Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

pirate mata satu!

If some of you in my fb fren list, sure you guys are aware of me being Jack-Sparrow-wannabe or at least that what my hubster called me. Heh.. dia cakap I can starring in the next Pirate of Carribean. Ko ada noks mata tutup sebelah macam i?

So, the drama started more than a month ago. My eyelids start swollen on last week of fasting month. I went to one of the Ophthalmology clinic downtown SP. So the doc tell me the swollen was big and require removal aka minor surgery. I nebes noks. Surgery means a lil cut and blood and pain. So I request the doc to give me a day to think about it since time tu kasut raya laki I tak cari lagi. After the visit we went to Penang. Nak cari kasut raya laki I la kan. Time tu tak nak pikir sangat about the eyelids. Malas nanti I takde mood nak beli barang.

The next day, I felt berat hati je nak do the procedure, so we went to another Ophthalmologist for 2nd opinion. Well, its always best to go for the 2nd opinion kan? So the doc tell me I have to option either to take the antibiotics and pray hard the swollen will subside, or we had to take option no.2 which also the removal. Ofkos I ni nak try something less painful. So I opt for the antibiotics. I was on that antibiotics for almost a week. The swollen was smaller but not 100% subside. And raya came. Dah tu, I pun tak berapa nak pikir about my eyelids thing. Sebab its not painful after all. Its just like a numb growth,u noe, yg macam kematu je dekat situ. But last week, the growth start to give me tough time. Dia mcm heavy je. Bukak mata pun stim je sebelah sebelah tak boleh bukak sepuas-puasnya.

I went back to Sg Petani on recent weekend and was on leave on Monday. I met another Ophthalmology at the Specialists Hospital nearby my in law’s house. Jeng..jeng..jeng..sure the doc suruh I do the removal. As the growth is big from acceptable size *size yg kecik tak payah removal I rasa*. The doc give me two options to admitted in the hospital after removal or I may bed rest at home. Since the admission procedure to hamik masa, I opt for outpatient which mean balik rumah after the procedure.

Well, memula nak masuk tu I ok je. Berani. Siap tak bagi laki teman masuk lagi. Sebab I tau laki I ni stok ngeri gaban. Kang doc tak sempat nak buat apa-apa dia dah pengsan tengok jarum. Tak pasal2 nurse-nurse tu nak settlekan laki I dlu plak.

Since the doc is a muslim, I rasa sangat tenang when he recites the doa in every step he took.

Well, can you imagine the pain kena bius dekat area eyelids? Not once but thrice or 4 kali. I cant recall the 3rd and the 4th time since the pain for the 1st and 2nd injection tu sangat buat I traumatized. Though the doc bgtau I a lil pain and ask me to selawat, but cer imagine injection depan bijik mata. Waaa! Kompom baca selawat dalam hati pun terabur. Well, this is the not the first operation, but this is the most traumatized one since I Nampak injection like less than 2cm dr bijik mata i. sobsobsob…

Lepas kena bius tu, the doc clamp my eyelids and flip it. Macam eyelids tu terbalik la now. Omaigod! Sungguh nyilu and I cant stop my tear. Asyik meleleh-leleh.habis basah tepi2 mata and the nurse keep on wipe it off. I think the procedure beside injection bius tu tak la begitu painful, tapi bile dengar kelentung kelentang to lagi I nebes ok. In my two previous surgery, I was 100% unconscious. So macam tak de dengar benda alah compare to this minor procedure. So I tak la rasa nebes sangat.

And taraaaa…..

Laki I ngeri tengok bini dia mata satu and the darah on the eyes bandage and so does on my tudung. Hubster mintak i to stay overnight in hospital afraid there will bleeding tengah malam kang. Ofkos I tak mo admitted kan, bek I ddk rumah in law bersenang lenang.

So as result, ill be on medical leaves for one week y’all. But, masih lagi kena working from home. Tapi tak kisah la, I log in at 9am ke 10am. Asalkan I buat keje I kan.

Well, as promised before, let me start with what a basic makeup one should owned.

