Watch this video if you are American, and do not vote for Hillary Clinton or you will destroy your country.
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Being an American
Am I ever glad I’m not an American at this time. Being an American at this time is very bad because of the election that’s going to happen to see who will be the next president. What is left is Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton. I would vote for Mr. Trump against my will. I figure it would be the lesser of two evils. As for Hillary there are so many things written against her that some of it has to be true. I put up a video of her destroying what they claim was evidence. My question would be why was she destroying it if there was nothing wrong? What about those lies about saying that she landed under fire and was told to run when everyone else was quiet and she had time to hug a kid? She was also shown to not be true by that video. No, to vote for her she would finish of the USA by continuing what Obama has started to do. Why so many people are voting for her I don’t know. The only thing I can see is that they don’t like their own country.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Hillary Clinton.
The other day on the internet I read this, “Hillary should have her health checked because of her coughing”.
I would say that it would be a waste of time as her coughing fits only happen when she is being a questioned about something that she doesn’t want to answer. Cough, cough, cough, translates into “I don’t have a lie for that one yet” I noticed that whenever she was questioned about something.
Oh she is sick alright. But it's a sickness in the damn head, where I believe Satan is probably hiding and telling her to keep on lying. She must have a low outlook of her fellow citizens thinking that they would believe all the lies that she blabbers out. I can’t believe the amount of people that still believe her because of the amount of people that will be voting for her and would like to see her become the president.
If she ever did become the president that would be the continuation of Obama's agenda and that would mean the end of America.
Now you Americans have a tough job ahead and it seems it will be between Clinton and Trump.
Myself if it was my choice I would worry more about doing away with the corruption that is going on now and I believe that Trump is the person for that.
After the corruption part is over with I will not even guess what will happen.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
The American way.
All I can say about the American way is that as it exists right now (not the original American way) is no way to have a government. The one that exist at this time is full of scandals, blackmail, secretive and full of lies and deceit to its citizens.
From the protection of terrorism, to covering up of knowing killers in Benghazi and to bribes, it is a sick and sorry state. Name it and it's all there in black and white. As far as I can remember reading news from the USA, things have never been so bad as they have ever since this supposed to be king Obama was elected.
He has turned this nation into a hellhole and into a non-God-fearing nation. People who used to believe in the 10 Commandments seem to have forgotten about them because of the damn garbage that this self elected king comes out with. He's even gotten to the point of twisting the meaning of certain parts of the Constitution to his advantage to get what he wants. Now it's not enough to have a self appointed king. By the looks of it, it seems that some people would prefer to have a certain woman as the next president who is or was a suck up to Obama. Electing her would be a continuance of Obama's agenda and that would really make the USA disappear off the planet as a meaningful power.
I'm assuming that she might be elected just so the nation can brag about having a woman elected as the first woman president like they did with Obama because he was black. Look what happened to the nation by voting based on skin colour rather than the person's character and track record. All I can say I'm glad I'm not an American citizen because as it stands at this time I surely wouldn't know who to vote for to become the next president.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Here we go again.
Now the end of America apparently will be in 2016 or 2017. I wrote a post about this foolishness yesterday. That should prove what I claimed which is that the internet is full of lies. People think of something then convince themselves that it’s the truth. It's just like Hillary Clinton does, lying to herself until she believes what she says is true. Then they decide to write it on the internet.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Hillary and Bill Clinton. Evil?
Hillary and Bill Clinton, are they Evil? I found this video today and from what I read before about those two, I would agree. They are evil. Just the same I will share the video for you people to watch and to make up your own minds. Here is the video.
I know this is a short rant but the video that is on here will make up for the shortness of it. I also ask that you pay special attention to everything that is said on the video. I would like to ask: do you think those are the kind of people you would like in the White House? Since Obama has taken down the nation to almost nothing, Hillary is just not an acceptable candidate as she is going to finish the job.
Hillary sold Uranium to the Russians. What else would she sell from the nation if she knew she could make quite a bit of cash from it? Being hungry for money like she appears to be it wouldn’t surprise me if she would try to sell the Statue of Liberty if she could make a buck out of it. I’ve watched her talk on videos and lie about quite a few subjects. There are countless examples of what she had said before and then denied it shamelessly later on.
She keeps proving what a liar she is. Evil I would say is a fair description of her. She’s the sister of Obama when it comes to lying and it still seems that a lot of people would like to see her in the White House. I would say to you people please don’t make the same mistake twice because electing that evil would be the last of the USA. Like I mentioned before I am a Canadian but what happens in the US also affects some people that are Liberals here or they could be called New Democrats there are no difference just the name. So don't elect an evil leader because her terrible ideas will spread here like an infection.
Okay, I guess this rant was not so short after all.
Okay, I guess this rant was not so short after all.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Hillary Clinton death spiral
An extra post today because I found this video interesting and thought I would share it with you.
Monday, July 4, 2016
You have a real problem
I would say that you Americans have a real problem in the coming election as to whom to vote for on as your next president.
