Today was Queen's Day.
Once a year everyone dresses up in orange and goes outside to either sell their old stuff or buy other people's old stuff. I chose the latter.
It was raining at first, everything was getting wet and after a few minutes I was willing to give up, but I didn't and it turned out to be a great day in the end.
I will share a few pictures with you this weekend, but today I'd like to talk about just one of my acquisitions, a brand new box of Dirty Sexy Money's first season.
I love that show, but I hear they won't be making any new episodes. If any of you know whether that's true or not, please tell me.
It was just so much fun to watch, it had humor, a great plot and a killer cast. My absolute favorite person is Lisa George, the lead character's wife played by Zoe McLellan, who you might know from J.A.G.(which was awesome too). I just love her and she may or may not have been the most important reason to get the dvd box.
Here's a little fanmade trailer to give you an idea: