Showing posts with label NDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NDP. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2015

Warning to Canadian voters

To all the people who will be voting in the upcoming Canadian election:

I would suggest that you read your newspaper and listen to the news. I get the impression that if either the Liberals or the N.D.P. get elected we will be paying forever in higher taxes and burdened with more spending and a loss of jobs because of the taxes that those two parties would be implementing. Businesses will reduce their work force in order to keep the profits that they are getting now, or else the prices of all goods will be raised and there could be more unemployed workers that would be going on the E.I. payroll and also welfare. In fact welfare recipients would become a majority instead of being a minority group.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Vote intelligently

Here are my reasons for saying telling Canadian voters to vote intelligently. Firstly, if the NDP are elected, Mulcair has in mind a cap and trade tax in the billions of dollars. Who is going to pay for that? We are. It's some grand scheme on a foolish questionable idea that in the end, just puts more burden on workers. The NDP claim to be the friend of labour, but this sort of thing proves they are all about government revenue, and not about people living pay cheque to pay cheque.

Secondly, the federal Liberals want to spend on this and that and also will poke their nose into what the government shouldn’t poke their noses into, and that is religion. For example, I read on Facebook this morning that the Liberals want to do away with the Bible on Amazon. Justin Trudeau has already stated that he is against Christianity. He is also a separatist and he would not fight against ISIS (just like Mulcair by the way). That tells me he is a sympathizer of radicals, or else doesn't understand the seriousness of the problem with radical terrorism.

I stated before that the Liberals and NDP are socialist and by their own statements they have proved it. Now is that the kind of people that we want to elect? Some people get sucked in by the promises of class warfare - the rich are evil so we should tax them more. But that is using the rich as a scapegoat for the failings of the nation - a nation run by, yes, the government. Mr. Harper is trying to keep taxes down and looking out for the security of the country. The other groups don’t seem to care about the security of the nation and its citizens as long as they can keep the wallets of the citizens empty they seem to be quite happy. If you want a government that is trying to save you money then you should vote for the Conservatives.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

NDP and Liberals are not the right choice.

I’m just wondering if these two parties - the Liberals and the NDP - know the difference between human, civilized Muslims and animal thug jihadist radical Muslims. On Facebook I shared what I had read on my timeline about those two parties. If the NDP or Liberals are elected in the next federal election, we can look forward to an influx of Muslims into this country. But that influx will include the good ones and the radical ones. It seems that they can’t tell the difference between the good Muslims and the radicals. In fact they act as if they were sympathizers of the radicals, without meaning to or not knowing the difference. I don’t mind the good Muslims as I know a few of them and they seem to be good people. I have no problem with them. But if radicals come amidst the good Muslims, they don't carry an ISIS flag to identify themselves.

I would say those parties would feel at ease if they had a leader like the supposed-to-be-leader. self-proclaimed-king of the USA Obama as their party leaders. It seems that they have the same thinking as that Muslim sympathizer in the White House. The one responsible for degrading the nation of the USA. The who who has been reducing the number of soldiers and weakening the military so much that a nation with good slingshots might be able to invade the country and take it over without too many problems.

So be smart and stay safe in the next election: vote Conservative. Mr. Harper at least, wants to keep the citizens of this country safe from those radicals. He seems to be able to tell the difference between radicals are and non radicals.

Have a good day.

Monday, March 30, 2015

A self-appointed King

After this self-appointed king of the USA had been elected, I got interested in keeping up with more of the news in the USA politically. It was just to see what his outlook and ways to govern a country like the USA. Now after years of watching, all I can say is that this self-appointed King is a big dud. I can grant you that he’s such a good speaker that he could convince most people to believe that 2+2=5. My proof of that is the fact that the people that elected him as president. Twice.

His party is called Democrats. But after seeing how he has governed like he was a king, answering to no one, he should rename his party the liberal-socialist party of America. Here in Canada some parties also hide what they are. They called themselves Liberals but forgot to add socialist to their party name because they espouse socialism in so many things. The party called NDP also should be called the NDP-Socialist Party of Canada. They are more openly socialist in their policies, but they hide what they are in their name - the New Democrat Party. Socialism is not democracy.

NDP are all for unions, and wage parity. The Liberals all for emptying the wallets of citizens. Conservatives I haven’t made my mind up on yet. All I can say from what I’ve already stated is that all these groups are not too keen on free speech and freedom of the citizens.

Meanwhile in the USA the self-appointed King of the USA is also not too keen on the Constitution either because it seems that some of the things that are in the Constitution interfere with his making of his own laws. Luckily he has a telephone a pen to help him out. I think this man would be at a loss without the telephone and pen.

That's my rant for today.

Have a good day

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What on earth is happening?

That is my question today. What’s happening in the Province of Québec?

First of all in Québec here there was no NDP and no Conservative party candidates to run in the recent provincial election. What we had to vote for were the Liberals, the PQ, Coalition, future Québec, Québec solidaire, Green Party of Québec, Parti marxiste-leniliste du Québec and Québec Citizens Union.

