Monday, November 7, 2011
Available in stores now
As you could tell by my previous post I was super beyond excited by this book, and once again a huge THANK YOU to HarperCollins for sending it to me.
The book opens with an update, of sorts, on Dorothy with her Auntie Em and Uncle in the city. Her Aunt and Uncle keep making reference to her time in Oz as a delusion, and they are doing every thing they can to help her to "forget" her time there.
Then it jumps to my absolute favourite part of the entire book... Glinda is under house arrest and my god that woman is funny. I was reading the first 1/3 of this book in total glee, and inhaling every word with absolute happiness. Glinda is a hysterical character, and even if you have not read any of the books, if you saw the musical "Wicked" you will know what I mean. She is desperately trying to cling on to any respectable hoity toitiness she can muster, and she is not having any luck. Her "capture" General Cherrystone provides some sexual tension which is always an added bonus. Among Glinda's household minions is Rain. She is the grandaughter of Elphaba, and daughter of Liir and Candle, but she does not know it yet. Meanwhile, Glinda uncovers a mysterious and rather large tome known as the Grimmerie. This book is not unlike The Clock of the Time Dragon in that it seems to be alive and have its own mind, so to speak. Glinda cannot seem to get the book to reveal anything handy, until Rain gets ahold of it. Suddenly it comes alive in her hands and they are able to read only one spell out of the book, which comes in handy a little later.
Oz is in a state of major conflict, and as Glinda's world is further and further shrunken down until she is only able to live in her bedroom, there comes a visitor. The Clock of the Time Dragon rolls into town and she arranges a performance for the troops where the dragon and its cast mates put on a play that is more prophecy than performance.
As the prophecy fortold, Glinda and Rain are able to stave off a massive attack by the military and Rain is able to make a run for it , Grimmerie in hand, with the odd ball bunch traveling with The Clock. The Cowardly Lion, Brr with his human wife, and the cranky Mr. Boss, etc.
Even as I was reading the Glinda section I worried that she would disappear and no longer be the person from whom the story is told. And sadly that is exactly what happened. Once Glinda was gone the book took a turn for the worse and there was no climbing back. Suddenly I was on a lonely road with a bunch of extremely dull people, animals and creatures yammering on an on and nothing ever happened.
This is where I put the book down, I'm sorry to say. I will not be doing a giveaway of this book as I think that for me to giveaway a book I have to be super excited about it.
It's always difficult when you are sent a review copy of a book and then you really do not like what you read in it.
I am a huge fan of Maguire's books and always will be, but so far this ranks as one of my least favourites of his.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
SO, a little while ago I opened an email from HarperCollins (who I LOVE... and officially want to marry, but I'll get to that in a minute)...that said they were offering review copies of this.....
Yes, it is the LAST book in the Gregory Maguire Oz series!!!! Okay, plug your ears...
For those of you that have not heard of Gregory Maguire and all of his total awesomeness, you can read my ravings of his first in the series here... and then I read and reviewed the second one (Son of a Witch) and you can read all about that here... and then there was the third one. Let me just say, it was the weirdest of the three, and by weird I mean DISTURBING. And I really did not like it at all, okay, I liked it AT FIRST, but then the last 1/2 was just way to out there for me. In fact I disliked it so much that I did not even bother to write a review about it, apparently. But I have loved all of Maguire's other books. The only one I have not read it Lost, mainly because I am a big fat giant chicken and it is super duper scary and creepy.
I went to see Wicked the musical and loved it. I felt it was a completely true adaptation of the book, which is a feat in and of itself let me tell you! And even if you had NOT read the book, I've been told people loved it just as much.
ANYway... now on to the latest offering by Gregory Maguire.. AKA- GENIUS. A couple of weeks ago I was sent an email asking me if I would like to review a copy of Out of Oz, and I had to send some stats about my blog, which was almost like math, so that was kind of sucky. BUT, today... and BY COURIER I might add, IT CAME!!!! And it is so beautiful I can't stop staring at it.
