Showing posts with label Pidge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pidge. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Drippy Monday Morning

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends today is a damp and getting damper kind of day.  The weather has finally shifted back to our more normal rainy winter weather and we are to be rained upon for the next few days.  

The weekend was very pleasant.  We had the house open for most of the two days as it was quite warm, but the minute that the sun went down it got very cool very fast.  I did get all my finishing done and have packages going out this morning.  I will wait to post snaps when the things arrive at their final destinations.

The stitching I got to was a bit more on Shores.  Here is a progress shot of Block 5....

It is a bit on the wonky side - but you get the idea.  That blue house was a lot of stitching, and back stitching.  I need to get the roof and bits of back ground in and then its on to the big double square.  

The baby pidges are up and's an action shot...

They are either flapping around are huddled up in a corner.  I tried to sneak up on them to get a good snap to show how big they have gotten, but they are very alert to any noise.  I'll try for better shots during the week.

We got our car back on Friday evening - WOO-HOO!!!  Robert is a great mechanic and can really work miracles.  He did us a huge favour by getting it done so quickly and I really appreciate him.  But, to get the car back I had to sell an arm, leg and my left ear to get enough money to pay for the darn thing.   We have been talking about looking to get a new car, but after pouring a butt load of cash into this car we are gonna drive it around a bit longer!!  and I do love not having a car payment!!!!

I baked up a pretty basic coffee cake yesterday.....
I am sure I have posted this recipe back in the Blog somewhere, but I will try an get it onto Blacksheep Bakes this week.

That's about it for today sports fans!!  Thanks for stopping by and for you kind comments.  I do really appreciate them immensely!!!!!

Take care,

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Summery Warm Weekend

GR&DF I do thank you most profusely for the kind comments and support for Friday's post.  I really didn't mean to "poke a bear" as my grandparents would have said - but I was so agitated about the whole idea of someone slamming another stitcher - lets just say it got my goat - and now that my goat has been got - I can move on to other things!!

The past two days have been gloriously warm and breezy - so unusual for this time of year.  I'm talking mid to upper 70's - we had the house open with the breeze blowing down off of Twin Peaks both days - It was a real treat. Spring is popping out all over the city with the flowering trees all a'blooming.  It is supposed to stay in the low 70's all week with next weekend on the cool side with some rain.  We'll see what happens.
Yesterday was the warmest of the weekend and we started it off with an early service at Most Holy Redeemer.  I always have a camera on hand and thought this was a nice snap of the morning...
This was taken abut 7:30 am and the street was still dark and the sun coming up shining on the church looked nice.  We went on to breakfast at Eddies after services and then walked on over to the little Farmers Market on Grove Street.  I got these snaps there...

It was a beautiful morning and walking around the market was really very pleasant.

 Saturday we ran around to a couple of Estate Sales and I picked up these two pieces....

A great old transferware bowl by Copeland and a scraper of some sort.  The yellow scraper is marker "France" and its a bright sunny yellow but what it scrapes I haven't a clue - citrus?

The pideglettes are getting very big and so I thought you should post a snap of them.  The one on the left is the more dominate one and will stand up and puff out when Lolly starts to sniff around.

They have almost lost all of their yellow pin feathers and are starting to look like the big pigeons they will become.
My stitching was very focused on an upcoming exchange piece.  I did get a few stitches on Shores but really not enough to get excited about.

That's about it for today sports fans!!  Thanks for stopping by and do come again!

Take care,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Whole Bunch of Stuff - and a Winner

GR& DF so sorry to have missed my usual Monday posting.  I was playing around with my new camera.  WooHoo - a new toy!!  Rico got it for me on Friday and I have been having the most fun.  I wanted a smaller, lighter and more powerful camera.  I have been working with my old camera for 4+ years and it was time.  My new camera is a Sony CyberShot, 14.1 MP and it's a great red colour.  I am still learning what it can do so my snaps may be a bit off for a while.  Thanks you so much sweet Rico!!! and Merry Christmas to me!!!!

Over the weekend there where other high points!!  You might remember - I collect 19th century Transferware - there a few patterns I really look for.  One of them is called "The Sea."  I hardly ever see any pieces in this pattern, like never.  When I do see the occasional piece it is astronomical in price so I whimper a bit and move on.  On Sunday we ran out to the Antique Collective (mall) and were just looking around and in one of the booths was this....