The only two parties that I am familiar with are the PQ and Liberals. The others all unknown to me. So instead of voting for the PQ or Liberals or voting for the others which were unknown to me, I was pretty much forced to stay home and hope for the best.  For me it was the first time I had heard of a bunch of those parties and it seemed to be the case for a lot of other people too.

The election result:  I'm not impressed with the Marois win.  All I can say to this, troubled times are ahead if she decides to implement all the garbage that she promised during the election. Well, she is in charge now and I don’t think that whoever is going to be the opposition will give her too much of a hassle.

Lets face it, what choice did the people have? The others are all unknown so they voted for the one that they knew and that was PQ. Now in Ontario they have NDP, Libs and PC. I don’t know about the Green Party for provincial government in Ontario.

What I find weird is there were none from NDP or PC to run in this election. Don’t these Parties have anyone running in this province  for provincial elections like they do in Ontario? If not how did the Liberals get in here?  It's a disappointing choice available to Quebec and I don't believe it serves the province well.

That’s my little rant of the day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

We are in trouble - politically

We in Canada are in trouble, politician -wise.  Here are my reasons for saying this. 

We have the Conservative party which at this time seemed to be the best pick. Then we  have  the  opposition    New  Democrats  with a new  leader who doesn't seem to know  what his job is.  According to his statements so far he is all for the unions and all for socialism. Of course his party  is too. Then there are the Liberals with a leader that has shown us as a leader he leaves a lot to be desired. Getting down to the third/fourth tier, there is  the Green party, which is as far as  I’m  concerned  a lost cause. We are just as  bad provincially  in Quebec and Ontario with the Liberals in charge.

That is my little rant of the day - something to think about. I might have a solution. We should try and find some one like Sarah Palin to straighten them out.  Like her or not, she stands up to the establishment. Canadian politics, regardless of party is nothing but establishment. We need either fresh faces or a fresh system, because the parties as they are, don't really change much and when they do, they typically just make matters worse.

Have a great day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ottawa (the great Capital of Canada)

This is a city that most of the citizens would not vote for the N.D.P. because they claim that this party it’s a socialist party and that they are all for the unions.  Well to you citizens of Ottawa, you think you know about socialism? I must say in my opinion that you don’t, because if you did  you would not have re-elected some of the councillors that were there before the last election.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I guess by the looks of it, Harper doesn't want to be elected the next election. I read that he’s going to change the old age pensions and he’s going to make some changes. In about two years to qualify for the old age pension a person will have to be the age of 67 instead of what it is now 65.

I can just see it now if he comes out with that change some employers don’t want to keep an old person on staff so the person will be laid off even though that person can still perform good work and if Harper comes out with a law that stipulates that you can’t let a person go because of the age. That’s where trouble is going to start.

The person laid off because of age and that person knows that  He/She will not be eligible for the old age pension then. He/She will fight to get the job back then the employer will have to come up with a good explanation as to why that person was let go. Now the employer will have to come up with a good excuse and that’s when we will see how truthful some of these employers are.

The government is saying there are too many people on welfare. Wait until these changes are made - if Harper doesn't change his mind that is. I also have a feeling that things will be getting worse now that he has a majority.

I have a feeling that by next election he will be where the Libs are and then the Liberals will be back in and about the NDP,  I don’t know because here in Quebec their popularity seems to be going down .

That’s my opinion and my rant of today.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Now what?

So now there are talks about some Liberals wanting to merge with the NDP, according to what was reported on something on the television about a week ago. Bob Rae was on and when he was asked about it, he said no and Justin Trudeau the son of the departed former Prime Minister P.E. Trudeau said it was worth talking about. Bob Rae is against that because he has been saying all this time that he wants to rebuild the Liberal party. I get the impression that if he can rebuild the party that he would position himself as being the first to be elected by the party to be their full time leader. By joining the with NDP, he would be out of luck. After all he left that party for what he considered greener pastures.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bribe money

Here we go again with Ontario provincial Liberals. Has anyone ever noticed this scenario? Throughout the term of the Liberals, if they are asked to contribute to a project that would serve the citizens better, they always claim that there is no money for it. But when it gets close to election time, somehow money reappears that was not supposed to be available because the province could not afford it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Canada - What a pitiful nation

Canada - what a pitiful nation.  I'm saying this as a Canadian, and I’m saying this because of who it seems we have left to elect to manage this nation.  The only decent party we have now to run this country is the Conservative party. We do have the opposition which is the NDP, but then they were only elected to get rid of the Liberals and the Bloc Quebecois, but we got more then what we bargain for with the NDP.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Are we in trouble?

Special guy?
Here we go again, talking about Quebec wanting to separate. I said in a previous post that it’s not the ordinary citizens that are talking about separation it’s the politicians.

This morning I was listening to Lowell Green’s talk show (again) on radio station CFRA. What did I hear Mr. Green stating? That the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons stated that Quebec would only need 50%+1 vote to separate. I believe Lowell Green is correctly quoting Mr. Layton. Mr. Green has all the facts in front of him.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Open letter to Lowell Green

Mr. Green,

I was listening to your rants again today about Quebec being responsible for the NDP being elected as the opposition party in Canada, and calling the people of Quebec stupid.

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