Showing posts with label patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patterns. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Unbearably cute


A couple of adorable little handmade chaps to confide your deepest secrets in. The mohair bear is by Missy Ballance and she sells patterns too! So you could make your own little version of cute

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Fantastic Plastic

I am obsessed with shrink plastic at the moment and hve been experimenting with buttons and charms etc - I need to perfect it and try clear plastic and other colors too, but I'm really enjoying making these, especially the girl charms at the top. 

These are now on sale at my etsy shop

Friday, 22 May 2009

Prints & Patterns - Skinny La Minx

Back in the days when the Bettyjoy boutique was open, one of my fine suppliers/designers was Heather Moore aka Skinny La Minx from Capetown.  Her work is so inspiring, she not only creates great designs on ceramic and cloth but also works as an illustrator too from her studio in Capetown.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Prints and Patterns - Shinzi Katoh

I love Shinzi Katoh's work!  I love the colors and designs and most of all the words - they make me smile because sometimes they don't quite make sense.   I bought lots of Shinzi Katoh towels and stationery when I was in Japan a couple of years ago and every time I see more of his work, it always makes me want to go back there.  The range of items that Shinzi Katoh's designs are applied to is huge - go and check out the cutest lunchboxes,teatrays and other goodies here.

Blogs Dedicated to Prints and Patterns

Print and Pattern

If there are any I have missed, please feel free to add a comment and i will add them to the list.


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