Well maybe not. I talked about this on my other blog recently. I ran across a site that predicts that the last president ever will have been Obama. Yet there is another site that predicts that Mr. Trump will be your next president. Still another site that I’ve read indicates that Obama will cancel the election to get a third term and will declare Martial Law to do so. But there is also another site that says that God sees the USA as a second Sodom and Gomorrah and will burn it down because of all the corruption and sins that are being committed and exported out of the USA. I have recently commented on some of those sites but I couldn’t say very much because I believe most of them are just rumors or theories started by some individuals that didn’t have anything else to do. I can’t verify those opinions or thoughts with other sites. I did post a couple of sites on Facebook hoping to solicit opinions on what made the most sense but there was no reaction to them. So to me a lot of people do not believe in them (except for Obama cancelling the next election On that there seems to be a lot of chatter).
Now I entitled this post "You have a real problem". If all those sites are just rumors you still have a problem as to whom to choose as your next president.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton and the KKK
After watching the video below I feel more like Hillary Clinton should have been jailed a long time ago. There has been too much said against her for all of it to be just rumors. She also has proven herself to be a liar. Landing under sniper fire in the former Yugoslavia when it was proven that there wasn’t any sniper fire. This woman is not to be believed in anything she says. I find her to be a compulsive liar given everything that has been reported and contradicted by others either by video or just audio. How can a person like that be allowed to run for the presidency?
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
God’s punishment.
God’s punishment for America for the loss of faith and the belief in God and His Son, was to let Obama win the election. The punishment is not only for all the sins that exist in the USA but also all the sinful things exported out of the USA to all over the world.
I know some people will laugh when they read this but I would say how could Obama beat Hillary with all of her knowledge in what goes on in the White House? She was a first lady before when her husband Bill was president. So tell me how someone with no experience at all about what goes on in the White House able to beat her?
He must have had help from somewhere and the only help he could have had was from God just to teach the people the wrong that they were doing. The sins, the corruption and everything else that would be against Gods teachings according to the Ten Commandments have been largely ignored just for the enjoyment of life. So God let Lucifer (better known as Satan) win the election and this Satan’s name is Obama.
Hillary Clinton,
Monday, May 16, 2016
American politics
I don’t claim to know too much about American politics, and I don't wish you people any bad luck whatsoever. But something tells me that Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, it will be the end of the USA. I say this because she seems to have the exact same ideas as Obama and his policy of doing nothing good will not be changed.
I’m just wondering if she’s going to take up golfing.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
The world is laughing
Yes indeed, the world must be laughing at everything that’s being said by each candidate in the US elections. The stuff they say against each other so bad it's funny. I’m saying that’s because one says what he’s going to do if he gets elected to the presidency and then one or two of them always has something to say against whatever is mentioned by the first candidate. Also it seems like they are all trying to discredit each others reputations to discourage people from voting either for this one or that one.
In the meantime there isn’t too much talk about in foreign affairs or how they would prop up the economy and the creation of jobs. Now I don’t like to say this but there is one of them if elected who would be a dictator at the start. The way he talks and the way it’s said (as to what he would do), you people don’t need that type of person as president considering you would be doing away with one now that think that he is a king and is busy destroying the country. Why replace one problem with another?
Another one that I’ve listened to is Hillary Clinton. She would be a continuation of Obama's ideas of destroying the country and also leaning towards the dictator’s ways of doing things. If its true, everything that has been reported about her and still is, then her security pass should be taken away from her and she should be indicted for whatever crimes she is accused of having committed. If any of the accusations against her are true then she should be not even be allowed to be near the White House or be a contestant for the presidency. I say it because these days it’s hard to believe what is reported by the media in the USA, as they seem to be constantly taking sides on their reporting.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Friday, May 6, 2016
Hilda-beast Clinton
Hillary Clinton to my mind is a crook. I know this was a bit earlier and I'm a bit late to post on it, but I would rather post late on it than not point it out at all.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Hillary Clinton is a poor choice for president
Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for America. Here is why. After everything that has been reported about Hillary Clinton because of Benghazi and all the things she claimed on video and the situation with her e-mails on a private server is just too much smoker for there not to be a fire if you get my meaning.
I watched this video this morning and I would say if this is true she shouldn’t have been allowed to run for presidency and also she should have her security clearance revoked.
After opening this there were quite a bit of pictures of this woman on some she looks like a vampire on others she looks like a witch but the one that really got to me is a picture of her showing the sign of Lucifer - 2 middle fingers down with the index finger up and also the small finger up with the thumb crossing the ends of the 2 fingers that are down. Would this qualify a person to be president and also to be in possession of a security pass?
You can make up your mind by watching the video above.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Warning to Hillary
I can’t add anything to this.
Things could become very interesting if that was to happen.
This is my short rant of the day but watch the video.
Things could become very interesting if that was to happen.
This is my short rant of the day but watch the video.
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