See, here's the thing. When you've had a book blog for awhile, and if you have awesome followers who stick around (have I told you lately how much I love you?) you get sent books. Sometimes a lot of books. And btw, I'M NOT COMPLAINING! I feel very fortunate to be a blog that people like to send books to. I get mostly unsolicited books, but sometimes that works out just dandy because then I find absolute gems like Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices trilogy (I'm reading ARC Clockwork Prince as we speak!), and the Leviathan trilogy. But sometimes there are books that for whatever reason I just don't like or can't get into, and they kind of pile up all around me like giant guilt bombs waiting to go off. So, to get an offer like this one, an offer of a book that I really really really want to read, AND that I would have asked for for Christmas sent to me for review is just so friggen awesome. It is released on November 1st, and it is a huge book, about 1/3 thicker than the other 3 so I am going to hopefully get it read by that date.
Once my review is up and posted, HarperCollins Publishers has generously offered to do a GIVEAWAY OF A COPY OF THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thaaaaaat's right, you my lovely wonderful readers are going to have a chance at winning a copy of this gorgeous book!
Meanwhile, here is the book trailer for Out of Oz, which is very well done...
Have an awesome night!
Friday, August 21, 2009
REVIEW OF WICKED by Gregory Maguire
Wicked is one of those books that stays with you for a long time. To be fair, I read this book a few years ago, but it is still one of my all time favs and I love sharing it with people who may have not given it a try yet.
The thing with Gregory Maguire is that he loves to take fairytales or fables and highlight a character that is not traditionally the "hero" of the story. In this case, this is the story of the "Wicked Witch of the West" and how she came to be so "wicked". Believe it or not you will learn to love and even feel empathy for Elphaba the wicked witch, and understand why she was such a twisted and disturbed individual. You will also get to know Dorothy, and her travel companions in a totally new way, as well as a whole host of wild and weird creatures that inhabit the world of Oz. And a strange place it is. At times you feel slightly disturbed and unsettled while reading, and other times you laugh out loud. As in this, my favourite scene from the whole entire novel.
The set-up: Elphaba was born not only green but with an enormous set of razor sharp teeth to which she would set upon innocent bystanders from time to time. Concerned that she was creating an anti-social child, her mother Melena and Nanny decide to put Elphaba in a playgroup of sorts. And here is what happens:
(page 51)
"No throwing, Elphie dear," called Nanny.
"I'm only saying what I hear. They say at night that Quadlings fall asleep and their souls climb out through their mouths and go abroad."
"Stupid people say a lot of stupid things," Melena was curt and too loud. "I have never seen his soul climb out of his mouth while he was sleeping, and I've had plenty of opportu-"
"Darling, no rocks," shrilled Nanny. "None of the other children have rocks."
"Now they do," observed Gawnette.
"He is the most sensitive person I've ever met," said Melena.
"Sensitive isn't much use to a fishwife," said Gawnette. "How about to a minister and a minister's wife?"
"Now there's blood, how vexing," said Nanny. "Children, let Elphie up so I can wipe that cut. And I didn't bring a rag, Gawnette?"
"Bleeding is good for them, makes them less hungry," said Gawnette.
"I rate sensitive a good sight higher than stupid," said Melena, seething.
"No biting," said Gawnette to one of the little boys, and then, seeing Elphaba open her mouth to retaliate, raised herself to her feet, bad hip or no, and screamed,"no biting, for the love of mercy!"
"Aren't children divine?" said Nanny.
The world that Gregory Maguire paints is vivid, unique and not at all like you probably have envisioned Oz. But you will never forget it, mark my words. I loved this book. Probably because it was so fresh and new and different. The words that Maquire uses are astonishing as are the names of his characters. I have the second book now "Son of a Witch", which I am now reading and will review when I'm done. There is also a third in the trilogy called "A Lion Among Men" which follows the cowardly lions story.