A beautiful rim soup bowl!!  I snatched that sucker off its stand so quick you would have thought I was having a fit.  It now hangs under a large vegetable bowl in the same pattern.....

For a pidge-lette update - I got a quick snap of the them.  Lolly startled the Mama away for a moment and I got this snap of the growing duo.  They have grown considerably since I last saw them a few days ago.

I did some stitching this weekend - some I can show, some I can't.  Here's a snap of some I can....  a "Monthly" update....

The colours are off but you get the idea.  I am really enjoying this - and may just push on with the stitching instead of waiting for each month to roll around.

I also whipped up this pretty tasty treat.....

...a cranberry/orange coffee cake - it has a great crumb and is filled with cranberry deliciousness.  I made a quick orange glaze that pulled all the flavours together.  I'll post the recipe in the next day or so over at Blacksheep Bakes.

I wanted to wrap up today with the drawing....  I got all the names written on slips of paper and into the BoD....  with a little help from Lolly.... the Hag claw reached into the BoD......

....  and out came the winner........  Mary H.  Congratulations!!  Now if you'll email me your snail mail address I can get the Engagement Book into the mail and on its way to you.  My email in in my profile.  Thank you all for your interest in the drawing.......

I will be reaching a milestone for me and my Blog - my 1000th Post for the Blacksheep is coming up soon..... so I think I need to have a Super Give-A-Way.  I never thought when I started Blogging I would ever have 100 posts much less 1000 - who could have known??  Oh well, keep a watch for it!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  I do thank you all for stopping by and for commenting!!  It means so much to little old me.

Take care,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Quickie Chickie Post

GR&DF today will have to be a short post - and it's all about Pidge and the pidge-lettes. Yesterday we did our usually walking the who-hounds outside to do what doo-doo they could do...... and I took the camera to see if I could get a chick snap. I saw the broken shells the day before and thought there might be some action in the nest. Here is a snap.....

You can see the shells and you can see Lolly looking at mama Pidge - but instead of flying away she puffed up and squawked a bit, but not a bit did she move. So me thinks there might be some pidge-lettes under her warm breast!! I'll keep a camera handy and try and get snap of them if the chance arises.

There you go sports fans - a short and sweet city-chicken update.

Take care,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Midweek Babbles......

GR&DF midweek and the weekend can't get here fast enough. Just wishing it away I guess!! Yesterday we got our cold and windy rain day a bit early - and today it is to be a cold a dry one!! So I am off to the Farmers Market at lunch. I haven't been over since way before Christmas. Not sure what might be there, but I know one thing..... there will be some Kettle Korn for sure!

I wanted to mention that I have posted the Lemon Squares recipe over on BlackSheep Bakes. There are lots of Lemons Bar recipes - this is the one I sort of concocted and used. I like it because it is like a butter cookie with a tangy lemony topping - whats not to like.

Last night I watched a couple of flicks - one the was new to me and the other an old favorite. The old favorite was "Russian Ark" - 2002 - a scrumptious film that is done all in one take - one single take - imagine that. Almost 100 mins of no breaks for anything - It is a Russian film with subtitles so that you can follow what is being said. The joy of the film is that you move the The Hermitage in and out of History for the past 300 years as a spectator that can see but not be seen by those around you, except for your guide - who is an 18th century visitor. I love this film and have seen it many times. Here is a the trailer from the film.....

You see Tzar's and Tzarina's, aristocrats and the military, war, theatre and a ball. - I see something new on each viewing. I can not recommend this film highly enough, breathtaking in scope, beautiful art, beautiful Palace and gorgeous music!!

The other film was "Titan A.E." - 2000 - and animated film set in the future in space. With the voices of many stars including , Matt Damon, Bill Pullman, Nathan Lane and Drew Barrymore I was totally surprised at how much I enjoyed this film. Lots of action and great visuals. Created By Don Bluth and Gary Oldman I would also recommend this film.

At our house or I should say in one of the enclosed courtyards we have some new friends....

They are actually old friends in new surroundings..... and we have this little lady.....

... she has built nest on the ground and has two eggs she is sitting on - now I call that one dingy bird. We, and a lot of others, walk our dogs in the courtyards around the buildings and it is all I can do to keep the Lolly-nator from jumping this little bird every time we go outside.

I think that's about it for today sports fans. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments - do come again!!

