First of all....I'm almost 30 weeks...can't believe how far along I already am! Only 10 more weeks to go and we'll get to meet this little princess! I'll be honest...I've been reading all these things about labor and started to cry. I told Ben that I rather not go through labor. She can stay inside me as long as she wants, but then on the other hand, I want to see and hold her. Here is a picture of me...I haven't posted any's hard to get Ben to take pictures of me and hard for me to remember to take them when I look decent. Excuse the fake smile....I was just getting over the flu and still not feeling so great.

Little baby knows her daddy's voice....she always moves when he sings to her and I love it! It is amazing, she won't move for other people, but when Ben is around....she wiggles like crazy. Ben came to bed a little while after I did one night and he started whispering/singing to her "Hold to the Rod" I was asleep by then, but once he started singing, she started moving and letting Ben know she heard him. Even though I didn't appreciate being woken up, I had a great feeling of peace and serenity that I wouldn't have traded for 5 minutes of sleep!
We have decided to move into some other apartments that are in the ward that we are currently in. This was a tough decision for us to make since the apartment is a lot smaller. We will definitely have to downsize a bit, but Ben and I decided to simplify our lives by getting rid of stuff that we really don't need. I about fell over when Ben proposed we pack up our t.v. and let my older sister use the t.v. until he is done with school. I don't mind...I can definitely do without a t.v. It will be nice not to have that temptation around. We'll still watch movies on the computer so it won't be a big deal. Of course, I tried to propose to get rid of the computer too... but keep the laptop, however that didn't work out so well with Ben.
Ben was not able to get into the summer program for nursing, so he won't be able to graduate until Spring of 2011. I was very disappointed and upset but I'm trying to keep my mind open and not sit down and give up. It is hard for me to say that I know the Lord has a plan for us especially right now when I feel that everything we try to plan doesn't work out. But I do know that the Lord has a bigger picture than we do, I just struggle with accepting His terms sometimes. This has been a hard few months for me but I'm blaming it on the pregnancy hormones and striving to take one day at a time.
Anyway....I better get started on the packing and dejunking...I'm actually looking forward to getting rid of a lot of stuff! Wish me luck!