Hello everyone....I decided it was time to put up a new post. Ben has now started school...he seems to be doing okay. I can't really tell since he does not really share much about school. Ben's brothers both had their babies in the past few months. Jason and Liz had their little boy at the end of November and Josh and Lindsie had their little girl about two weeks ago. They are both very cute and adorable babies! Makes me wonder what Ben and my babies would look like. We'll see someday huh? No babies on the way...sorry!
I have been continuously sick the past few months. We are trying to figure out why. At first I had sinus infection and a throat infection. Then the week of Christmas I had bronchitis. Now...when i thought I was all better I am sick again! I have an appointment tomorrow so hopefully we can find out what is wrong and kick those germs out of my body!
Ben is only working at Wal-Mart on Saturdays. He seems to like having extra time...but I hope he uses that time wisely. I have faith that he will. I look forward to the day when it's my turn to stop working and start working at home! I am working and working...still haven't gotten my application in yet. I am waiting to hear from the stake president to have our eccelestial interview. I have finished the bishop part. I still have to get the transcripts from ISU...something for me to do tomorrow!
A few members in my ward have mentioned a desire to learn sign language...this got me thinking...hmm..maybe I should start a class. However, if I do start a class I don't know where to start! I have been teaching the Young Womens the theme in sign language and I really enjoy teaching them. I still feel strange and mean when I try to correct their signs. I don't want to intimidate any of them. They are supposed to sign the theme in sacrament meeting next Sunday...I look forward to seeing how that goes. I'm sure they all will do well...they learned amazingly fast! I love our ward and am glad we are here to stay for at least another year.
I better get to bed so I can get better faster! I love to read all your posts! Thank you all for entertaining a lonely girl who is all home alone while her husband goes out and plays. Have a lovely day and week!