Showing posts with label Giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaways. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

200th Post Giveaway Winner!

We have a winner, and her name is Nicole, commenter #17!  Her blog is Musings, Ramblings and Mumblings , which follows her life as a mom and other adventures.  The problem is she hasn't written a post since 2009!  So, Nicole, maybe this is just the impetus to get you writing again.  :-)

Thank you to everyone who participated and especially for your supportive comments.  I read each and every one of them.  I started this blog to mark down my best recipes for my children, and it's been great to see it have an effect on others as well.

Nicole, take a shower with the rose petal soap, paint your nails and read your new book while the water comes to a boil for the pasta.  Enjoy your prize!  You just need to let me know where to mail this.  E-mail me at 

Thank you!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

200th Post Giveaway!

Hello, and once again welcome to another giveaway!  The other one was only a year and a half ago :-).  Really, it seemed like it took FO-EVAH to get to this one.   With all the Blogger problems I had last year and with my struggles with my own energy this year, I am just thankful I finally made it to 200.  Whew.

So, the major thing that I did to my blog since #100 was that I added pages at the top.  I linked all of my recipes there, and I haven't counted, but it's close to 200.  The remaining posts are things like restaurants, garden shots, awards, product reviews and such.  I'm still tweaking the Travel page and the Other Fun Stuff page, but I'm happy overall with my pages.  If there's anything that can make my blog more user-friendly, please let me know.  You can reach me at:

Soooooooo, before I show the pic of what I'm giving away, you have to suffer once again through Memory Lane: a short reminder of some of the highlights of the last 100 recipes.  No fair jumping to the end.  If you want to read any of the recipes that are pictured, just click on their captions.  Enjoy!







You made it, congratulations!  I hope that wasn't too long or boring for you.  But, it's nice to see the journey from 100 to 200, don't you think?  If you want to check out more recipes, just click on the Recipes tab above.  And again, I'm available to answer any questions at my e-mail.

Now, you ask: what am I giving away?  Here's the photo and the description below:

What we have here are:

  • Two boxes of Road's End Organics Dairy and Gluten-free Penne and Chreese, cheddar style.  You need two boxes to feed five hungry vegans.  I would also suggest adding a bit more soy milk than the box suggests for a creamier sauce.
  • Cruelty-free nail polish by Zoya.  I didn't know until after I purchased it that all the colors are women's names.  This one is Kali.  Had I know beforehand, I would have found one with my real name as the color.  But, I don't know if they could fit Supreme Amazing Modest Esmerelda Laquisha Hoppenboffer-Dippendorf on the label. Next time, I'll check it out just to be sure.  But, I've been wearing mine for a week now, and it is amazing - barely any chips!  I'm impressed.  With my small number of male commenters, perhaps, if you don't want to wear this shade, you may have a sister or mother or friend that might appreciate it.
  • On that note, I also have Rose Petal-scented soap by One with Nature.  This Dead Sea mineral soap lasts so long!  I love it, and they come in so many realistic scents.  I let my girls pick out their choices first when I come home with them.  We haven't found one yet that we don't like.
  • Finally, you get a copy of John Robbins' The Food Revolution.  I'm really looking forward to reading my copy right along with you.  It's supposed to have made a real impact on so many people who have read it.
No photo of me this year, sorry!  I know, I know, I hear your tears.  To make up for it, when I reach 1000 posts, maybe I'll let you fly me pay for my road trip out to your city and we can celebrate!  Yay!  Ha ha!

That's it!  I hope you like the gifts.  Who is this open to you may ask?

  • Anyone!
  • Followers
  • Non-followers
  • Lurkers
  • First-time viewers
  • First-time commenters
  • People who have stumbled across me by accident
  • Domestic (U.S.) people
  • International - why not? - It's only once every year and half!
If there's anyone I've missed, and you're in that category, you can also try and win.  The rules?  Easy!  Last year, I had people number their space in the comments, but that didn't work out so well.  If I ever get over 50 or near 50 comments, I'll worry about numbering at that time.  Just comment - ONCE.  You are only allowed ONE entry.  I will NOT be responding to your comments or questions on the comment space on this post.  If you need a response, I will come to your blog.  If you don't have a blog, and you need a response, e-mail me at  That's all you have to do: comment ONCE.  I will go to and pick a winner from the list.  This will be open until midnight Sunday, August 19th, 2012.  I will announce the winner on Monday, the 20th.  I need to have a way to reach you, so I can let you know you've won, and you can get me your mailing address. If you have a blog, I'll reach you there.  If not, I'll be posting the winner on my blog, as well.  If you are the winner, you can e-mail your address.

Just like last time, no pushing and shoving.  Everyone will have a turn.  Good luck!  Have fun! And thanks for reading my blog!  I appreciate all of you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

100th Post Giveaway Winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered and for all the nice comments you made on my last post.

This morning I went to, entered in my numbers and came up with Commenter #2! Of course, this was the one number that was entered in three times! Will the real #2 please stand up?

This forced me to go back to old-fashioned counting, which as you know, counting up to two is very challenging, and it led me to Jenn. Congratulations, Jenn! Now, remember the rules: read the book, while munching on the snacks, while my picture is close by, so we can all be together! All I need is your mailing info, and we're good to go - I'll mail it out sometime this week.

Thanks also to those who answered the Blessings Question of the Day! I picked the hippopotamus because I wouldn't want to deal with a hairy horn or pointy tusks! Maybe I could outrun the hippo and avoid those teeth! Today's question by JK is: Who is your favorite superhero? Mine is Superman, of course!

