Showing posts with label Mourning Dove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mourning Dove. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

Baby Mourning Dove

For the past 4 years, I've had baby mourning doves hatch in our home gutters. They make a huge mess but they still bring smiles to our faces. Check out my new addition!

Well hello baby!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another scene from the Exorcist?

Have you ever seen a Mourning Dove turn its head 360 degrees and then go to sleep?!

(Remember that horror movie the Exorcist when Linda Blair turned her head all the way around? That movie scared the heck out of me! Anyways, it was the 1st thing I thought of when I saw this Dove. Yep, I need help!)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Expectant Father

Nesting mother....

Pretty soon I'll have 2 of Bob's mourning dove babies running around. I'll need to load up on some extra bird baths (or toilets for that matter.) They'll need names.....sounds like I'll be having a giveaway in the next couple weeks!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I really think spring is going to come early this year. Today I saw my Mourning Doves building their nest in the same place they do every year - my gutters. They must know something we don't - I'm convinced!

Anyways, here's the naughtiness that's going on in my yard!

"Bob & I are planning on having 10 babies this year!"

"After I eat this cracker you gave me, I'm still going to raid your bird feeder!"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bob The Mourning Dove - Part III

Me: Um Bob, I've noticed quite a few Mourning Doves in the yard today, is something going on?

Bob: Oh, I'm just have a little get together, nothing special.

Me: Okay, but I've had to clean the birdbath 3 times today.

Bob: I'll talk to the other doves about it. Don't worry!

Me: Um Bob, how big is this get together of yours? Bob?!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mourning Dove Worries

Upon hearing that Shelley would be going out of town to her log cabin for a week:

Richard the Mourning Dove expresses concern - "Well who will feed us? And I like dumping your seed on the ground." I told him he would be fine, there's plenty of other food resources around that will get him by for a week.

Eve, Muse, Tina, Helen and Jayne asked "Well who will keep the birdbath cleaned and filled? Especially after Bob has been in it?"

Ladies, unfortunately you're on your own for that one.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Bob the Mourning Dove - Part II

Poop or treat!! Whoops....I mean Trick or Treat!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bob the Mourning Dove

Bob the Mourning Dove considers his options.

"Should I poop first in the birdbath or should I drink first?"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mourning Doves are back...

Hey - you down there! Can you save some seed for me?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The case is solved!

Your honor, in the case of Bob the Mourning Dove being accused of beheading St. Francis, some new evidence has come to light which will prove my client's innocence.

Whew! Thank goodness those grackles make a good attorney! I wonder who did this?

Who, who would do such a thing to St. Francis?


Friday, September 12, 2008

Who did this to St. Francis?!

I need answers. St. Francis has been beheaded!

This is terrible! Who could've done this?!

Well I didn't want to say anything and I was just minding my own business getting ready for winter but....I did see Bob the Mourning Dove in the vicinity....

We the jury find Bob the Mourning Dove guilty!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mourning Dove Army

Shelley, I feel it's my duty to tell you that I think the Mourning Doves are planning a takeover of the backyard. They've had at least 6 sets of babies this summer and their army grows strong....

Plus I'm not getting the peanuts I used to off your bird feeders...

This is Napoleon. I think he's the ring leader. He's always marching around and then hides behind a tree when you come out.

This is Bob and Mary. They've been plotting in the gutters of your house...

Speaking of gutters....check out this new young addition to the army!

That chipmunk needs to mind his own business! Or else....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Advice for my bird friends

Some advice for a few of my bird friends.

Hurry and eat that seed before the Mourning Doves & the Grackles come!

Mr. Starling - you need a bath. And you need to be nicer to the sparrows!

Don't even think about having more babies Mrs. Mourning Dove!

Hurry up Mr. Robin

Had to laugh yesterday as all these birds were congregated around the birdbath waiting for this Robin to finish up. Geez, can't a Robin have any privacy?!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mourning Dove Bully

Bob - my mourning dove bully - was trying to initimidate this little sparrow off one of my bird feeders. The sparrow was oblivious to him and happily munched his seeds. Nice try Bob!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Mourning Doves have taken over!

Let me tell you a true story about two Mourning Doves that have taken over my yard. Their names are Bob and Mary - and they may seem like ordinary birds with ordinary names...but do not be deceived. They own my yard.

Here we have them sitting on the telephone wire waiting for me to fill my bird feeders. They will sit there all day cooing - waiting for me to come out. They know I'm in the house...

They keep having babies to help their army grow stronger. They have had two broods so far this year. And they invited some friends to nest nearby as well.

They hog the birdbath and make the Robin mad. They defiantly poop in it because it's "their" birdbath and I'm just the person who cleans it.

They own the bird feeder too. They have a hard time with the two of them sitting in it at the same time so one will watch from the roof to make sure no else has a shot at "their" seeds.

A warning to all...they look like sweet little birds especially with their soft cooing...but make no mistake - they will own your yard!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mourning Dove Couple

Here is my Mourning Dove couple. They are great parents. I say this because I was trying to snap pictures of their two babies and they shooed their little cuties into the bushes away from my camera. The couple then perched themselves on the fence to keep a watchful eye on me. Okay, okay - I get the hint. But you two make a nice photo.....

Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy Monday

Purple and gold do go together!

I'm just hanging around...

No your honor, I did not eat Shelley's birdseed!

Dinner for two.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baby Mourning Doves!

I cannot believe how fast these baby mourning doves hatched! It seemed like just a couple weeks ago the mother dove was laying on her nest in my house gutters. It was nice to see these 2 little babies running around my yard. These pictures aren't as good as I would've liked but the babies and their mother seemed nervous and I didn't want to upset them further.

Mama dove trying to distract me with her wings.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is my birdbath!

Time for a little bath!

This is great!

What are you doing here Mr. Mourning Dove? This is my bath.

I'm a little upset and going to turn my back on you Mr. Mourning Dove.

He's a little sensitive but now I have the birdbath all to myself!