Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Yes.....it's true.....

Hello everyone!! I'm back on this blog finally updating my blog. I have absolutely no excuse. I just never really had the time to really sit down and blog. I don't know where all my time goes but I assure you, it disappears fast!

Ben and I would like to announce that there's a new little one coming into our family! We went in to the doctor today and finally found out our due date. Little Curtis baby is due August 31st. We also had the opportunity to see the cute little bug in an ultrasound. Here it is... The little circles are the arms and the biggest blob is the head and the little blob is the body. I hope that makes sense. I had a hard time trying to watch the ultrasound and trying to figure out what they were saying. Next time, I am just going to ignore them and watch the ultrasound. I did have to laugh at Ben because he said, "it's moving around?!" and I just almost cried.

I know it isn't much but it moves around so much and was the neatest experience of my life. I just sat there and felt so warm inside. I can't believe Ben and I are going to be parents and I already worry for this little one but I know if I have faith and keep on going that the Lord will bless us.

We have felt so blessed over the past couple weeks. Even though I have been sick, throwing up and being exhausted, I feel that the Lord is preparing me to become stronger spiritually. This is silly, but I was convinced that because I couldn't hear, the Lord would not curse me with morning sickness...however, I feel that being sick has made me appreciate my own mother more. I don't understand how she went through this ten times, but I'm glad she did because I'm number 9 and if she stopped before that, I wouldn't be here.

I know many of you are surprised because we always said that we wouldn't start a family until after Ben graduated. We have both felt strongly that we needed to start a family and decided to leave it to the Lord and let Him decide. That for me was really hard....to completely trust the Lord and know that He will provide for us in the next year. That is one big leap of faith for us.

I will be sure to blog more often. I am also thinking about making my blog private because I've heard a lot of scary stories out there....especially over the internet. Anyway...that's all I have to share for now.