Take care,

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Spooky Weekend!!

GR&DF it is Hallowe'en weekend - and are we all ready with our scary costumes!! We have an annual Hallowe'en party to get to tomorrow night - It is usually very crowded and goes on to all hours of the morning - we get there on the earlish side and will usually vamoose by 10:00 or so. I am not one for crowded spaces and pushing on people to get through the crowd.

Not only is it All Hallows Eve but it is also - El Día de los Muertos - Day if the Dead. Living here is San Francisco there are the most interesting things to see, go to and buy that are connected to this Holiday!! Here is a snap of our little tribute to the weekend....

We got the sugar skulls in the Mission at Los Jallitos last week when we went to dinner. The little skeletal figures are hand made of clay - Rico has picked them up at a couple of different places. Being from the South I never even heard of nor imagined anything like the DoD Celebrations that go on in this City. The processions through the streets and alters that are built are truly works of art. We may try and get out to see some of the goings on - depending on the congestion in the Mission.

The mail yesterday brought me a chart I bought from Sadie's de-statshing.
It was a Prairie Schooler - 12 Days of Christmas - and is one I have wanted for a long time....

Now I am just itching to start this sucker!! Last night I dug around in my linen stash and found I hadn't anything appropriate for this. That means I will have to wait until I make a trip to NiAH for resupply the linen larder.

Last night was more exchange stitching. My Ornament Exchange is going out this morning. I am really happy with the ornament I made and hope my partner likes it also!!

The flicker last night was "The Last Sin Eater" - 2007 - starring Louise Fletcher and Henry Thomas. This was an odd movie that was recommended to me. It is a faith based movie set in the Appalachian Mountains in the early 1850's and deals with 2nd generation Welsh settlers. The basic story is about a 10 year old girl looking for redemption for something that has happened and along her quest uncovers a terrible secret about her little communities founding. I enjoyed it and the scenery was spectacular.

I got a snap of the mama stink eye and the last baby pidge -

This is opposite the windows where the flower box was - I think the first bird is the mama stink eye and the last one is baby pidge (the white patch is what gives her away) the middle bird I am not too sure but she could be from an earlier clutch. Sometimes there are 6 or seven birds on this pipe at night - lots of coo-cooing going on!!

That's about it for today and wraps up the week sports fans!! Thank you for stopping by and for the nice comments - the cake was good yesterday and the slice today is even better!!! Have a great weekend!!

take care,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sampler Shot

GR&DF I love reading all the comments and do thank you for them!! I am sorry about how negative the movie review was yesterday, but you should have read what I wrote to begin with - what I published was a toned down and cleaned up version!! I really had not hoped for very much with The Women - but I do like to try and give things a chance - oh well for-warned is for-armed. I am still pushing through UD and am now in the middle of the Fourth Season - and the Great War - Only a handful of shows left and then the two discs of "Thomas and Sarah" the UP spin off. It follows that crafty and underhanded pair of the under house parlor maid and chauffeur and their life after they leave 165 Eaton Place.

My stitching last night was on Hetty and she is coming along fine -I am really liking the BS silk colours!! Here is a really crappity snap - and yes I did crawl under the couch and turned off all the lights in the house to make sure that this would be a dark snap!! - here tis -

From this snap you would think the linen has a pink cast - it doesn't. It has an ever so slight grey/silver tone - I will try and get a snap this weekend that looks more like it should.

I did want to let everyone know that we have lost both of the newest pidges. What happened was on Monday we had a total rain storm that flooded out large parts of the city. This rain just poured into and onto the small pidges washing them out of the window box. When we got home they were both on the ground with the smaller of the two already gone and the second one sort of shivering and looking scared on the ground. We got her up and back into the window box and set her on a pile of dry raffia we had and even made a small cover in case it started to rain again. Yesterday we got home a mama stink eye was perched on the edge of the box with baby pidge not moving. It was very sad and I think the mama stink eye just didn't understand what had happened as she wouldn't move from the box for the longest time. We left her standing there and after a while when she had flown off to the other side of the light well we took the box down. So ends our pidge experience with three clutches of eggs. Out of the six eggs there are now three pidges now flying around and enjoying the city.

