We were sitting at dinner the other day and Ikey kept saying Boo Poos. I'm thinking, yes Ikey maybe wants to go to the bathroom (which would be GREAT with me). Everyone remember I have two in diapers right now?
So I asked him, Ikey do you want to go poo poo in the potty? No, Boo Poos. Hmmm. Not sure. Repeat that? BOO POOS!!!!! OK, not getting it, show me. He got down and walked to the TV. Boo Poos. Boo Poos? Ohhhhhhh.....
blues clues.
He's so funny. Back at the table we started brainstorming and realized that a lot of words that Ikey says sound like poo.
Boo Poos = Blues Clues
Food = pood
Boots = poots
Scooby Doo = Pooby poo
Funny kid! He makes us laugh :) Maybe all this poo talk will convert to actual POOP where it's supossed to go. One can wish!