Thursday, September 2, 2010

No baby yet....

Here I am sitting at the computer trying to entertain myself and reading other people's blogs and then I decided...I better write a post. I wish I could be better but it's hard to motivate myself to write down things for some reason.

This little princess has some last minute goodbyes to say on the other side so she's taking her sweet time coming to earth. I know I need to trust in Heavenly Father and his timing but today it has been rough. Her due date was yesterday and I was really hoping she would come early so I wouldn't have to go to work anymore. However, things will work out for the best.

I finished up the baby's room last week. It is cute. I have pictures but they are not up on the computer yet and the camera is in the hospital bag. I rather leave it there til after the baby is born. I'm afraid that I'll forget the camera and I want to have pictures!

One of my friend's brother-in-law took some maternity pictures last week so I guess I'll share my favorite ones. These are 39 weeks.