Showing posts with label Harper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harper. Show all posts

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Harper, Obama and Jihad

I would say about a year to a year and half ago I read that our Prime Minister was going to clear this country of undesirables and deport them back from wherever they had immigrated. It was probably a bunch of Liberal fear mongering hype to frighten immigrants away from voting conservative because so far nothing like that is happening. Besides, it was not about all immigrants, it was about ones who were/are a danger to Canada.

To me it says that if there are Jihadist’s cells just waiting for instructions to commit acts of terror then they would have started already and there wouldn’t have been any need for deportations. Then again maybe they did secretly deport some, but there has been no news on it. I would say our borders are supposed to be well guarded. Deportation may not be a bad thing in many cases. I hope our borders are reasonably secure because I for one do not trust that self-appointed king that the USA have at this time. He's all for letting the border at the south open with all kinds of riff raff coming over. I'm not talking about those who want to emigrate to the USA legally. I'm talking about criminals, drug dealers, gang members and the like who do not belong anywhere but in prison. Mexico doesn't want them, so they have no problem letting them leave. In any case, that flood of undocumented people is a perfect cover if some jihadist wants to make his way into America.

That self-appointed King of the USA might think that he is doing the right thing to try and make deals with these terrorist nations like Iran. I don’t know why he should think like that because Iran has proven that making deals with them doesn’t amount to anything. I would say the latest deal with them will come back to slap him in the face.

That also reminds me of Pakistan. How many times did they deny that Bin Laden was in their country? I will say it would be more profitable to keep in good with the friendly nations of the USA instead of alienating them and trying to make friends with enemies that would stab you in the back at the first opportunity. How many of those countries want help from the USA but they don’t want any American boots on the ground? How many of them get help financially from the USA but would not do anything to help the USA? I guess my point here, is that national security is complicated, and Obama's naive approach is not working and will not work. Stephen Harper's approach makes more sense, and he should not be condemned for caring about Canadians' security.

Monday, September 15, 2014

You ARE Banished!!!

Banishing citizens. Stephen Harper. We finally have a Prime Minister in Canada that has the guts to banish the unwanted citizens from this country. Citizens that can’t be trusted in this country and weren't born here should be banished. Deported.

Finally someone has the guts to take such action. Someone is trying to undo the damage that former Prime Minister P. E. Trudeau did while he was prime minister of this country. This country was actually given away by him with his pusing of multiculturism.

Now we have his son in politics and is now the leader of the Liberal party. Now he’s vying to be the next Prime Minister. This Mr. Justin Trudeau made some speeches when he came onto the political scene and in some of those speeches it showed that he is a separatist at heart and would like the province of Québec to separate from the rest of Canada and become its own nation. Mrs. Marois former premier of Québec by trying to do this was finally voted down and she even lost her own riding.

Let this be a lesson for the Liberal party. We don’t need another person such as Mrs. Marois to try and separate and make this province unilingual. Trudeau secretly harbours that ambition.

We don’t need a Prime minister that would try and break up the country and start all the hassles and make more enemies with the balance of Canadians like she did. Having Mr.Trudeau be elected as Prime Minister, I am sure would be the downfall of the Liberal party. But perhaps too the country. I will not say it’s because of his age like I’ve heard quite a bit but simply because He doesn’t seem to have the experience and I don’t believe that he has been in politics long enough to learn everything there is in leading a country. Justin Trudeau should be banished.

That’s my rant of the day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Justin Trudeau

We don't need more of him.

This morning, as usual I was listening to the talk show on the C.F.R.A radio station like I do every morning. I was surprised to hear a young politician blasting the Prime Minister, accusing him of trying to make this country his country. I will admit that Mr. Harper is going too far in my opinion on being tough on crime. Even going so far as to give the police the power to infringe on our personal communication on the Internet.  In addition to other changes that he wants to make. That does not sound too good to me and if he succeeds in doing that type of thing, then what? 

 How far is he going to go to infringe on our personal life? I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts  what he might turn out to be if he was in total control and now he’s showing us what his agenda would be. I agree with Mr. Justin Trudeau with some of what he says about Harper because Harper is starting to show what he’s all about. Mr. Trudeau says that he would like to see Canada like it was. I have news for Mr. Trudeau however - we, the older generation, would like to see it like it was before his dad the former Prime Minister of Canada had gotten a hold of the country and changed it all around to make this country his country. I'm speaking of course of Pierre Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau was too young at the time to know how this country was before his dad took over as the Prime Minister. Before Pierre Trudeau took over this was Canada and it belonged to us Canadians. Trudeau   brought in Multiculturalism and the metric system and some laws were changed for some to appease  other cultures. Now we Canadians don’t feel like we are in our own country.