I figured out where I saw the Swan Pond Chart - it was on The Stitching Post that Kellie writes - she does some lovely things go check her out - and I do thank her for posting about her new stash as I would never had seen the chart otherwise!! Seeing new stash is one of my favorite things on the Blogs - you can see what is new or old or obscure out there that you might want to stitch or get hold of for your stash.

There you go sports fans!! Thank you for stopping by and commenting!!

Take care,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Whoop Whoop it be Fridaaaaay!!!!!

GR&DF throw those hands in the air - and say again - whoop whoop!!! Another week has ended with its usual fizzle, but the weekend - and a three day weekend to boot - is here at last. Now it is officially - for me at least - Fall and all the wonderful things that go with this time of year.

The mail brought me a wonderful piece from the 3 Round Of the Prairie Schooler Exchange. It is a Halloween Ornament - and the first for me this year - Here is a snap....

My partner was Jo Anne (no blog) and she has stitched and finished a beautiful piece for me. Thank you so much - I just love it!!!!

it has been a while and I thought you might like to see the pidges - both the baby pidge and the "vulture "group that sort of hangs out waiting for a free snack.
Here is a rather plump baby pidge -

She is way skittish and starts to swell up and often flap and peep if she is disturbed. We are thinking she will always be this way due to the trauma from when she fell out of the nest/window box, but who knows... she could just be a psycho city chicken. Now across the light well from the nest/box there have been a row of "vultures" that sit there all the time -

We think that mama stink eye sits the closest to the nest at the left and that two of them are the first batch of "CC" (city chickens) and who the fourth is we haven't a clue. Some interloper looking for a hand out probably.

My stitching last night was on an exchange piece so no snaps. :(
I want to finish up my Needle Roll Exchange this weekend so there may not be a stitchity snap on Tuesday either, but you never know. :)

I wonder if anyone else is as spastic about the upcoming "Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow" as I am. Miss Kathy B released a sneak peek of Block 1 and Block 4 on her blog here and they are in a word GORGEOUS!!!!! I know, I know.... I have that last square of VoHRH to finish and I have all of the "Shores" NPI silk - but no linen as my bean brain wont decide on what I want to do it on!! Now, here is "Christmas" - and I must do this piece. Not only is it Christmas but it would seem that she is using one of my favorite carols as a theme - I am really excited - could you tell!!!

I'll finish out the week with a sweet puppy shot of The Peach....

Can you tell she had been asleep until I pulled out the camera, not one of her favorite things.

Thank you all for stopping by and commenting!!! Have a great 3 Day Weekend!!!
I'll see you on Tuesday.

Take care,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Posting

GR&&DF - Thank you so much for your very kind and supportive comments!! I am far from a hero regarding Baby Pidge - I think anyone would and could change the course of events that were playing out in BP's life.

Each one of us, I believe, have to make 100's of decisions during our lives - be they big or small - and we can choose when making those decisions to make our little parts of the world better or not - I try to make things better where I can. I didn't even tell you that I am such a sucker for that baby pidge and her trauma - and I thought the mama would abandoned her - I went a ground up a piece of bread and poured it at one end pf the box. It got eaten by someone - probably one of the first BP's since they are still hanging around - I don't think it was the new baby - as I still see Stink Eye sort of hacking up tasty bits from here nether regions. When I looked in yesterday the bread crumbs where all gone. I immediately went and ground up another slice of bread. When I tried to slowly slide the window open - the baby pidge started peeping and a hopping around and then swoop.... in came the Mama Stink Eye just a flapping and flying around - I never even saw her until then - there is gratitude for you. I closed the window and have just left the family alone. In the comments it was mentioned about the pidge poops - I tell you, if the car didn't have at least one plop on it somewhere all the time it would be a miracle!!

Carol mentioned the gingerbread house mold and recipe - I found a copy of it online here. I think I might just try out this recipe some time over the holidays as it seems very easy and straight forward.

