31 May 2009

Camera Critters Sunday - The Face!

There's no prize, for guessing where I am again, as the image below is a huge giveaway!
Came down to WelshAire Country yesterday to be greeted by this...As there's WELTAF walk today, & the day is supposed to be the warmest of the Summer so far, Taffy was groomed shortly there afterwards.
And, how many people does it take a strip a Welshie with serious attitude?
Three, one to do the work & two to pin him down & pacify him!!!
The finished result, that photo will come later!

30 May 2009

Saturday Photo Hunters - Book(s)!

The prompt, this week from host tnchick suited me fine!
Books, despite early reading difficulties as child, have always been important to me.
My very first job was in Dreamingspires, as a trainee book-seller no less!
And, every room of my house, except the bathroom - the damp, not being good for them, has shelves crammed with books.
My eclectic collection, includes hardback & paperback fiction, Cook & Wine books, glossy Travel guides & factual tombs on every subject from Antiques, Birds, Follies, History, Teddy Bears & Trivia and Dictionaries!!!
Many of these books are cherished processions, as bare personal greetings from my Mother & close friends re Birthdays, Christmas etc!
However, there is only one book, that carries such a treasured hand written note, as well as an actual printed acknowledgement inside the fly-leaf from it's author B J Roan ...How did I achieve this surprising tribute?
Through, a friendship started via a 'Comment'!

Back in January 2007, I'd only been blogging for a few weeks, when purely by chance - i.e. by hitting the random 'Next blog' button, I came across a fascinating short story on the site Serendipity.
I was immediately impressed & responded enthusiastically.
Yes, in those early days I was a keen commenter!
And, so began, what has turned into a very close, genuine & rewarding, I think, life long friendship with BJ.
Initially, she posted her short stories, and I commented & critiqued them, as one of her sole readers.
We soon started exchanging regular emails.
However, when she asked me for a 'prompt' for a story idea, I was both surprised & flattered.
It was Derby Day, one of the most prestigious horse race meetings in the UK, & I'd been cheering on, personality plus winning jockey Frankie Dettori, a favourite of mine.
That day he'd ridden in Emerald Green racing silks, rather than his more usual Galdofi brilliant Blue colours!
I relayed my thoughts to BJ, she subsequently wrote the lovely story, 'Winning Silks'.
Later that Summer, when special Airedale, Oscar suddenly died, tragically young, knowing BJ's love of dogs - I asked her to write a story in his memory - her deeply touching tribute, 'Oscars Next Adventure' caused many a tear to be shed in the DWB community.
August, saw BJ's wedding day & happily married, she 'virtually' threw me her bridal bouquet!
And, naturally, a hilarious story in the form of 'The Runaway Bouquet' followed.
It recounts how the red roses made their way across the Atlantic to Dreamingspires, to re-unite Little Buddy & I, due to the mis-adventures of a ferret called Wicket - LOL!
And, yet, another request for a 'prompt', months later, caught me with a large goblet of red wine to hand!
I came up with -"The glass was half empty, or again, was it, half full"
Boy, did my personal blog-diary entries come home to roost!
She wrote 'The Wine Dog', all about Azure & her friends that included Nick, @ that time my wine guru, Jeannie & Little Buddy!!!
So, when BJ celebrated her first blog anniversary - I wrote...
"One day, very soon, I hope to see your short stories published.
And, nobody will be prouder than me to read them in book form."
Well, that day came in April last year, which is why the story's I've mentioned, are no longer to be found on Serendipity, as they are now officially published, along with a host of other delightful tales!
When I received my own complementary copy of 'The Apple Tree' I was ecstatic.
And, that was before, I discovered the personally signed, oh so kind, dedication "Without your encouragement, this book wouldn't exist."
And, the printed one, "A huge thank-you to all my loyal readers, especially Blue. I am most grateful."
I was & still am, deeply touched, that she believes I made a difference to her writing career.
BJ is a born author, she writes from the heart; some of her tales are dark, others romantic, they're frequently funny, often deeply touching & always a 'darn good read'.

She, is now busy editing her second volume of short stories for publication & describes it as a massive undertaking.
I know it will be worth the effort & can't waited see what is included in this book.
My personal wish is for 'Stranger on the Shore'.
She is free to use my image to illustrate it too!
I know many Internet friends already follow & know BJ, through her photography blog Rubbish By Roan.
However, if you haven't checked out Serendipity - go read a.s.a.p, - you don't know what you are missing!

