Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

New Etsy Treasury

Just wasted spent a happy half an hour browsing through all the gorgeous things the FHF team have to offer on Etsy, and couldn't resist popping a quick treasury together.

Beautiful Big Hole Beads on Etsy

Saturday, 13 August 2011

New Bridal Etsy shop is open!

I have finally got round to opening my new Etsy shop dedicated to hair accessories and jewellery for weddings, proms and posh parties, which I have called Brides and Belles. I have made tiaras, hairpins and jewellery for several weddings, including my own, and really enjoy it, so decided to offer it as a service to run alongside my glass. Hope you like it, and if you know of anyone with a wedding, prom or party in the offing, please pass on my details! I will be adding items gradually over the next few days, at the moment, please feel free to go over and admire the lone tiara I have listed, lol!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Modern technology!

Hmmmm........... it's all a bit tricky!  Just in the process of trying to link all of my different accounts, my website, Facebook page, Twitter account, Etsy shop, Flickr photostream, Folksy shop, this blog........I have different followers and likers in each area, so would be nice to be able to link them all up! So, I apologize in advance if there are a plethora of similar messages from different locations while I try and work it all out!!

Next technology lesson for me....what on earth is RSS?!?!? Lol!

Having a bit of a lull on the making front and am currently in organizational mode, or what passes for it in my house anyway!!  The studio is very very nearly complete now, and I will be posting pictures soon! I am now in the process of trying to get fairs booked and promoting my business, which is all very tricky!

Still, I'm at my happiest when glassy gorgeousness is created, my current obsession is bracelets.  Here are a couple of commissions, I really enjoyed making them.  (Dodgy pictures taken on phone, apologies in advance!!)