Thursday, November 30, 2006

To Appease the Leese

Lisa Michelle has been adamant that I'm slacking in my posts. So.... with a few pics of our little Leese over the years, here's what I've been doing the last few days.

This week has been wild. Sam had a doctor's appointment where he got a flu shot and vaccines, and then had to have blood drawn. Since it is apparently so difficult to find a vein on our little son, they ended up pricking his finger and pulling the blood out drop by drop to fill 2 viles. Let's just say it was a miserable experience for Sam and his parents.

Wreathmaking was that evening, and I was busy making sausage and potato soup. Now, while this soup was delicious (I'm sure anyone who tried it would confirm that!), it is HIGHLY UNHEALTHY. I couldn't bear to have any that evening because I knew what was in it! Too much fat! Surprisingly, I do very well eating lots of unhealthy things whose ingredients are unknown to me.

Transporting that soup in my crock pot to the church was also an adventure since it sloshed and spilled at the least little bump. Anyone who has driven in Massachussetts knows that I hit about 35 billion bumps between here and the church (~ 2 miles). Ick. It was a mess.

Somehow, my name had appeared on the Wreathmaking cleanup committee (although I know I didn't sign up for that!) so I stayed and cleaned up afterwards and didn't arrive home until midnight. The following morning at 9:30am was my presidency meeting for which I was still unprepared.

Suffice it to say, it's been a wild week. However, I've learned a few things.

1 - Seeing your child in pain is much worse than being in pain yourself.
2 - Serving, no matter how or even if you didn't sign up for it, is a blessing always. After all, I brought home extra food and drinks. :)
3 - What a wonderful thing to have your child adore you no matter how frazzled you feel. Cuddling with Sam and watching 10 minutes of Sesame Street was my favorite part of the day yesterday.


Lisa Michelle said...

well gee, I just don't know what to say.... it was nice to see a pic of pre-preggo hair. reminds me that all these millions of stick-up hairs at the front of my head are temporary. :) Sorry to hear about the soupy car spills.

ps - marse, you look great in a leotard and floppy hat. you oughta try that look more often!!!

Jared said...

Marci, I think you need to post more pictures of you and Lisa. Those are great. May you have a Merry Christmas and may a lot of people bring really fattening treats to your house so you don't know the ingredients but enjoy the food!