So Mr. Trudeau before you start blasting this Prime Minister find out what this country was before your dad took over. If you are working to some day become Prime Minister you are going about it the wrong way because the way you spoke out this morning of which we heard on the radio brought us back to what your dad did and we sure didn’t like it and we still don’t. I must remind you also, that trying to get the Quebec people to vote to separate from this country, you will never succeed and the proof was shown to every one in the last election.

For you to become successful will be tough.  You have three strikes against you already.  First you’re a Liberal. Second you sound like a separatists. And third, you don’t have enough experience or should I say enough of the diplomacy that makes for a good politician. I will admit that you are allowed to express you're opinion but a good politician doesn't blast off like you did this morning without thinking of a better way to express oneself without sounding like an immature politician and a separatists.

My advice to you Mr. J. Trudeau is to learn about politics and the way a good politician would study what he has to say and put it in words that you can sound off without showing your immaturity at being a politician.

These are my opinions and my rant of the day.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I guess by the looks of it, Harper doesn't want to be elected the next election. I read that he’s going to change the old age pensions and he’s going to make some changes. In about two years to qualify for the old age pension a person will have to be the age of 67 instead of what it is now 65.

I can just see it now if he comes out with that change some employers don’t want to keep an old person on staff so the person will be laid off even though that person can still perform good work and if Harper comes out with a law that stipulates that you can’t let a person go because of the age. That’s where trouble is going to start.

The person laid off because of age and that person knows that  He/She will not be eligible for the old age pension then. He/She will fight to get the job back then the employer will have to come up with a good explanation as to why that person was let go. Now the employer will have to come up with a good excuse and that’s when we will see how truthful some of these employers are.

The government is saying there are too many people on welfare. Wait until these changes are made - if Harper doesn't change his mind that is. I also have a feeling that things will be getting worse now that he has a majority.

I have a feeling that by next election he will be where the Libs are and then the Liberals will be back in and about the NDP,  I don’t know because here in Quebec their popularity seems to be going down .

That’s my opinion and my rant of today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December and January

This last month of the year and the first month of the following year each have a special holiday - Christmas. and  New Year.

In Canada it has always been customary to greet people with a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". Now though, because it offends some certain people, they want to refer to these holidays as "Happy Holidays".

Well, Mr. Harper being the Prime Minister you have the power to give us Canadians back our country. Mr. Trudeau took it upon himself to screw us Canadians by more or less giving this country away.  He had the power to do that, so you should have the power to reverse that.  Get rid of this Multiculturism garbage (and I could say the free trade agreement, but that might not be a good idea). When I hear someone say "don’t say Merry Christmas or Happy New Year because it might offend some one", my answer is "Go to hell, this is Canada and I am a Canadian and I will not change what has been a tradition as far as I’ve heard it for the past 77 years of my life".

On that note I will end this rant by wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Liberals again.

Here we go again. The Liberals showing once more that if they were in opposition, it would become a cat and dog fight and this government would not get anywhere.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tougher Laws

When Prime Minister Mr. Harper was running to get re-elected in the last election he stated that he would bring in tougher laws for criminals. That is fine, but with tougher laws it means more people in jail and more jails would be needed. As it is now to my understanding, the jails are now overflowing and to build jails is costly. But I have a good solution on where to get the money to build them and there would not be any reason to raise taxes to cover the cost.

The first thing I would do is do away with the CBC. Privatize it and then billions would be saved just by doing that. I find CBC useless, boring and a drain on taxpayers' money.

Second, any adult that immigrates to this country and break the law (and it's considered a federal crime) and are found guilty without a doubt, should be deported right away with no chance of coming back. And there should be no appeal - this would also apply to any teens that came here with their parents. But when it comes to a provincial crime, then every one is equal. No jail time would apply for breaking a provincial law but give them double probation and make them pay the court costs if they are found guilty.

I know some will say 'yes but new laws would have to be written'. I say fine and at the same time, the old laws that were not brought up to date could be revise and bring them up to this century..

That’s my rant of the day - tougher laws and ways to save tax payers money.
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