29 May 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Flying the Flag!

Just another shot from Brighton, taken a week today, when the very strong, easterly sea breeze had the Union Jacks in full flight...
Sky Watch has grown just too big for me to participate officially now, so, I just do my own thing!
BUT, for anyone interested in joining, the dedicated site is to be found HERE!

28 May 2009

True Colours Thursday - COBALT!

When I selfishly, selected COBALT, my favourite colour, by yet another name; and a term used to describe, a particular shade of vibrant blue glass, I was thinking of showing off some of my personal collection...And, these striking South American earrings, a gift from Praireland friend Nellie, after a vacation there, because she knows my love of the colour...The pretentious Apple 'staged' image, was an idea, stolen from an art exhibition!

However, going to Brighton, for the long Spring Bank Holiday weekend, has given me another take on COBALT.
There was the mosaic on the seafront, that caught my 'eye'...The Mustang, I wouldn't have minded a ride in...An up-high, mural in the North Lanes...Yet another face, this time on a crazy fair ride @ the end of the Brighton Pier...And last, but by no means least, Elvis Shmelvis, who emerged for the second half of his thoroughly entertaining, two hour long concert, in a COBALT & silver studded jumpsuit...He then performed with gusto - what else, but 'Moody Blue' and 'Blue Suede Shoes'...
The closest I've ever seen the Celebration Cake Shop come to a blue, let alone COBALT cake, was this wedding one, for an obviously ski-loving couple - please, note, the blue outfits & matching ribbon trim...
To participate in True Colours Thursday, all you need, is to post a photo/photographs & text, or better still both, on the specified colour of the week.
Then, LINK back to me & leave a word here, to say you are playing along.
For this meme only, I have again lifted my 'Comment Moderation' to help visiting.
Everyone, who to my knowledge, is or has previously participated recently, is named & linked in my side bar.
AND, I do generally try to up-date the list throughout the day.
Apologises to ALL last week paricipants, as didn't & my visiting was almost non existant.
Slapped twists - will try to do better!
Next weeks colour is PURPLE, as requested by Lucy, so, hope she choses to play!
If, anyone has a suggestion for a future 'Colour', please feel free to say.

27 May 2009

Never an Incident Free Moment!

Well, my small remembrance ceremony re my late Mother & Hero, was more fraught than usual.
For one thing, it was an exceedingly grey & WET morning!
The driving rain, made the pebble beach treacherous.
And, klutzy me, slipped, lost my balance & crashed down, banging my right wrist for a change!
It still hurts, even now!
There was no gentle swell, to take out my flowers; instead crashing waves that battered them - couldn't stay to watch!
And, as my camera's battery failed too & I hadn't the heart to struggle in the inclement conditions to replace them, there's no images either, which is probably for the best!

Arriving back @ home in Dreamingspires was no less fraught!
Police cars abounded in my road.
I found two officers, exploring or rather, fighting their way up my wilderness garden.
A Police Dog & his handler shortly followed.
My old rickety boundary fence couldn't take the 'chase' over it by the enthusiastic German Shepherd & his burly officer and the wood disintegrated into splinters.
There followed, lots of barking, several gardens over.
And, it seems an apprehension of a serious absconder, who 'legged' it locally, was successfully made!!!
A phone call, this evening from the Police Sargent in charge of the Operation, says I will be contacted & recompensed re the damage to my property!
My neighbours are not so lucky, as it was the culprit, not the Police, who damaged their fencing!

Flowers of Rememberance!

As I'm heading back to Dreamingspires later today, there only remains one more ritual to perform.
It involves a visit to a local florist, who will again make up a small bouquet of two flowers for me - a Rose for my Mother & a Gerbera for Hero...
Then it's a long to a particular quiet stretch of the Hove espanade...And, down by a certain wooden breaker, from where I'll place the flowers on the waters edge & watch as the waves take them take out to sea.
For any new friends curious about this act of remembrance, my post HERE will explain more.

26 May 2009

Munchies & Murals!

Friend J1 & I have made something of a small, personal tradition, of going to dine @ Bill's Produce Store @ least once, when ever I'm in Brighton!
This being my final full day here this visit, we lunched there together.
From the outside, it does not look that special...Inside it's more colourful...But, the place is so popular, I always arrive well ahead of the agreed time, to claim a table.
However, once you're seated, no-one hassles you to order hurriedly or leave that quickly!
And, the food is to be highly recommended, not that we explore the menu, that thoroughly!
Sweet toothed J1, nearly always has the Pancakes with Ice-cream & Fruit platter...And, more savoury girl me, regularly goes for the home-made 'Soup of the Day' – this time Fennel, Carrot Blotto Beans & Orange accompanied by Garlic & Cherry Tomato bread...As ever, it was a fun occasion.
And, as usual, our lunch came very close to over running J1's allotted time due to our chatting!
I always imagine Jackson left @ home with J2, giving us, that knowing almost disapproving look of his, about our meeting & worst still, misbehaving mildly without him...
As Bill's is on the doorstep of the North Lanes, after lunch, I like to check out the latest murals in the locality, as they are quite a feature, some have a themed message, as in this case...Others, are just striking works of art...
And, yes the rain did go away, as this attempt @ an 'arty' shot of mine shows...