Seriously, dalam donia mekap ni there is no such rules and regulation. Takde pun salah kalau ko pakai eyeshadow as blusher ke or sewaktu dengannya. But just nak bagi u guys a basic guideline what u shud owned for start based on my findings.

Well, before you guys put on your makeup, its best that you do the essential-trio. You got me right? Cleansing, toning and moisturizing your skin. Once this essential-trio siap, you may proceed with “hello gorgeous!”. So this is makeup gadgets I think you should owned to have those flawwwwlesss makeup results.

1. Face Primer

2. Concealer

3. Foundation

4. Loose Powder

5. Eye shadow based/Eye primer

6. Eyeliner

7. Mascara

8. Lippy

9. Blusher

10. Face spray/mist or whatever people may call it.

1. Face primer.

Why you need face primer? – A face primer is one of the best ways to insure your makeup stays on longer. They pamper the skin and create a protective barrier. Primers are excellent for people with combination to oily skin. Just apply after moisturizer and let it sink into the skin for a few minutes, and carry on with your regular foundation routine.

So, basically primer ni bertindak untuk hold your foundation. So your foundation will stay much longer, wont cakey or chalky and at least tidak luntur very soon. Its very good to use untuk org mesia. Sebab cuaca kat mesia cepat buat kita berpeluh and foundation wont last that long. Dah tu takkan asyik2 nak tempek foundation setiap sejam kan?

What I used? – Currently I’m using NYX HD Primer. For the price I paid, this primer was totally awesome. It holds my foundation the longest possible around 6-7hours. Remember my raya drama? I tried to put on again my Maybelline Foundation together with this primer. The results? I change my mind as the foundation won’t that bad. At least it last longer that before.

My wish list – of course I planned to own one of those so famous Lauria Mercier foundations. But not until I’m pro to put on the makeup gadjets la kan. So next in my wish list is Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder. This monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder is not design for face primer. It’s actually dedicated for relief & Prevents Chafing on skins. But due to the ingredients used in this Monistat is actually the same ingredient use in those high end face primer. You heard me girls! So, that is the reason why this monistat is used for face primer and ramai gilos mekap guru kat youtube in love with this product.

Where you can get it? No, this wasn’t available in drugstore at Malaysia. So as alternative, you may purchase this from most-of-Malaysian-girls-life-savior, Ryan :

Well, Ryan doesn’t just sell those items available at his web; he also takes order for others stuff as well. I just placed order for another 3 more makeup brush and brush shampoo from him sebab that day lupa nak beli when my fren was in state. Ko ingat meknusia je pakai shampoo?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 4 & Day 5