Thanks, again!

Monday, January 31, 2011

100th Post Celebration and Giveaway, Yippee!

It's taken me over a year to do it, but I finally am at my 100th post! Woo hoo! Whew who?

So, with that in mind, I've decided to have a giveaway to you! Here's a hint of what you can receive in the photo below. But, mind you, you are getting not one, not two, but three fabulously, indescribable gifts!

Here's JK and GR with me, intently reading The China Study. I now see with the poor lighting, what I would like as a brunette. G wanted me to drape my Raiders cozy over my lap, but Costco cut off the bottom of the picture. And, ignore the price tag, people - it's a gift to you, you know! Before you can see your total giveaway package, though, you have to endure a certain amount of nostalgia from me. You didn't think this was going to come without strings attached, did you?

I accidentally discovered food blogs in the Summer of 2009 when I was doing an online search for vegan pepperoni, since I couldn't find my brand in the store anymore. I was brought to a site that listed an amazing recipe. A recipe to actually make vegan pepperoni? I didn't know anyone could do that. Well, I thought I had found a unique website; I still didn't know that this was a "blog" or that others existed. When I started nosing around the site, I found links and comments, and I was just blown away. I realized if I wanted to leave a comment and not be anonymous, I had to have an account. That's why my profile says August, but I actually didn't start my own blog until October.

I originally started my blog for my children. I had been creating a cookbook on Microsoft Word for about ten years, and I thought a blog would provide a more professional look and a way for me to add photos for each dish. I still keep my children in mind, and I hope that they will appreciate Mom's recipes one day, and that maybe some of the better ones will be passed along to grandchildren and on.

I've realized that blogging takes up more time than I anticipated. When JK comes to me with a book, or when someone needs help with a math problem, or when my hand is being tugged to go outside and play, blogging has to take the back seat. As you know, posting is time consuming, but commenting is also time consuming. Sometimes, I just quickly look at what other people have posted without commenting because of the time issue. And, even that can become addictive. So, I beg forgiveness if you don't see my comments as much as I would like to leave them. I've probably just got done peeking at your site.

I'm announcing a NEW FEATURE! Introducing The Blessings Question of the Day. My children ask the darnedest things, and I thought I should let you in on the fun. So, with each new post, I'll pose one of their questions, and if you want, you can answer that in the comments section as well. Shall we start with this one from GR? Sure! Okay...Which would you choose to have angrily chase you in the wild: an elephant, a rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus? We'll revisit this at Post 200 to see if we will continue this. :-)

For the next 100 posts, I hope my recipes and my photography get better and better. We had already cut out msg and corn syrup, and last Fall we also eliminated artificial colors, artificial flavors, and petroleum-based preservatives. My first real challenge will be GR's birthday cake in less than two weeks because it will have a pink hue. I'm looking forward to the challenge and still being able to give my children fun food.

In the meantime, I'm showing a small sample of what I've made in my first 100 posts below. If you want to go directly to the recipe of any photo, just click on the picture caption. Meet me at the bottom for rules and what exactly I'm giving away!



Chunky Miso Soup



Candy Cane Coffee Cakes

Basic White Bread


Sourdough Soy Pizza

Chili Cheese Nachos

Broiled Avocado Cheese Sandwich


Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Thank you for humoring me with that. I hope that wasn't too many pictures. So, what do you get in this giveaway? Have I built it up enough? I think not! It's just too spectacular.

You will be receiving a copy of The China Study by the father and son Campbells. It's riveting reading as you can see in my photo, especially with JK's tongue hanging out. It actually was a ground-breaking book when it came out, outlining how China's diets and ours are so different and the cause and effect between food and health. You will also be getting a small snack bag of Somersaults to enjoy while you turn the pages. And, finally, you will be getting the very photo of JK, GR, and me in it...autographed!! And, as my dear husband, G, pointed out, it's suitable for framing. So, you can place us on your nearest flat surface where you will be reading, and we'll all enjoy the snacks and book together.

Rules? Very simple:

This is open to:
1. Domestic
2. International
4. ...Or Not
5. Lurkers, come on, introduce yourself already!
6. First-time Peekers, don't be shy.

I think that's everyone. All you have to do to enter is make a comment...that's it. I have two requests: Make only ONE comment. If you have a question for me, e-mail me at, as I will not be making any responses in the comment section. Rest assured, though, I'll be happily reading your comments. Also, when you comment, please number your comment, as I do not know how to have numbers inserted in. And, if the person above you forgot to number theirs, then please put the correct number down on your comment. For instance, Rose forgets to point out that she's number five. Shenandoah comes along, notices that, and after tsk-tsking, she correctly numbers her own comment as number six. See? That way, when I go to, I don't have to count everyone. New edit: Sometimes two people may type comments at the same time and enter in the same number. If that happens to you, don't worry about it. Hopefully, the next person in line will enter the correct number for themself. You may notice that my comment section says at the top how many comments are currently listed, without individually numbering them, so just add yourself as the next number regardless if someone else is slightly off.

I'm going to keep this open through this Saturday, the 5th and will announce the winner on Sunday, the 6th. No pushing or shoving, there's plenty of room here! Make sure there is a way I can contact you, if you're the winner - either in your profile or in your comment, unless you know that I already have your e-mail address. Good luck everyone, and thanks for coming by. I've already begun to meet some pretty wonderful people in the blogosphere, and I'm looking forward to being around a lot longer and meeting many more. :-)