Two fer Tuesday & Monochrome Weekly - Regency Brighton!

The saying for the morning is definitely:-
"Rain, Rain go away
Come back another day!"
So, while I wait for it to hopefully oblige, I'll post two pairs of photo's for Jonna's meme, and a single B&W shot, as one of Aleni's Monochrome Maniacs - all were taken over the week-end.

Once away from the promenade, I love to walk around the many squares in Brighton & the more salubrious Hove and admire the buildings.
It was between 1800 & the late 1820s, that the likes of Regency Square were built & many of the original facades survive with their very attractive bow fronted windows, canopies & cast iron balustrades...
This is more elegant Brunswick Square, completed 1834...
And, the marginally earlier Brunswick Terrace...
Once all these residences were family homes, now most are divided into either gracious apartments or smaller flats.
It's the latter that I aspire if & when I ever move here!!!

Whilst other proud Regency buildings, have become hotels - was sky watching here too...

25 May 2009

Via Las Vegas Brighton Style!

Sometimes, the fun in life, is about being in the right place @ the right time!
I'd been along the Brighton Pier earlier in the weekend & seen the signs...But, thought no more about it, so as a consequence, could have easily missed out on a real treat!

After the exceptional Bank Holiday Sunday weather, this morning dawned disappointingly GREY & damp.
And, it wasn't till mid day, when the promise of blue shies & sunshine returned, that I ventured out.
Then, I pondered, which way to promenade along the sea front today!!!
And, pure chance made me turn eastward & past Brighton Piers entrance, where my attention was quickly drawn to the crowds gathering.
I stopped & shortly, there afterwards, HE emerged - 'Elvis Shmelvis', one of Britain's top Elvis impersonators.
I'd seen him feature in various television programmes, the most recent one being ITV's 'Come Dine with Me' & dismissed him as just good - big mistake - in the flesh, his performance as Elvis is exceptional & worthy of any Las Vegas venue...All his costumes are actually made by Elvis's original tailor; he really can play the guitar; does all the actions including the pelvic gyrations, and his voice sounds so authentically like 'The King of Rock & Roll', I can readily believe, why he is often accused of miming during his act!
Elvis Shmelvis, put on a terrific two+ hour free concert, featuring all the classic Elvis numbers, including 'Via Las Vegas', 'It's Now or Never', 'Suspicious Minds' & 'Hound Dog', to which a pup in the audience, much to everyones amusement, barked his appreciation to @ the end!
Even, during his so called Interval, Mr Nice Guy Elvis, found time to stop & talk...And, pose with his fans - this lady stood behind me in the audience...Photo’s of his second act will have to wait till Thursday, when the reason will become obvious!!!
I will say here & now though, I was truly entertained & impressed.
And, exhausted after standing, singing, tapping & clapping for so long in the sun.
However, the youthful buzz generated, made it worth while, even to one who came late to love the original Elvis.
But, how that happened is another story for another day!

Chance Encounters Old & New and JACKSON!

