Sunday, December 03, 2006

I love Christmas

Christmas is one of my very favorite times of year. Everything is so sparkly and houses are decked out in lights. The smell of evergreen trees and pinecones, wassail, filling stockings, thinking of others and buying them gifts you can't wait for them to open, etc. It's also about family, and while I'll miss being with my family this year, we're excited to be with the Romneys.

I've been reminiscing on Christmases past, so here are some pics.

A long long time ago... just look at Nate, Jake, and Meliss!

The Christmas Matt and I were dating

Ahhhh -and who can forget the Christmas day we spent at Disneyland with Nathan in a wheelchair (which means the front of every line!) because a piece of a bullet was lodged in his knee?

Sam's first Christmas. He was such a little fella then!

Matt's and my first Christmas tree together.

Spending Christmas with the Romneys in Utah - aren't those cute nieces and nephew there?

The Christmas we spent a weekend in NYC. It was PACKED.

And... Matt's best impression of Napoleon Dynamite on Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle said...

Don't forget how it POURED rain that Christmas we went to Disneyland!! Cute little NaNa and JQ!!! They used to be such wee little lads!