I really didn't do much stitching last night - I finished up an exchange piece.
So there are no snaps at all in today's posting. :(

I did see quite a few movies over the weekend. A couple of WWII flickers where especially good. The first was "Back to Bataan" - 1945 - starring John Wayne, Anthony Quinn and Beulah Bondi. A really good film about the Philippine resistance during the Japanese occupation. This was John Wayne's first war film and he and Beulah are superb in their rolls. I totally enjoy Beulah every time I see her. She is best know for her roll as Ma Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life", 1946. Don't get me started on "Wonderful Life" as it is one of my favorite top 10 movies of all time!! The second war flicker was "Across the Pacific" - 1942 - starring Humphrey Bogart, Sydney Greenstreet and Mary Astor. This companion piece to the "Maltese Falcon" is a total war propaganda film that takes place of the eve of Pearl Harbor but in the Panama Canal Zone and not Hawaii. I had never heard of this film and really enjoyed it. Although not quite up to the "Maltese Falcon" it is very good at the espionage and spy thing. The last film I will mention is "The Reluctant Debutant" - 1958 - starring Rex Harrison, Kay Kendell, Angela Landsbury and Sandra Dee. A really fun film directed by Vincente Minnelli. Rex and Kay are delightful to watch as they move through the "problems" of the London Season and launching Sandra Dee into society.

There you sports fans!! - Thank you for stopping by!!

Take care,

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Last Week of August begins...

Another fun weekend is over and here we are at the end of August - can you believe that summer is over and the best part of the year is almost here!! The Fall of the year is my favorite time of the year followed closely by Winter. Living here is this micro climate year round without much change in the weather it often feels wintry or fallish most of the time - and with the fog rolling in all summer long I forget that there are temps reaching into the 100's just 30 mins from the city - when I think of those roasting in the San Joachim Valley I thank my lucky stars I am here wearing shivering in a sweatshirt.

This weekend started off on a high note with dinner on Friday evening.... we ordered a pizza from one of our favorite places - Haystack Pizza -

Not only is this place about 2 mins from our house but they deliver!! Which means I don't have to take off my slippers or go out into the cold dark night!! This is what we usually order - the Haystack - and it was very tasty. Usually ordering on a Friday night it can take an hour or more to get a pizza from here but this one got to us in about 25 mins - I guess we hit it just right!!!

On Saturday we did our usual thing and ran around to the estate and garage sales - and here is my haul for the week end - will I never learn!! :)

As you can see it was a kitchen heavy collection this week - starting in the top left - I acquired a Pampered Chef Gingerbread House mold, a Blue Willow tray, a push potato masher, a fluted pastry wheel/ravioli cutter, a couple of tea diffusers, 3 Indian tree plates - a commemorative mug from 1969 when Prince Charles was made Prince of Wales, a cute little angle with a trumpet, a few little Christmas ornies - a Dr Seuss Book - leaning against the Blue Willow tray is a copy of a 10th Century Ivory Plaque - German - of "Christ in Majesty" - the original is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Not too bad for not much cash. We spent the whole day out running around eventually we ended up in the mission so we stopped at Los Jallitos for a delicious lunch.

On Sunday morning we did our usual running around which includes a visit to the grocery store, gassing up the car and running the car through the car wash (at someone else's insistence as I could care less if the car ever got washed and think it is a waste of time, water and money - but I wont bitch and be bitter :) )

When we got home we checked on the last baby pidge since the mama stink eye and the two older babies where off some where pooping on something. Looking into the flower box we saw it was empty - now this baby is way to young to fly off since she still has her pin feathers and is fat but small - then all we could think of was she had fallen out..... I ran in the house and grabbed a big wire bamboo strainer thing and then downstairs to see if I could find her. She was cowering in the corner scared all to pieces. I slowly came up and she started flapping and peeping and running around .... so there I was chasing this crazy flapping peeping baby pidge around in the yard below our apartment. Eventually after trying to grab/trap/contain this frightened little bundle of feathers I got her cornered and picked her up and got her back into the box. She snuggled up tight against the box and seemed fine. Before I went off to bed I checked and the three other pidges where back and all crammed into the box - so all is well with the pidge family.

I did get some stitched on TiTD - here is a snap -

It is coming along just fine - It is a really nice stitch - sorry the picture is such crap - but it was late when I took the picture and the light was super bad.

I will leave off with the sampler for today - Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Take care,

Monday, August 17, 2009

After a Lazy weekend....

..... should one be able to think or not???? GF&DR - both new and old
- welcome once again to my corner of blogland.

The weekend here in San Francisco was glorious - low 70's bright and sunny - no fog, no rain, no earthquakes (or at least none I could feel) :) - the little ones happen all the time but you never REALLY feel them!!

