
Showing posts with the label leadership

A lesson in leadership

I was recently asked to write a blog post for the Loddon Murray Community Leadership program - here it is below :) A lesson in leadership …. Posted on   January 29, 2015 by   cllminc Dianne and Gary Bowles from Cohuna are strong advocates for the dairy industry. Dianne Bowles  of Cohuna describes herself as a professional dairy farmer, a Board Member at the North Central Catchment Management Authority, and a Director of Murray Dairy. She is also a graduate of the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program (2012). Over and beyond her many public roles she recently discovered that her leadership skills were required closer to home.   Di is our first guest blogger for 2015 and we thank her for sharing her story. Sometimes just one little thing can cause you to lose focus on what you are trying to achieve. My husband Gary and I own and run a dairy farm in Northern Victoria. Gary has lived here all his life, me for only the last 9 years wh...