Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back to School Bash Winners

The winners of the Fresh Organics are judybrittle,shawna and bekki1820cb
Winner of the Scott Naturals Green Gift Bag is The Demilles
The winner of the Misikko giveaway is joannamarieprice
The Down East Basics winner is The Kooky Queen Rachel
The Burts Bees winner is Linda Greg and Drew
The Go Picnic winner is Nad
The Umi Shoes winner is blakesmom
The winner if the Flirty Aprons is judybrittle
The Therawise winner is xenia
The Crazy Forts winner is Hippie4ever
The winner of the Delicae Gourmet is trixpixel
The winner of the WB Gift Basket is Brennaboo

Wow-that wore me out- that's alot of work!

On another note I have had so far this month almost 11,000 hits! I cannot believe it! Thank you all who have been visiting! The more traffic I get the better the products I get to giveaway! Don't forget to enter daily for a chance to win a GE Appliance on my sidebar!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comment- keep 'em coming!

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