Saturday followed our usual pattern with the running around to different sales - We usually drive over to Dale's - he lives out in the Sunset district- and then hop in his jeep to tool around the city. Well, he had the top down on the jeep and it was so beautiful - needless to say that with the top down the four hairs on my head hardly protected my pate!! So here I am with red face/and scalp - can't wait for it to peel - how loeverly will that be!!! I really only thought about it for a second during the day as it is totally fun riding up and down the hills with the wind blowing and the sun shining.

One of the highlights of the day was visiting the 26th annual Alamo Square Yard sale - Once a Year the Alamo Square Home Owners Association has a yard sale around the square. Now you think, I don't know where that is in SF - but you really do - as one of the iconic snaps of the city happens there - you recognize this.......

I took this snap form the top of the square looking out to downtown with the painted ladies in the front - and without any people - this grassy area was just packed with folks - so I was lucky. We used to live on this square and walked the hounds in the park all the time - before moving to Noe Valley. Here is a snap of one of the attendees...

Her name is Jackie O. and isn't she a darling!! Here is a snap of the crowds.....

There were about a gazillin people and not many bargains. So we walked around and left to go have some lunch.

My estate/ garage sale haul for the day were these things....

I think the deal of the day was from a yard sale - and is the really cute Peter Rabbit Cookie jar I picked up for $3. I probably spent less than $10 for everything - The little tea pot - from a child's set I think - is really super and I think pretty old. The two DVD's I didn't have and wanted. We did pretty well over all - Dale got some really great deals on some pretty rare McCoy pieces - but it was just fun running around as always!!!

On the stitching front - Terri made a fob for the Sail Away SAL and I got mine in Friday's mail -

Isn't it great - I have hooked it to one of my favorite Dovo's. I just love the turtle on the end!! Thank you so much Terri!!!

I finished up an exchange and worked on the TiTD sampler - here is a snap of the sampler

This is working up nicely - now with the borders mostly done I can get the middle part started.

I did want to announce that we finally have our balcony back - it only took a short 7 months to get done but it is back. Rico threw his back out moving the Norfolk Pine back out - but he was determined to get things in order. I will leave you with a family snap of the pidges....

It is a crappy snap as I had to take it through the window but you can see the two older babies and the mama stink eye (with the white spot on her nose) sitting on the one baby left. It is pretty funny to see them all out there, but they are our pack of city chickens!!

Mel is having a super Blogiversary Giveaway -

Go check it out and enter - Congrats on 8 Blogging Years!!!!

I will have the book drawing tonight and announce the winner in the morning so do check back!!

Thank you all for stopping by and for your kind comments.

Take care,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer House Arrives in SF and some snaps

GR&DF - Thank you so much for you kind comments yesterday about my earliest attempt at x-stitch. I don't remember much about the making of the piece but it was the the little bite that has now become a feast of fun!!!

Yesterday the mail brought me my Summer House Exchange piece from Irmeli who lives in Finland. Here is a snap of the cutest pillow....

Irmeli included some treats as a surprise - she explained that since I was the organizer of the exchange and knew who would be sending to me - that I should get a surprise treat!! I just love this darling piece!! So perfectly stitched and finished - she used a 28 ct linen and DMC floss - but I forgot the card at home so can't tell you the title of the piece.

I also got some snaps of the jamming from the weekend....

and I got a snap of my "new" bowl....

AND I forgot about my new pair of scissors.
We stopped into Joannes and these were 1/2 price - could I pass!! Now, I am not a mess about scissors - in fact I reach for the same pair over and over again - but I really like the colour of these!!

I did want to let you know about the two new pidges - we lost one of them over the weekend - so now Mama stink eye is only looking after one new baby pidge.... and the older two from the first nest are still hanging around. We often see them crowded into the single window box together - and wonder if that had anything to do with what happened.

Last night TV just bit the big one all over the place so I popped a DVD in -
"Four Jill's in a Jeep" - 1944 - a great WWII feel good movie I hadn't seen in a while.

There you go - Thanks for stopping by and once again I do appreciate the nice comments!!!

Take care,

Friday, July 31, 2009

Shakin' it up a bit....