Yesterday, with my Fav. WFT Jackson fix, not being till mid afternoon, being the creature of habit that I am, I headed along to Brighton's Marina, where if you've serious money you can buy a luxury apartment & moor your motor boat, next door...I like to find a sunny spot @ The Master Mariner pub on the waterfront, and with a cold beer, watch the world go by.
It was there, that last May, I had a memorable encounter with a happy group of young Brazilians.
One of whom was a guy with a guitar; he was playing & singing softly, purely for his friends pleasure and out of his own obvious, love of the music...I was mesmerised by his melodic voice & the subtle Latin bossa nova rhythm - it was perfect for the warm day.
He played the 'The Girl from Ipanema' & more songs, I later learned by the Brazilian songwriter, composer, Antonio Carlos Jobim - singing them in both, his native Portuguese & English, he translated the lyrics as he sang!
When I came to leave, I just had to say, how much I'd enjoyed his spontaneous summer concert.
The guitarist Netto, immediately asked me to sit down and join his wife Fernanda & friends, I did & ended spending the afternoon in their company -we shared beers, laughter & the music.
This time, I just sat & enjoyed the sunshine, and admired the yachts for sale...
It's funny but Brighton always seems to throw up interesting encounters.
Yesterday was no exception, it came when I was walking back along the Upper Marine Drive.
Ahead of me I saw a fine looking lady Airedale...I remarked as much, to her owner.
We entered into conversation, and after talking about Buffy - he, introduced himself as Derek, and asked if I was local or visiting.
I replied the latter, as from Dreamingspires - to which he replied:-
"Oh, I lived there for many years, I ran the restaurant @ the Trout Inn."
This riverside pub by Port Meadow use to be a regular haunt of mine, during the time he was actually there!
He went to say, he now owns a Victorian townhouse hotel here in Brighton.
However, before slow thinker me, thought to ask for details, we parted as Buffy had decided enough was enough & she wanted to head home, so, I continued on my way to see J1 & Jackson.
Then, relating this encounter to them, J1 reminded me, that they both knew Buffy, as she's the Airedale who last June gave Jackson a torn bloody ear!
Jackson blogged about this fateful meeting with her, in his funny post Don't Call me Scarface!
J1 also, filled me in on the missing details of Dereks hotel, pointing out that I'd actually passed by The Cavalaire, in Kemptown, a on my way to them.

Anyway, enough of ramblings & down to what Jackson would consider the most important subject of the day.
What else, but himself - the one & only Jax.
He's looking very well & curly!
I can see, he is a little stiffer, and sadly a lot deafer, so didn't hear my call "Look this way Jackson!"...J1, with the aided of treats, fared better with getting his attention, for a photo shoot on the lawn.
But, unfortunately action shots aren't my forte & with the very bright light, this is the best of the bunch - still, they do reflect his characterful self...It was lovely to see & fuss over him again, as he is rather special.

23 May 2009

Sights, Sounds & Satisfying Tastes!

Today's principle highlight was my meeting with friend J1 for a lengthy late afternoon lunch, but before hand, I walked & took in the sights.
The early morning promised a glorious day, the artists had their wares set out....The deck chairs awaited clients...The Gallopers, were ready for action...And, I set them riding via this trusty stead chosen because of her blue ribbons naturally...The promenade quiet to begin with grew busy...And, busier, even though the day sort of became overcast...Now friends, know that I'm not the most people friendly of souls hating crowds, gatherings etc; but I do enjoy anonymous people watching and Brighton's a haven for that, especially with beach bars to act as liquid havens to watch from!
I chose today to stop in @ Gemini, as they were offering live entertainment.
Adam Davis & his group just looked so young, I had to check them out...
And, was I was glad I did, as this thirteen year old has talent both as a pianist & vocalist - as well as potential heart breaking looks - Italian possibly, with long dark eye lashes I'd die for!
When the Gemini's promoter announced the group were just busking there and said he was coming round with the bucket to collect funds for new school books & pencils for them, everyone including me LOL & then dug deep in our pockets in appreciation.
I hope his debut album 'Shout Out' does well, regret now, I didn't buy a copy!
Will certainly keep track of his MySpaceMusic site.

After this unexpected musical treat, headed off for my get together with J1.
When I'm in town, we are "Ladies who Lunch!"
Today, @ J1's suggestion we went Indian & to a much favoured restaurant choice of hers, the relaxed Chilli Pickle Bistro in the Lanes.
Now, although catching up on each others news took precedent, we did eventually order from their lunchtime 'Street Food' menu which enables you to sample several authentic dishes.
Now, I'm not wordly wise re Indian cuisine but I tried three very different ones - Tandoori Salmon with Cucumber & Coconut salad; Plantain Banana Fry with sour Lemon pickle and Chilli & Cauliflower Pakora with tangy Mango & Mint sauce.
All were then delicious, I'd happily sample them again without hestitation.
Then, as J1 loves desserts & they are a rare treat to me, on her recommendation, had Kulfi, delightful rich & I do mean rich creamy Indian ice cream with warm Mango sauce.
Both of us, contentedly full, just sat & chatted on - DWB ears must have burned, nicely of course!
For those hoping for news of Jackson, I hope to see him tomorrow.

And, to finish the day off with a Bang literally!
A few moments ago, whilst I was finishing off this post, writen in my hotels lounge, that overlooks the sea, a wonderful firework display, suddenly took place.
Launched from a boat, moored @ high tide, next to the Palace Pier, it was spectacular with a captital S!
Had I known, I'd have been outside with my camera as the reflection on the water, even from a distance added to the show.
The final colourful crescendo, was of the serious WOW factor type!