Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Calling

I decided to do smaller posts for easier reading so here's on to my news. Two weeks ago today, Ben and I went to Mara and Gus Clark's twin girls baby blessing (Mara is a really good friend of mine from high school and she is amazing!!) We were planning to go to their sacrament meeting and to the luncheon after and be done with church for the day. However, Ben got a call from the 2nd counselor in the bishopric right after sacrament meeting asking if we could meet with him 10 minutes before Sacrament meeting started (our church started at 1 PM and the baby blessings were at 9 AM). So we went to the luncheon and then left to talk to the 2nd counselor. Ben was a little nervous because he already has a calling as 2nd counselor in the Elder's Qurom Presidency and he thought a primary calling was coming. However, I had a feeling that the calling was for me because I knew that Ben would stay in his was a strange feeling and I was scared. However, we went and talked to Brother Anderson. I accepted the call to become the Miamaid Advisor for Young Womens. I was a little shocked and excited. I look forward to all the experiences that this calling will give me. I admit that I'm a little out of my comfort zone but sometimes that has to happen in order for great experiences.

Our Young Womens is very small and so we all meet together every Sunday and have a combined lesson every week. I had the opportunity to give the lesson today. I don't think I've been this nervous to teach a lesson before. I love teaching but this was the first lesson I taught verbally. All the other lessons I've taught have been in sign language and I prayed all morning this morning. The Lord truly is watching out for me and He knows that I am capable of things that I don't think I am. I was able to get through the lesson and I just hope that I was able to inspire at least one girl as much as my Young Women's leaders inspired me. However, at one point during the lesson, the power went out and I was almost ready to panic because I could not see anyone in the room well enough to understand them. I said a quick little prayer and the lights came back on immediately. Amazing that the Lord can hear this small, insignificant prayer and answer it quickly!

I am so excited to be in Young Women's and am already loving where I am. I look forward to the many experiences I will have and hope I can do some good in this calling.

It's so good to be living!!

I just barely noticed yesterday that I have not posted for a month! The summer has gone by so fast and I can't believe it is half over. It makes me sad because in a month and a half, Ben will be going back to school. I'm excited for him though because I know he is ready to go back and finish what he set out to do in the beginning. We had a little scare and a little anxiety last Sunday when Ben was looking up into the readmission process into the nursing program. Ben was a little confused about the process and he thought that he would have to redo everything all over again and that since the application was not due until September that he would not be able to retake his nursing class since he was not in the program. He also found a little section in the application that said something about having to be able to hear the heartbeat, breathing, etc. Ben said that part was not in the application before and he knows that it was put there because of him. So...all day Sunday, Ben was a little sad and discouraged because he wanted to finish school soon. However, later last week, Ben's adviser called him and Ben made an appointment to see her. After the appointment, Ben was feeling much better. It turns out that he does have to redo some things but he will be able to retake his nursing class this fall and some other classes and finish by December 2010. We felt that the Lord is truly watching over us and whenever something seems impossible, the Lord helps the impossible become possible! I felt so relieved be honest, I'm tired of my job and dealing with the big bosses has become a little stressful. I won't go into much detail though. I know I am half way done with my contract and I know if I made it this far then I can hang on a little more longer.