Showing posts with label Evening Grosbeak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evening Grosbeak. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Evening Grosbeak Irruption


I had to laugh.  I usually can catch a view of the Evening Grosbeak at Hartwick Pines State Park in Grayling, MI. It's not too far from our place in Gaylord.  I was excited to hear about the irruption and headed up there to go search.  No luck.

Come home and I have 7 on my feeder! It was such a delight! They have continued to visit my feeders that last couple weeks. At one time I counted 15 of them. Not sure how long they are sticking around but I enjoy watching their flurry of activity!  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's a mad world....

Is it just me, or does this Evening Grosbeak look mad at me? Which reminds me, last week at school I had two Canadian geese chase me across campus hissing at me. Seriously - isn't bird lover written all over my face???

(P.S. Chris from Iceland - please leave your blog address in the comments. I lost your site - thank you!!!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stalking the Evening Grosbeak

I went to Hartwick Pines State Park in Grayling, MI a few weeks ago. The highlight of the park is the forest of virgin white pines. Another highlight FOR ME is also the visitors center where they have window bird feeders.

From 2010_04_16

So I go to the window and I see this bird sitting INSIDE the feeder. I must admit, I first thought it was dead and was ready to start crying in front of 100 other people that would recognize that there was a crazy bird lady in their midst.

Then, a glorious thing happened, she turned her head to look at me! No, this female Evening Grosbeak wasn't pretty (she had seed shells on her face and what looked like to be eye disease in her left eye.) But she was alive, I was happy! (And of course I start talking to her, and people in the visitor center have now confirmed I am a crazy bird lady!)

She flew down to the pond to clean herself - thank goodness! She isn't going to get a mate looking like that I don't think.

I just couldn't stop watching her. I kept thinking about whether she would survive with this eye disease. Would she find a mate? Would she keep herself clean and not leave seed shell remnants on her face anymore? I think she was getting ready to file a restraining order against me...

She wasn't as pretty as the other Evening Grosbeaks that came to feed on that day. But it was her who captured my heart.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Evening Grosbeak still hanging around

Went to visit Hartwick Pines State Park in Grayling, MI this past weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see the Evening Grosbreak still hanging around.

Hartwick contains the largest stand of virgin white pines remaining in the lower peninsula in lower Michigan.