Well...well...I came across this quote and I thought it was so true! I've been doing a lot of contemplating and pondering lately about how my life has been and if I truly am showing people Christ like love. I have been so drawn up in myself lately that I realized that I needed to stop focusing on my problems and serve others. I have been struggling a lot with so many things and I realized that I was digging myself a pity hole. One day....I could not take it anymore and I just cried and cried and finally I opened this book entitled, "When You Can't Do it Alone, Take the Savior's Hand." by Brent L. Top. I was inspired by his words:
"When we are down in the dumps it is easy to drown our sorrows with cupcakes and ice cream (or whatever your favorite comfort food may be), but it takes real effort to go to the gym and have a strenuous workout. Why is that? I think the answer is that the natural man always seeks the path of least resistance - both physically and spiritually. That is why it takes real effort to focus on Christ. While it may be easy (and almost always a waste of time and energy) to dwell on all of our problems, it takes conscious effort to think about the many ways God has blessed us....I know what I'm talking about. I've been there. I've spent plenty of wallowing time in life's "pity potholes." It is easy to do. Unfortunately, those pity potholes are nothing more than emotional quicksand. If you don't stop flailing away, you'll surely sink and drown. Our only hope in that condition - in all the conditions and circumstances of our lives - is to reach out and grab on to the rescuing arm of "him who is mighty to save" (2 Nephi 31:19). "
I suddenly felt guilty....I've been sitting here pouting because life is not going my way or is not as wonderful as I hoped it would be...however later in the chapter Brother Top talks about how important gratitude is and how gratitude saves us from drowning. He says "..ingratitude is like those mirrors found in amusement parks and carnivals that distort reality. Failure to see the hand of God in our lives in true perspective actually leaves us with a warped view of our real circumstances and true selves." I realized how ungrateful I was...I was so wrapped up in my frustrations and was being so hard on myself. I decided today that I am going to count my blessings and here I go...wish me luck!
1. I have two wonderful parents who love me and helped me know that I could do whatever I wanted to do. The fact that I could not hear did not mean anything to them. I really appreciated that more when I left home for college.
2. I have a wonderful husband who loves me in spite of my imperfections.
3. I have the knowledge that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me so much and He is aware of my needs.
4. I can pray anytime and anywhere and know that He hears my prayers.
5. I have an apartment that gives me warmth and provides a place for rest.
6. I have eyes so I can see all the beautiful things God created even if I can't hear....I am so blessed to be able to see all the beautiful flowers, all the beautiful mountains, all the beautiful waterfalls, all the beautiful trees, all the beautiful lakes, all the beautiful temples, all the beautiful colors, all the beautiful rainbows, all the beautiful snow, all the beautiful creations my Father in Heaven has allowed me to see on this wondrous earth!
7. I have the knowledge that I can be with my dear family forever!
8. Even if I can't hear so great, I'm glad I have the hearing I do have so I can listen to the beautiful music! I love music so much and I look forward to the day when I can hear everything and not have to concentrate or feel so sad because I can't hear the music as well as I would love.
9. I have a job that pays the bills and gives me good insurance.
10. I have the opportunity to be wake up and know that I'm alive every single day!
11. Hot, running water that I can shower everyday in.
12. The Book of Mormon
13. I am blessed to have a great education and to be able to read. Reading gives us knowledge that those who are illiterate don't have. Imagine not being able to read? I would not even be sitting here.
14. I live in a time where there is to much to learn and to do than ever before.
15. Hearing aids! They are great! :)
16. Glasses and contacts....I would be lost without them!
17. Art that is all around us. Beautiful pictures and paintings about Christ are my absolute favorite.
18. I have legs that work.
19. I can laugh and be happy.
20. Opposition...this may be a weird thing but if there was no opposition...how would we know if we were happy if we were never sad? So for all the sad times...I'm grateful for because I have the ability to be happy because I experienced sadness.
21. I have hands that I can do so many things with!
22. Pens...
23. Good books
24. BYU - I miss that place but I'm grateful for the education that I was able to get even though it was only a short period of time.
25. cameras so we can capture memories!
26. Printers so we don't have to hand write everything!
27. Blankets
28. Socks
29. Shoes
30. alarm clocks that shake the bed....how else would I wake up?!
31. light...electric light, sunshine, moonlight, starlight, the light of Christ, firelight....all types of light!
32. My family and Ben's family....no one will ever know how much I love and appreciate all of them. They are always looking out for us and I hope they know we care for them as well!
33. President Thomas S. Monson, who is a living prophet for us today and all of the Apostles and leaders of the church who watch out for us and give us guidance in today's world.
35. running water...I do not have to go outside and pump a bucket of water...how grateful I am for that!
36. Toilets....we don't have to go out in the freezing cold to use the outhouse like those pioneers of old! I'm so glad!!
37. Soap....I can wash my hands and my hair and my body and keep it clean!
38. Fruits and vegetables!
39. paychecks
40. Temples....they are truly a place of peace and comfort! I love going especially when I'm down and troubled....it helps with focusing on the Savior and having His spirit there to give comfort is a great panacea for anything!
I could go on and on...but I looked at the clock and it is past my bedtime. I feel so much better and I hope everyone gets a chance to read this book. I am not done yet but there are so many great quotes from the prophets. Another thing is that Brother Top uses the story of when Jesus walks on water and Peter tries to walk and sinks. I love that because when I was in high school, I was going through a difficult time...at this time, I drew a picture of my hand reaching out of troubled waters and the Savior's hand was there reaching for mine...that's truly how I felt at that time and I need to find that picture and hang it up somewhere so I can remember that the Savior is always there for us. Even if we are drowning...all we have to do is reach up and take His hand.
I want to testify that I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I know that I have a Father in Heaven who loves us and He gives us trials to shape and strengthen us. No trial is ever wasted....it is our choice to be strengthened or weakened. I know that prayers are answered...even if it is not our will. I know that when you can't do it alone...the Savior's hand is there for you to take. I love you all and I know this is a long blog but I feel so great! I suggest everyone try it!