the "Roger" bag, battered and bashed up. The photo above is of the heavy bag that was hung to replace it. I'm guessing the bag was hung up sometime on Tuesday when the kids were using the gym. Because I rather not be reminded of the odious person I named the previous bag after, the new bag will remain nameless.
In this shot, Kenny and Nick stand on the apron of the ring watching Colonel and Ken sparring. Colonel's doctor said he could step up his exercise routine, but to be careful. Colonel thought he was being knocked around a lot by Ken, but he did good.
Nick sparred with Ken, but I have no photos because I was taping on Nick's cell phone. Nick wanted to get an idea of what he needs to work on. I wish I had a video camera because I would tape everyone's sparring sessions so people could review them. It would be a great help.
Alan and Octavio sparred; it was Octavio's first time sparring. Alan went easy on him, but not too easy. Octavio wasn't throwing his punches out all the way, but after prompting from Alan, Octavio eventually did so.
I would have sparred, but neither Diana, Renee, or Rachel wanted to get into the ring. Truth be told, I probably had no business thinking about sparring. . . .my knees continue to bother me. I was pounding the pavement earlier looking for clients (I'm in sales), and my knees and feet don't seem to be able to take all the walking and standing anymore. That's really a concern, because I love to walk.
Josh came in with his two oldest children, a boy and a girl. I mock shadow boxed with the boy. Josh's daughter seemed to want to be somewhere else. She doesn't seem to have the enthusiasm for the sport like her brothers have. But just like last time, she asked very intelligent questions about boxing and the gym in general.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Colonel and I Agree On Pain
Colonel grumbled, "I thought I had Lyme's Disease because I was somewhere where there were a lot of ticks. But it's not that. I just hurt all over." I felt the same way. I must be used to chronic pain, because I feel some sort of pain every day. My knees are very stiff and sore, my right shoulder hurts, the right side of my neck hurts. . . .it never seems to stop.
Alan convinced Joseph to spar with Keith. "That was quite the workout," Joseph grinned afterwards.
Keith also sparred with Ken. I think they only did two rounds. I saw Ken wave his hands when Alan asked if he wanted to do another round.
Alan put Geniece in with Jesus, and they did not hold back much on each other.
Ugh. I really need to take some aspirin and lay down. . . .
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Geniece and Melinda's Sparring War
Jason plays around for the camera in this shot.
Geniece and Melinda sparred, and both of them hit hard. Several times, they threw jabs at each other that landed simultaneously. Their heads were being popped back, and I winched. That sparring session was a bit of a war for three rounds. Melinda was exhausted afterwards, but she lasted.
I sparred with Geniece next. I was backed into the ropes many times, and once, my glove got wrapped up in the ropes. Twice I was knocked down; the second time I thought I was going to do a full split as I tried to stop myself from hitting the canvas. Then Geniece caught me in my left side with a bruising right hook. She's definitely a pressure fighter.
Alan asked both Geniece and Melinda if they wanted to fight in a bout that taking place at the Daley Plaza next week. Melinda wasn't sure, but Geniece is interested. Boxing at Daley Plaza has been done before. This year, I'd like to see it in person.
Nick wanted to get a little revenge on Alan. The last time they sparred, Nick ended up with a black eye. But they didn't get a chance to spar this time around. In the photo, Alan shows Nick how to block punches.
Now my lower back is hurting. Sigh. . .Colonel said what he always says, "getting old sucks". I was tempted to agree with him. It's not so much that I mind growing old. I'm sure I'm one of few women who actually appreciates having gray hair. What bothers me is not being able to do some things like I used to and not recovering quickly anymore from injuries. I'm sure that body shot from Geniece is really going to bother me during work tomorrow.
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