Monday, March 3, 2025

Christmas Experiences

For Christmas this year, the kids mainly got experience gifts. We gave the girls tickets to go see Ragtime at the new Hale Center Theater in Orem. It was AMAZING! I've always loved the music from Ragtime, so I loved sharing this show with the girls. 
Hazel gave me a hard time at intermission saying, "You don't like Les Miserables because you say it's too sad, but you like this show?!?" It is admittedly not the most cheery plot, but it's so good! On the way home we talked about the power we have to be changes for good or ill in our world, and how so much depends on our reaction, not the things that happen to us. Such a great evening with these beautiful girls! 

The whole family got an experience from Santa to visit the Crater up in Heber. We enjoyed lunch at a fun train- themed dinner...
... then headed to the Crater. It's a natural hot spring inside this awesome cave. Because it's heated by carbon dioxide gas instead of sulfer, it doesn't smell yucky. In fact,  it felt amazing to swim in! 

It was especially nice to get away as a family before we add a baby to the mix again. Highlights of the day included: lots of laughs and smiles,  seeing the kids awe walking in to the cave,  Walter loving the water,  Conrad and Orson drawing maps of the cave at home,  and Lenora declaring it the best gift ever.  

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