Showing posts with label Punchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punchers. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Bento Tools from Tokyo, Japan

Various cutters, silicon moulds, silicon cups, chocolate color pens, picks, nico nori punchers, panda bento box and cutting tools.

Hello Kitty stuff from Japan Kitty Land!!!

Cute Hello Kitty, Minnie, Mickey and Pooh plastic bags

4 in 1 Bento boxes and sandwich cutters.

4 in 1 Bento boxes : Sugarbunnies, Rilakkuma + Melody

Latest Bento books by Kaerenmama and Akinoichigo

Whats inside the books...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Carla Craft "Expression" Punchers completed + new Bento Tools!

Finally with the purchased of the last 2 shown below, my collection of "expression" Carla Craft punchers are completed..hooray!! Took me sometime to accumulate all the punchers checking out the stores on and off. Hopefully I didn't miss out any ......Lol! For anyone doing kyaraben bento these are a must for nori as they are real sharp and durable, my all time favourites.

Sanrio Cinnamonroll egg mould, Sugar Bunnies multi cutter from NST and the last 2 Carla Craft punchers added to my bento tools collection recently. Have yet to test out the bento tools..sigh!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Nori Punchers

Added some new nori punchers to my collection. On left side are 2 border Carla Craft punchers bought earlier. Right side are 6 punchers from Daiso thanks to Amy.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How I wish...

New additions to my puncher collection and look below.......


How I wish I have all these Disney punchers, whole Winnie the Pooh family ie Eeyore, Tiger, cute Mickey Mouse.

Friday, November 7, 2008

More punchers

Bought more cute Carla Craft punchers ................