Showing posts with label liar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liar. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton and the KKK

After watching the video below I feel more like Hillary Clinton should have been jailed a long time ago. There has been too much said against her for all of it to be just rumors. She also has proven herself to be a liar. Landing under sniper fire in the former Yugoslavia when it was proven that there wasn’t any sniper fire. This woman is not to be believed in anything she says. I find her to be a compulsive liar given everything that has been reported and contradicted by others either by video or just audio. How can a person like that be allowed to run for the presidency?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mr. Donald Trump

I’ve been listening to Donald Trump whenever he make some kind of statement. By what reporters would write about him and also Mrs. Clinton, it looks like the citizens can’t make up their mind as to who would be the best one to be president. I don’t blame the citizens for a couple of reasons as to why they would be confused.

I will start with Mr. Trump. This man seems to be truthful in his statements even though he does quite a bit of flip flopping in some of his statements. He seems to be a person dedicated to the nation of the USA and of its people. But his ego seems to be just as bad as Obama's and the people all over the world, especially the leaders have seen how a person with a big ego can be in making decisions - they're usually bad decisions.

When an important decision needs to be made and the person deciding has a big ego, he or she will ignore reality because to that person the decision that should be made is contrary to what he or she is thinking or wants, or wants people to think of him or her. You people in the USA have a good example of that with Obama. A person with a big ego means "do as I say and not as you would have wanted it to be". In other words do as I say or suffer the consequences because I’m the boss and not you. Obama has stated himself that he would stand for the Muslims if he had to and not with the people of the USA. Mr. Trump I’m sure he would stand for the people of the USA but with his ego he could also be a dangerous person to the whole world because his ego could put him in a bad position. And if his ego is challenged he could push that red button that could be the end of this world.

Mrs. Clinton (if enough of what has been reported about her is true) is a liar and completely not trustworthy. I have to say you people have a big problem come election time. I know some will say I'm only a Canadian so don’t pay attention to what I write about America. Yes, someone will say that. But anything that smells rotten in the USA the smell also seeps onto this side of the border and there are just as many gullible people per capita here as there are in the USA. So what happens there matters here, and we just like Americans we don't need another lousy president in America. That's especially so since we decided to give ourselves the gift of a lousy Prime Minister.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to become a proficient liar.

If you’re interested in becoming a proficient liar, you can take a course on line free of charge. Here is what you do. Open any website that has American news 24 hours a day and listen carefully to most politicians when they are asked questions in regards to the president’s actions or statements. Now if it happens to be a liberal that is asked questions, you will be provided with different lies on the same question. Whenever I go to a site that has the news, especially any sites that report on what is going on in the USA, I tend to think of Santa Claus' eindeer. The one that has the red nose the leader (that would be president Obama) and the others (all his followers and henchmen). The rest of the reindeer are afraid to tell the truth. I guess he has these butt kissers well trained.

Your course on how to become a proficient liar would end once Santa and his cohorts will be out of the White House.

I’m at an age that I can leave this world at any time but I hope to be here by the midterm elections in the United States.  I want to see how many of these butt kissers will get their walking papers. Then I still want to be here for the election in 2016.  That may be pushing it. But I want to see what happens.  As of now, I now seen a leaking ship without anyone at the rudder and that is causing that ship to sink (and a lot faster than we think). Right now I would say the sinking of that ship is about 90% under water. It will be a miracle if it can last another 2 years before being on the bottom of the ocean. With a good leader at the rudder the ship would be floating high. The leaks would get fixed. A lot of people were saying Mr. Bush was a warmonger but one thing about him cannot be denied - the USA had respect from its allies and they could depend on help if it was needed.

That is my rant of the day.
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