C. Mungkin dia tak mempunyai suara mcm Josh Groban tapi sore die sgt la merdu bg saya. wesh, sore ni la yg menidurkan saya setiap malam (gayut sampai tertido2 tuh).
D. Dia mempunyai nama, Mohd Hafiz bin Ahmad Fauzi tapi kenamaan dlm erti kata disini adalah ber'title'. Maybe, hopefully satu hari nanti dia dapat le title datuk ke, tan sri and saya dpt la juga title datin. amin!!!
E. Dia belum pernah lagi cipta rekod antarabangsa tapi dia la one and only lelaki yg cipta rekod dalam hidup saya. yup! dgn menjadi tunang saya. ala...scchhhweeeettttt!!!!
kalau nak list down what i love about him, fuhhhh....episode-episode gi bandung, jakarta pun kalah. tak tau sampai bape episode baru leh abes.
banyak beno....
but above all yg penting, saya sangat2 sayang ini org.
though there might be time yg kiteorg ada stupid fights, tapi dia sgt la gentleman. mengalah sebab memang tau saya ni anak bongsu. sure nak menang punye...
hikhikhik...then after dia yg ckp sorry first baru la terhantuk kepala saya utk cakap sorry balik.
saya memang terus...saya tau..tapi nak buat cmne kan?
We had our 6th month Anniversary dekat Krabi.
Bayangkan, he gave me a very beautiful bouqouet of roses.
time tu sgt la speechless. wesh!!korang ade nampak ke Florist kat Krabi? saya tak nampak pun.
tapi ini org sudah berpakat dgn budak hotel deliver flower kat saya tgh2 malam.
he is sweet and romantic dgn cara dia sendiri.
sgt tersindiri ok?
and our 1st year anniversary time kat Bandung. no fancy dinner. no roses.
ahahah...kali ni sgt sempoi ok. i know..i know...
i received tons of roses from him before.
time i dpt confirmation letter as staff, time i ngajuk ngn dia, time gi cameron, time birthday, time 6th month anniversary...waaa...byk lagi..tapi byk dh tak ingat. and yup!!time i convo. time tu dia belum lagi jadi teman hidup saya ok!!
so, bila kat Bandung saya tanya, tak gi fine dine? dia garu kepala and sengih "tak tau nak bawak u pergi mana"...
ehehhehe..its fine for me. dia dh belanja tiket pergi Jakarta ok. saya pun tak nak demand sgt nak mintak pape!!!
and for the anniversary. he gave me a very cute 4GB sony Mp4. sgt cute. smaller than my palm. i always want a MP4. tak tahan dgn anak jiran yg asyik nangis tu. bikin saya pusing. then i need to start to jog, and i need something to entertain me. few times dah saya masuk kedai Sony nak beli this Mp4. erm, kalau ikut level kedekut saya, nak beli Mp3 je. jimat sket! eheheh...
Ni gamba curik. mine one in pink!!
I'm not into gadget sgt. just as long as it may fulfill keperluan saya then shud be fine. ipod tu dh mcm above essential la plak asenye. tak mampu tijah nak beli, nanti tijah tak bayar my car sebulan plak.
as in return, saya telah belikan itu incik tunang kasut santa cruz croz. hwahwahwa..
ini sudah gaduh sama itu anne. sebab anne pun belikan incik roy kasut santa cruz jugak.
takpe anne, nanti incik tunang and incik roy boleh form group boria..
and saya rasa saya la makhluk tuhan yg paling bersyukur (bukan paling sexy ye!) sebab there is someone like him yg sgt to be with me and amik saya utk jadi his wife.
walaupun tau saya ni amatla degil, tak reti masak, pemalas and etc... tapi dia still nak kawen dgn saya.
waaaaaaa....terharu sgt. my mom dh ckp sendiri kat incik hafiz tau. yg saya ni msk tak reti, manja and macam-macam lagi la statement menusuk kalbu, tapi incik hafiz tetap dgn keputusan nak kawen dgn saya.
we knew each other less than 1 year when he decide utk bertunang. sometimes, period perhubungan tu tak penting. how we learn to love and to understand each other lebih penting.
he is the main reason why i'm still in Kulim or more precise in this company.
yup, i only bonded for a year. means after one year, its up to me to stay or move on to other company. but i choose to stay. i choose to sign the agreement. because i knew, kalau saya pulang ke Klang or change my job, maybe saya akan jarang jumpa dia.
yup, we chat everyday in the office (we both in different dept). we catch up with each others life during breakfast, lunch and dinner time. we have the same circle of fren.
even though almost semua mase saya celik saya tengok incik tunang or gayut dgn incik tunang, but saya tak pernah rasa boring. and i love him more and more each day.
he never scold me when i'm overspent.
he is the biggest supporter and cum my cheerleader!!
he always say 'yes' to whatever benda yg i nak beli.
and the best thing is? he is MINE.
doakan semoga kiteorg selamat ke jinjang pelamin and berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.
p/s: korang, time kawin nanti jgn wish berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu tau. nanti dah dpt cucu incik hafiz carik lain plak. org skarang ni lain. jadi wish hingga ke akhir hayat ok?