Showing posts with label bridal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bridal. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 August 2011

New Bridal Etsy shop is open!

I have finally got round to opening my new Etsy shop dedicated to hair accessories and jewellery for weddings, proms and posh parties, which I have called Brides and Belles. I have made tiaras, hairpins and jewellery for several weddings, including my own, and really enjoy it, so decided to offer it as a service to run alongside my glass. Hope you like it, and if you know of anyone with a wedding, prom or party in the offing, please pass on my details! I will be adding items gradually over the next few days, at the moment, please feel free to go over and admire the lone tiara I have listed, lol!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Brides and Belles

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Just uploaded pictures from my new range, Brides and Belles, to my Flickr photostream. A range of tiaras, hairpins and jewellery for weddings proms and posh parties!!