BookEnds Author Speed Date
Name (the one you’re published under): Elizabeth Lynn Casey
Speed date Bio (one or two lines): Elizabeth Lynn Casey is the author of the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series with Berkley Prime Crime.
Web Link:
Next Book, pub date: Deadly Notions, April 2011
Agent: Jessica Faust
About Me
Real Name or Pseudonym: Actually, Elizabeth Lynn Casey is a pseudonym for mystery-writing me. I also write under Laura Bradford (real name) for romance.
Currently Reading: Summer Hideaway by Susan Wiggs
Next on Your Reading List: While I have a sky-high pile next to my bed, I’m eyeballing the calendar for Emily Giffin’s next release date (LOVE her).
Facebook or Twitter (include account name): Both. I have a fan page on Facebook (Elizabeth Lynn Casey) and I tweet under ElizabethLCasey.
Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mary Higgins Clark, Emily Giffin
Jet-setter or armchair traveler: Jet-setter (although my “jet-setting” hasn’t taken me out of the country yet—one day).
Glass ½ full or ½ empty: ½ full. It’s either that or never leave my bed.
Tea or Coffee: Um, can I request a third choice? Hot chocolate, perhaps?
Live to write or Write to live: Live to write and, as a result, I write to live.
About My Writing
When (time of day) I write: Morning.
Writing soundtrack: These days? Silence.
Character Inspirations: The voices in my head decide.
Plot Inspirations: The quick little newsbites on the radio.
Setting Inspirations: Places I’ve been, even if briefly.
Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants): Primarily a Pantser.