Day 4 Its sunday. Last night saya telah MEN'drag' incik tunang membawa saya ke McD seberang jaya. at 11pm mind you. sebaik sahaj incik tunang pulang dr bermain futsal. Haruskah? yes...apetite saya telah kembali normal. ini yg merungsingkan. saya lngsung tidak menunjukkan ciri2 seorang pesakit yg bru sahaja di bedah tonsil. haizzz..sekejap je hilang keinginan nak mkn. ape la nk jd ngn den ni. ish.. *geleng pale* saya mkn bubur ayam mcd dan fris dgn berselerenye... yummy2... and seperti yg sedia maklum, saya akan pulang ke hometown!! mama plan nk dtg ke kulim utk mengambil saya since monday incik tunang nk bekerja. but incik tunang insist nk hntr saya hafway-simpang pulai and my bro n mama fetch me at simpang pulai. we met up with mama & abang around lunch time. berhenti lunch and semayang jap. then my bro come out with this super brilliant idea utk naik ke cameron!! saya yg sepatutnye menjd patient mithali telah lupa daratan dan melompat keriangan (dlm hati ye!). and yes!! we went to cameron. its raining quite heavily and sejokkkk gler. berhenti pun sekadar mama beli sayur2 n bunga-bungaan. its more like drive through ke cameron. reach home around 9pm later that night. effect? due to highland kan, my ear sakit level gaban time turun tu. saya teraksa menelan pain killer the moment i reached tapah. moral of the story : jgn nk gedik2 ke tempat tinggi selepas surgery ye. sbb telinge n tonsil saling berkaitan. sampai rumah dgn perasaan berbaur gumbira. gumbira gaban ye. sebab pomander ball saya telah siappppp~~! also paper bag for the wedding favors telah sampai ke rumah dgn selamatnye... bonda terus merangka rancangan percutian sakit saya selama seminggu ini dgn aktiviti2 persiapan perkahwinan. *errr..adekah ini motif utama berada di rumah?* Day 5. My throat pain dh berkurang. hihihihi... epy epy epy.... cume now painful gle kat telinge. skt woooo.. ase nk leleh2 air mate. merangka misi dgn bonda utk ke bridal house wedding station di meru. bonda sgt excited nk gi. msti pagi2 lg die dh kejtkan saya nih. n news yg agak mengejutkan dr bonda. for wedding favors, bonda telah add in another favor which is napkin by macy's. err...bonda, perlu ke napkin tu cap macy? cap lain x leh ke? cap ayam ke...cap rambutan ke...tak leh eh? haizz...bonda excited gler cter how she would fold the napkin and letak all the reben2 n stuff inside the mug. napkin ideas? by my mak uda. she is the one yg tolong gi wat survey and bought 1,024 pieces of it. *another reason nak geleng pale* p/s: bad news, just receive phone call from my sis bgtau yg my bro in law positive H1N1. erk? so tonite kami seisi rumah kne pergi buat check up. poor me. i'm worried sick now since saya kini berada di imunisasi level paling rendah.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 2 & Day3

Finally i’m home.

Discharge around 1.00pm today. Reach home at 2pm and nothing else i could remember off sebab pas je mkn segala ubat yg dibekalkan, aimi went back to La La Land...

I’ve tried evry hard to avoid upon to consume the pain killer but this few days my pain sgt tidak boleh to deal with. So, jawapan yg pasti, saya kne consumed all the bekalan ubat yg saya rasa memerlukan masa seribu tahun nak habis. Giler byk ubt. Satu bakul siot. And yes, lupa nak mention, ubat antibiotik saya sebesar ibu jari. Waaaa!!! Kalau la time ni tonsil saya yg besar gedabak tu ade dlm tekak, sure leh sangkut n muntah balik.

Day 2 ( yesterday).

Nothing much happen yesterday. Its just the pain semakin kurang compare day 1. Lesser pain and saya sudah mula starved like hell. Byngkn korang hanya depends on water drip, air yg diminum, n lil ice cream jelly (advised : pls beli ice cream jelly kt KFC, incik tunang belikan ice cream jelly KFC n its turn out to be super yummy n lembut gileee.. membuka selera pesakit mcm saya).

My left hand yg kne drip started to swollen badly. Bengkak gle dh ni. Sampai incik tunang pun risau tengok. Then after the doc anesthetic dtg visit saya, he ordered nurse to remove the water drip sebab tgk tgn bengkak gler. Skt wooo... jarum besar gedabak yg kaler pink tu.

Pergh! Lege teramat ile dh diremovekan pagi tu. Saya start move around easily dlm bilik. Pergi mandi and gerak here and there without the water drip. Sebelah ptg, incik tunang dh kne gi kerja. Ada big meeting which he cant escape from. So, while he is having his lunch (mcm biase la, makan makanan saya di servekan pihak spital since saya tak leh nak makan), my ENT doc came in for visit. Tgk itu ini and i complained that my tongue a bit numb kat tips area (untill now ye!!) and he was a bit shock. Sbb jrng happen kt patient lidah menjadi kebas tidak semena2. Which saya sendiri pun tak pernah came cross which such effect in any articles yg dibace. So, he said it will took me 1-2weeks before lidah kembali seperti biase. Maybe my nerves was to close to that tonsil nerves etc..etc which saya dh tak ingat dh pun (harap makum, saya bukan doc or cuba memberi penerangan seperti seorg doc ye).