As you can probably tell I have "stirred the pot" so to speak with my blog. I have had the snap of my mom and goat cart up there for so long I thought it was time to change it all up - Header snap, colour wise and the fonts. I have been thinking about doing it for months now and searched and searched through what seemed like 100's of templates and skins to find something I wanted here, but nothing and I mean nothing jumped out at me. I even toyed with the idea of get someone else to come up with something innovative and new - but vetoed that - I may go back and find someone to do it - you never know. Then I thought about my stitching and since this is my blog why not throw one of the pieces I really like up there - What I have chosen is the Beatrix Potter Quaker piece I finished up last year as a SAL. The piece is stitched on 32ct Vintage Autumn Field using Soie d'Alger #4625. If you remember I stitched in the initials as a sort of memorial to my Dad and Grandparents - It now hangs in our front hall. I am not too sure how happy I am with my wrangling, but will Live with the results for a bit.

Well, Friday has arrived - cool and foggy here in San Francisco. I know that if you drive just about 15 mins in any direction out of the city that the temps soar into the 90's and 100's so I am very thankful for being blanketed in fog. Yesterday when we took the hounds out for the afternoon constitutional I took my camera along to get some snaps of the fog....

This is looking out from our dead end street towards downtown - and the entire city was covered. I turned around towards Twin Peaks and.... this shot of the creeping fog coming over the hills. It was a cozy evening and I even flipped the heater on to take the chill off. The evenings stitching was finishing up the exchange piece I have been working on - I will have that out next Tuesday.

There where two flickers - the first was TCM's screening as part of a tribute to 1939 - "Gone With the Wind" - 1939 - I really enjoy this film an have seen it many times. It was over at 9 so I squeezed in an extra film I had gotten from Netflix. This second film was called "Trouble in Store" - 1953 - starring Norman Wisdom, Moira Lister and Margaret Rutherford. This was an English comedy about Norman a stock room clerk whose ambition it is to be a window dresser. It was very slapstick in a Jerry Lewis kind of way - I did enjoy many things about this film - but Norman's continual manic shenanigans got to be less and less funny as the movie went on.

I also got a pretty good shot of the first two pidges -

They are not long for the window box I think - as they stay gone for longer and longer periods of time.

Have a great weekend - thanks for stopping by!!! I will let you know how the plums turn out on Monday!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some Fruit, Some Flicks, Dinner and the new Pidges

Yesterday I made another visit to the Farmers Market. This is the season to gather and store for the winter. Plums are in season so I thought I now need to try my hand at jamming those suckers!! Here is a snap of some purple globes of deliciousness....

I am not sure of the type but they are smallish and a little on the tart side - which I like and can control how sweet I get the end product. It seems that last week there was greater variety of plums available - but these will do just fine. I also picked up some beautiful veggies...

these tomatoes are just delicious - I got them from this stand...

Isn't this just a gorgeous snap - so Christmassy here in the middle of the summer. The weather is holding out beautifully - overcast and breezy in the mid 70's. Here are couple of more snaps of the market....

and looking out over the length of it towards Market Street.....

I looked for the chicken guy and he didn't show and the fish wife from heck was giving me the mama stink eye!!

Talking about the stink eye - I got a shot of our newest pidglettes...

Once again they are pretty vulture looking!! The other pidges have been in and out as they try their wings - BTW they have both acquired the mama stink eye!! I will try to get a snap of them before they take off forever.

We had one of the great flat bread things from Trader Joe's.... I said I would get a snap of it so that you can keep a look out for them....

And this was dinner last night - see those luscious little tomatoes - fresh from the farmers market - sweet and delicious. I wish we could have a little produce garden - but apartment living doesn't lend itself to that.

Stitching was once again on exchanges.

It was a really great movie evening - with TCM having a night of pre-code musicals - starting off with - "Hips, Hips Hooray!" - 1934 - an entertaining if lame comedy musical - very dated - this was followed by a super musical - "Gold Diggers of 1933" - 1933 - starring Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell this was far superior in every way to HHH. I love the Gold Digger Movies and would recommend them to one and all!! The third feature of the evening was "Footlight Parade" - 1933 - again starring Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell with the addition of James Cagney - I love, love, love this flick - it is worth watching for the Honeymoon Hotel number alone if for nothing else!!! The fourth selection was a Netflix film - "A Run for Your Money" - 1949 - starring Alec Guinness, Donald Houston, Meredith Edwards and Moira Lister. A great English comedy from Ealing Studios about two Welsh miners who go to London to collect a prize - and all the trouble they have during that one big city. I had never heard of this film and took a was a really fun movie and I would recommend it to anyone!!

There your go - only one more day until the weekend!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Take care,

A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...