I have been wanting to try this custard for long, but no mangoes stayed so longer to make it.Every mango goes straight into my stomach leaving a slim chance for me to put my hands on it. Thanks to this mango, it would be a sin if I call this mango having hardly any taste.
I wanted to make it without eggs.Googled and googled and tried my concoctions also just to see it turned to my favorite. Heres the simple way to make it if you are an ardent lover of sweet condensed milk and your mango disappoints you with its taste.
Sweet condensed milk - 200 gms
Milk - 1/2 cup
hung Curd - 2 tbsp
Ripe mango - 1
1.Cut mangoes into cubes , in a blender mix all the ingredients and blend it smoothly.
2. Pour this into small moulds and steam it like how we steam idli. Insert tooth pick to see if it comes out clean.Then it is cooked.
3.Keep it in the refrigerator for atleast 2 hours to set.
4.Serve chilled.
I am sending this to Mango Moods Event event hosted by Anupama .