Then before je incik tunang make a move to office, nurse dtg terkedek membawak syringe ubat y sgt besar *giler leh pengsan kalau itu jarum yg nak cucuk*. Die baru sedar rupanya my water drip line telah dicabut (since yg cabut nurse doc anesthetic bukan nurse ENT). So solution?

Pandai pun anak mak!! Cik nurse mithali yg amat mendengar kata doc walaupun saya insist utk dienjetc. Ye!! Die telah membuat another so call yg dipanggil ine utk water drip but this drip hanya utk masukkan ubat ke dalam badan saya!!!


Saya lebih rela dioperate sekali lagi dr di drip. Waktu masuk drip kiri now kanan. And guess what? Injection terkena tulang saya and its damn painfullll...itu tak termasuk kesakitan yg dialami selepas ubat dimasukkan. Ase nak muntah je lepas ubat tu masuk tubuh badan.jadi pening and pitam...

Then incik tunang jadi serba salah nak tinggalkan saya sendirian di spital. “sayang pergi je la”.. giler baik saya walaupun part of me macam tak nak bg je die gi keje... ok2...

Saya rest and two hours later tangan kanan mula membengkak. Membengkak ok lagi, tangan jadi sejuk mcm letak dlm fridge. Perghh!!! Gaban sejukkkk..

On 2nd visit by my ENT doc that there, he request to remove the line sebab tgn saya bengkak. Pergh!! Korang ingat tgn saya ni mcm plastik barbie doll ke leh tusuk2 sesuke hati? Marah dh nk wat cmne, saya haya pesakit yg 3.30pm org yg serve mknan tu dtg n serve karipap. Pergh!! Dh la lapo...10mins lamenye saya berfikir “should i or should not?” at the result? Ye...tanpa memikirkan kesan jangka masa panjang, saya telah memakan karipap itu. Seketul ye tuan0tuan dan puan-puan....tapi disebabkan kehadiran pain killer, kesakitan langsung tidak dialami ketika makan.

At 4pm my MIL to be dtg melawat bersama2 ayahanda dan adinda2 incik tunang. My umi bring along bubur nasik yg dh di blend bersama kentang dan keledek. Pergh! Sodap siott... time tu mkn dh tak ingt dh. Lapa gler ok. Then ngidam nk mkn bubur nasik with telur masin. Since lidah agak kebas, sy mula craving bnde yg over ye. Text incik tunang minta dicarikan telur masin. Nasib la incik tunang saya bukan seperti incik tunang lain. Kalau tak mau je disilambam je saya ni. Incik tunang kembali ke spital dr ofis berbekalkan telur masin yg direquest!! Muahahha..i lap u yang. Incik tunang lecek2 telur masin and mix with the bubur asik tu. Sodap hingga ke jilatan terakhir. Then incik tunang kuar sebentar bersama keluarga incik tunang utk gi dinner with less than 10mins kengkwn se’company’ mengadakan lawatan sambil belajar ke bilik saya. Wesh, thank u so much yunap, zai, aiman, shah, pidaus, n azrul sbb sudi dtg lawat saya ye!!! Muahxxx.million thanks pada kamu semua...

Later that night barulah saya rasa effect dr bercakap dgn kwn2 n my MIL juga karipap itu.

I’m in very deep pain.

Siap meleleh air mate ku yg mahal itu. Dh mlm bru ade effect ye tuan2 dan puan2...

Tido dlm kesakitan, beringat le selalu.

Day 3

Bangun awal hari ini.. sebab last night pain sampai ke telinge membuatkan saya resah and tido kurang lena. Haizzz...

After breakfast doc ENT dtg belek2 kerongkong.

Hmm..good progress die ckp. Mne tak good progress saya melantakk ok!! So, moral of the story, jgn tkut nk mnum air wlupun sakit. Per day at least saya minum 4x600ml air. Ha...byk kn? So, ble tmpt operate tu tak kering, skit pun jd kurang day 3 skt men jadi semakin kurang jut a lil pain kt teinge but overall sbnrnye kesakitan tu lesser than saya operate appendiks aritu. Appendiks siap kne inject dadah di tgh mlm since pain killer no longer befungsi.

