Monday, August 26, 2013

January 2013

Once we were back home in Philadelphia, we enjoyed a few fun activities as a family before David started up school again for the winter semester.
It's always a treat to get to go together as a family to the Please Touch Museum.  Josh loves showing David all of the great exhibits there.  Here Doctor Josh and Nurse Amy get our little patient prepped for a MRI.

Sweet Doctor Josh comforts his little patient.

For Christmas, David and I gave Josh soccer lessons with a local Soccer Shots franchise.  On the first day of soccer Josh kept his sippy cup in his mouth the entire time!

After Josh's first day of soccer we paid our first visit to the Rodin Museum.  Philadelphia's Rodin Museum houses the largest collection of Rodin's works outside of Paris.  Pretty cool.  It's a beautiful museum.  David and I took turns enjoying the galleries while the other kept Josh occupied.  :)

The Kiss.

Eternal Springtime.

David and Josh on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway just outside the Rodin Museum.

After a few more times at soccer, Josh was happy to play without his sippy cup!  He even would kick a goal, as long as Coach Julia was holding his hand!  It was so fun attending his little soccer classes.  

We did a horrible job of documenting my growing belly during this pregnancy.  Here I am at 31 weeks.  

Me at 31 weeks and Josh.

Throughout January Josh's excitement for the planets and solar system was going full force since he received his planet toys for Christmas.  We checked out loads of planet books from the library and Josh would "play planets" every day!

Josh was able to meet Max from the "Max and Ruby" book series at the Please Touch Museum.  I had received an email from the museum that Max was coming so we checked out every Max and Ruby book available at our library to get ready for the big day.  Josh was pretty excited to meet Max and gave him a big hug!

After meeting Max, Josh spent a lot of time in the Three Bear's House, a favorite exhibit of his at the Please Touch Museum.

The water play area at the Please Touch Museum is awesome.  We pretty much just love this place!

1 comment:

Mom said...

It was great to see a new blog entry from you. The Please Touch Museum really is fantastic!