Showing posts with label let's cloth it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label let's cloth it. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2009

The three bears set of cups

It was long time since the last time I had designed a new item for the let's cloth it collection.
One morning last week I had this idea of scaling up the cloth cups. First I thought I should scale up the medium one in 150% and the large one in 200%, but the patterns, particularly the large one, turned out enormously big, so I scaled the medium one in only 140%
This one is mother bear's cloth cup.

The large one was scaled up in 180%, this one is for father bear.

The third one is in ordinary human scale, the same as my other cloth cups.
It belongs to little baby bear.
*They are all listed at my etsy design store.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Cloth Cups

Inspired by my colorful sock dolls I created this new colorful version of my "let's cloth it" cups.

You can find them here or here

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cloth Bowls

I am so glad I am over all the stress of the last two months, it is such a great feeling to have some time for design and create new stuff, I missed it so much.
These cloth bowls actually aren't so new but they were waiting on my desktop for so long, till I got the time to shot them properly.
If you didn't guess yet they are the third part of my "let's cloth it project".
There are three of them:

and large!
I just listed them at my Etsy store today.
Now I am going back to my new socks dolls, will tell more about them in few days.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Finally back!

Without even noticing, time just run away and my blog left behind without any news for so long.
The last month was crazy here, you already saw some of it at the last post, but it was only a bit. I was sewing and sewing as if there is no economic crisis out there.
One week I caught an awful flu, it lasted all over the week and I could do nothing. I found out that sewing is the most complicated activity to do with fever.
After one week in bed there suddenly was a work for two weeks to do in only one. I was close for loosing my sanity, but finally this weekend I was sewing the last two projects in this wave.
Now, I can breath for a while and look forward for more orders to sew, soon hopefully.
Here are some works in progress:

Done and undone.


and after.
Wish you good night or good day and hope to see you back very soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


It was long time since I wrote about my cloth cups and my Lets cloth it project. As a result of doing few different things in the same time some of my ideas and projects are on hold for a while, long while.
This week I finally got some time to design the second item in this project:
My cloth coasters.
As the cloth cups, the coasters are replicas of the saucers from my grandmother's porcelain set.
It was a long process of designing much more than I estimated. I sew more the 15 different pieces changing some details in the sewing techniques or in the pattern till I got the design I liked and satisfied by.
I spent much more time than I spent on the designing of the cups.
Well I should have known it already that the things that seem to be simple to make always becoming the most complicated.
Any way here they are, also available at my etsy store.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let's cloth it

I decided to begin a new design project for my etsy store - "Lets cloth it".
The purpose of it is to transform every day items made from different materials into textile ones, or everyday items we know as made by one kind of textile into another one.
The purposes is not only the transformation itself, but also looking for new meanings and utilities for each item.
The first Item is my cloth cups-
these cups are replications of the porcelain cups I inherited from my grandmother, who was my first needle craft teacher.
I already made some replication of them as part of my installation at the huismethethandje last May. In this project I want to create more functional design pieces.
I wouldn't recommend them for having your tea, but for putting some order on your desktop, organizing your crochet needles, brushes, buttons, pencils, pens etc.. they will be much more useful, but of course I would be glad to hear more ideas for other utilities.

These cups are now listed at my etsy store check them out here, or at my Dawanda store here.