Did i lupa nak mention? Niat bukan utk show off. Tapi nak menyatakan tanda terima dan kasihnya saya kpd incik tunang.

He bought me Sophie Kinsella-Twenties Girl as pressie for my get-well-soon-gift with a very cute card.

“miss ur laugh, miss ur voice and miss ur leter”...

Haruskah kamu rindu leteran saya incik tunang? Yess!! U akan mendengarnya 24/7 tak lama lagi.

Saya mmg nak gila beli buku ni but looking at the price of rm70+, saya plan nk tunggu je cheaper version tu. i think jusr rm40 kn? but he still remembered of this book as one of my book wishlist la konon. so sweet of you dear. sweet mcm lollipop!! (maybe sweet lagi kot)

Kpd Kal & Azwa, saya menjawab soklan kamu dlm facebook kat sini ye. :

Kal, surgery ni bukan wedding prep ye. Hihihi..cute la ko kate surgery ni one of my wedding prep. But indirectly ia adalah one of the prep. Since saya semakin frequently demam, doc menasihatkan agar do the surgery b4 kawen. Sbb dh kwne n preggie nnt salunye org preggie snng skt. So, nnt jd lebih salu la skt. Tak ke biol anak yg dikandung nnt andai ibu mengambil ubt byk2? ->doakan it will not happen to me k..ini sbg contoh sahaja.

And as my fever getting more frequent recently, doc srh refer speacialist whereby specialist menyuruh pemotongan tonsil harus dijlnkan dgn segera.

So azue , cmne u nk tau u dh wajib potong ke tak? (mcm iklan wimax. Harap maklum!).

If u demam lebih dr 5kali setahun or consumed lebih dr 5antibiotik setahun, kamu WAJIB operandi memotong tonsil itu. Sbb consume ubt2 byk ni tak bgus. Tkut long term effect kt tmpt len. Ubt kn chemical..->ignore klu statement saya slh. Saya bukan doc. Tapi seingtnye mcm ni la..

p/s: Heading Klang tomorrow. sorry incik tunang, i knew u insist nk jaga i, and amat berat hati nak bg i balik umah klang, tapi paham2 la mama kan. dia pun nak jaga i jugak. i have no doubt at all kalau u nk jaga i tp i sian tkut u ssh hati bila u kerja nanti asyik pikir my condition. at least mama ada by my side kalau kat klang.

thanks incik tunang through thick and thin bersama-sama dgn saya!

i noe very well i'm in good hands ble saya decide nak kahwin sama kamu.


Friday, November 13, 2009

day 1.

