Showing posts with label mormon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mormon. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TEASER TUESDAY and award for my 10 yr old daughters new blog!

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading and anyone can play! 

  • Grab your current read
  • flip to a random page
  • select two teaser sentences
  • try not to include ANY SPOILERS!
  • don't forget to include the name of the book and author so we can all add it to our morbidly obese TBR piles!
I am still reading The 19th Wife, it is a fantastic read and I am finding the parts that flash back to 19th centure Mormonism with the storylines involving the wives and even several wives of Brigham Young himself FASCINATING! 

Here it is: (there was a theatre in the great Mormon city founded by Birgham young, this teaser is taken within a discussion of the types of plays that were put on there)

There was also, for at ime, a prohibition against sentimental romances that glorified monogamous love.  I remember one evening when a Saint of about seventy stood up in his seat and hollered, "I ain't sitting through no play where a man makes such a cussed fuss over ONE woman."

For more Teaser Tuesdays click here.

In celebration of my beautiful girl starting her very own book blog, I am giving her the HAPPY 101 award--- CONGRATULATIONS ELLIE and WELCOME TO THE BOOK BLOG WORLD! 

The winner of this award must list 10 things that make them the most happy in the world!  Then you must pass it along to at least one other person.  :0)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Back to work on a film adaptation!

Good morning everyone!  Once again I have been a deliquent blogger.....gack!  I have been very busy working on training my dog for film work, and in the mean time my husband and I are both going to be working on the film adaptation of "The 19th Wife" by David Ebershoff.  We will be shooting for a month sometime in June.  I have no idea who will be in it, but it is a movie for the Lifetime Network. 

 I am beyond excited to finally be working again, and even as I type these words I can hear my two children fighting over what to watch on TV (and since they are 3 and 10 it makes for very interesting and ear splitting arguing) it just makes me even more excited to be with grown-ups for awhile.  I won't be working with animals, I'll be doing my regular thing of 3rd Assistant Directing, which means I'll be co-ordinating the actors work day along with a bunch of other production stuff I have to do.  It has been a looong time since I have been able to work, and my parents have generously offered to move our girls into thier house for the duration of filming (except on weekends when they come home).

The book looks really good, and I may pick it up in the next day or so just to read it for my own interests as I love historical fiction.  And actually, I just found out it is Kindle ready, so I'll just buy it on that!  WOOT! 

The winners of my contest have all contacted me, and my grand prize winner managed to order 6 books with her 50 bucks!!!  Fantastic!