Aimi telah berjaya di operate dengan selamatnye. lihat la incik tunang saya yg keletihan menjaga saya sepnjng malam. he's been a very damn good fiance and swear to god, saya akan menyesal if not to have him in my life. all night long dia bgn every time i need help to go to toilet. need to mkn ubt. put vaseline di bibir yg kering. letak minyak kat tgn yg bengkak due to water drip. n beli itu ini to ensure i eat something. saya rasa saya dah well prepared both physically n emotionally before the surgery. dh bce all the articles and prepare for the worst case scenarion which might happen to me. Post Surgery Based on the articles yg dibaca, i bought lots of lollies ice cream (30btng kesemuanya), sorbet ice cream, vanilla ice cream, 2 bag of puding and 12mini pots of jelly o. Also, the soup sbb saya takleh mkn mkann yg keras2 for one month. sian saya!! and before masuk spital, i also bought the ice pack as advised. nnt nk sooth the throat yg kebengkakan. Day 1 Reach doc clinic at KPJ around 9am. doc buat check up n confirm i'm fit to undergoes the surgery. do the blood test. ini la blood test paling tak skt ok. then dieorg give me my room and asked me to change to spital outfit. mind you no undies are allowed!! *malu i tau*. Journey to the Operation Theathre sgt mengerikan. they asked me to baring atas katil n they change bed more than 3times as far as i could remember. dr katil yg kt bilik then smpi depan OT room tukar ke 2nd katil. masuk kt dlm OT room tukar lagi. time nak ke OT room tu ase nk request je jln kaki. sbb kne tolak atas katil tu lagi rasa cuak. n bile tgk je all the OT lamp mcm dlm cter greys anatomy tu, dh ase nk terjun dr katil je lari. waaa..time tu no turning back wlupun dlm hati rasa nyesal nak mampus. then kne cucuk kt dgn. besar nk mampus jarum. terus ase sengal. then bile anesthetic tu dh msk dlm bdn trus la hang smpi x ingat ape. sedar2 je nurse tu kejutkn kate nk nek atas. pastu black out blk. then sedar incik tunang letak vaseline kt bibir then black out blk. most of the day saya tido. tido yg nyenyak, but when it comes to swallow my own saliva, ase nak nangis.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... skt mak oiiii... nyway, thank to pain killer. sgt2 membantu. but to tell u guys the truth, hanya tuhan je tau skt nye. n yetsrrday ptg siap kuar blood clot ok. ngeri kiah ni nengok. incik tunang tlh memujuk saya mkn sbb i refuse to eat almost anything. sbb skt nye x dpt digmbrkn. telan air liur ni ase cm tekak kne selar2 ngn pisau. klu luka kt tgn kne air skt kan? bygkn dlm tekak. n my tonsil damnnnn big. ngeriiii... nk bgn kencing pn ase skt n ngeri. tgn bengkak mcm tgn gajah sbb water drip tu...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

food fest

Last Saturday meet up with Uncle Surgeon for ENT at KPJ Perda. Bad news : i have to remove my tonsil immediately... getting worse i guess.. so Uncle Surgeon set the date straight away and after considering few factors (including my menstruation since surgery cant be perform if i'm having the menstruation), so the date will be on 12 Nov 2009 at 8.30am Gulp! ok..i know. what a short notice. nady, my tonsil is not that bad time i muda. its just getting worse since working. Good news : i will get more than 10days MC. wahahha...selamat tinggal ofis. dont miss me that much. *uwek..mcm la dieorg akan rindu my presence, just they wish me to come back ASAP since nobody to cover my job je* Plan : makan sampai lebam this week. sbb incik doc kate maybe up to 1month tak leh mkn solid food. eee...felt like baby yg takde gigi plak x leh pki solid food. go through all the articles about tonsillectomy for adults. and 80% of it cakap adult ni mmg recovering period dia lebih lama then kids. incik doc siap cakap : if kids, today remove the nest two days can eat nasi lemak already. but adults, i doubt it will be that fast. based on my experience, up to two weeks only you can eat solid food. huh? tapi some says sampai sebulan. gilos!!! and adults easily tend to bleeding comapre dgn kids. *cross fingers, hoepfully it doesnt happen to me* err..nak jd mcm adik nady la simpan tonsil inside the bottle. euwww!! and big hugs and thanks to cik zai coz sudi temankan ke KPJ di pagi sabtu yg mulia itu. incik tunang kne kerja la plak pagi tu. zai cames to rescue. *u r my savior love pie* oh cik yunap, kami jumpe doc ensem. ikan paus gitu!! tanye zai, doc tu rmbut spikey siot. alahai..tak mcm doc dh rupa. *Grrr...* sila la sila pay me a visit kat KPJ tu ye. bwk big flowers n fruits biar saya rasa terharu. And for this weekend, full of activities telah dijalankan sempena kedtgan cik ajue and partner ke Kedah. And yes.. i called this week as food fest week. actually baru sahja pulang dr seoul garden. makan korean food sampai lebam.. errr..actully bukan lebam,,sampai nak termuntah ok!!! just be prepared for the surgery. crossfingers!! hope everything will be just fine. p/s: cik lappie n incik wimax akan menemani saya ke Speacialist. p p/s : any suggestion what else i should prepare for the tonsillectomy besides ice creams n ice pack?

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