Thursday, November 19, 2009

Long time...Lots to say...but not enough patience

I recently got a wall post on my facebook from my cousin saying I needed to update my blog! I really have no excuse but that I've been extremely busy. I also struggle with the getting some computer time as well. However, those are not really valid excuses so I will do my best to update you all on my life.

On October 18th, I flew with Nicole (my sister) and two of her friends to Miami, Florida to go on a cruise. It's a long story and I don't have any pictures with me right now. I forgot my camera and so Nicole took lots and lots of pictures as well as her two other friends....I guess I can say they are my friends now because I still keep in touch with them! :) I will do that in another post in the future when we are able to compile all the pictures that were taken.

Right now I am in sunny and warm Arizona visiting my brother and his family. They just bought a new house and are still in the process of unpacking in their new home. It is a very beautiful home and I'm happy for them. I've just been helping and relaxing and enjoying myself. However, Ben isn't with me and I miss him a lot! I feel bad for the poor guy, he's been stuck at home and going to school while I've been off having adventures! I thank him for letting me get away and putting up with my messes when I got home since I didn't completely unpack from the cruise because I knew that I would be leaving again.

I will be back in good ole, cold, freezing Idaho next week on Monday. I am looking forward to seeing all you Idaho folks again, however, I am not really looking forward to the cold and wind in Idaho. I told Ben that we will have to move to St. George or someplace that has perfect temperature year round! He just laughed.

I really don't know what else to say so I'll close for now...I don't have the patience to sit at the computer for a long time anymore. Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Calling

I decided to do smaller posts for easier reading so here's on to my news. Two weeks ago today, Ben and I went to Mara and Gus Clark's twin girls baby blessing (Mara is a really good friend of mine from high school and she is amazing!!) We were planning to go to their sacrament meeting and to the luncheon after and be done with church for the day. However, Ben got a call from the 2nd counselor in the bishopric right after sacrament meeting asking if we could meet with him 10 minutes before Sacrament meeting started (our church started at 1 PM and the baby blessings were at 9 AM). So we went to the luncheon and then left to talk to the 2nd counselor. Ben was a little nervous because he already has a calling as 2nd counselor in the Elder's Qurom Presidency and he thought a primary calling was coming. However, I had a feeling that the calling was for me because I knew that Ben would stay in his was a strange feeling and I was scared. However, we went and talked to Brother Anderson. I accepted the call to become the Miamaid Advisor for Young Womens. I was a little shocked and excited. I look forward to all the experiences that this calling will give me. I admit that I'm a little out of my comfort zone but sometimes that has to happen in order for great experiences.

Our Young Womens is very small and so we all meet together every Sunday and have a combined lesson every week. I had the opportunity to give the lesson today. I don't think I've been this nervous to teach a lesson before. I love teaching but this was the first lesson I taught verbally. All the other lessons I've taught have been in sign language and I prayed all morning this morning. The Lord truly is watching out for me and He knows that I am capable of things that I don't think I am. I was able to get through the lesson and I just hope that I was able to inspire at least one girl as much as my Young Women's leaders inspired me. However, at one point during the lesson, the power went out and I was almost ready to panic because I could not see anyone in the room well enough to understand them. I said a quick little prayer and the lights came back on immediately. Amazing that the Lord can hear this small, insignificant prayer and answer it quickly!

I am so excited to be in Young Women's and am already loving where I am. I look forward to the many experiences I will have and hope I can do some good in this calling.

It's so good to be living!!

I just barely noticed yesterday that I have not posted for a month! The summer has gone by so fast and I can't believe it is half over. It makes me sad because in a month and a half, Ben will be going back to school. I'm excited for him though because I know he is ready to go back and finish what he set out to do in the beginning. We had a little scare and a little anxiety last Sunday when Ben was looking up into the readmission process into the nursing program. Ben was a little confused about the process and he thought that he would have to redo everything all over again and that since the application was not due until September that he would not be able to retake his nursing class since he was not in the program. He also found a little section in the application that said something about having to be able to hear the heartbeat, breathing, etc. Ben said that part was not in the application before and he knows that it was put there because of him. So...all day Sunday, Ben was a little sad and discouraged because he wanted to finish school soon. However, later last week, Ben's adviser called him and Ben made an appointment to see her. After the appointment, Ben was feeling much better. It turns out that he does have to redo some things but he will be able to retake his nursing class this fall and some other classes and finish by December 2010. We felt that the Lord is truly watching over us and whenever something seems impossible, the Lord helps the impossible become possible! I felt so relieved be honest, I'm tired of my job and dealing with the big bosses has become a little stressful. I won't go into much detail though. I know I am half way done with my contract and I know if I made it this far then I can hang on a little more longer.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Sorry the last post was so long! I tried....please forgive me for my ramblings!

Babysitting Adventures!

I've been meaning to blog all week but this week has been exhausting! Work has been crazy since Walgreen's bought out Rite-aid in Southeast Idaho and the work load has doubled. I've been exhausted everyday when I have come home from work. Today I slept in until almost 11 AM and I never do that! I felt so good all day but I've been a lazy bum!

Last weekend I babysat Katie's girls, Emma and Aubree. Ben had been working overnight all last week and Wednesday night was supposed to be his last night. However, he was behind four hours so they had him work 8 hours Wednesday night and then wanted him to work four hours Thursday night. He knew he had to help me babysit so he was planning to go straight to bed when he got home at about 2 AM. Well....the other overnight members did not do their job and so Ben ended up staying until 5 AM doing their jobs. Ben could not go to bed because he had to work the next day (Saturday) since he was done with the overnight shifts. He wanted to be able to be awake and functioning for work. So he went to play basketball and then he went golfing at 1 PM. I had to work late that day so I went to work at 1 and then got off at 10. Ben had texted me earlier telling me to pray for him to get home safely...I thought to myself...oh no! This means he is very very very tired! I prayed and he got home safely.

When I came home and tried to wake him up to go to Katie's house ....he acted weird! First of all...the apartment radiated with heat! I'm serious! I opened the front door and this burst of heat came out of my face! All the lights were on and the computer was on. I walked into the bedroom and there was Ben sleeping on the bed with our big comforter on top of him! Those of you who know Ben...he hates and absolutely does not like being hot. I thought to myself, "Ben has got to be roasting under those covers!!" I tried to take them off...much to my atonishment, Ben sat up in bed and grabbed the covers back from me! Ben was soaking wet with sweat! I tried again and Ben sat up and looked at me with a look that scared me! He acted like he didn't even know who I was. I asked him if he was hot and he looked so confused. He laid back down and went back to this point I knew I was doomed to sleep at Katie's house by myself!

Admist all this, my mom texted me and asked me if Ben was going to sleep with me at Katie's. I told her that I did not think Ben would wake up since he was out of it. She asked if I wanted her to come over and stay the night with me. I was so relieved and told her to please please come! I packed up all my clothes and jumped into the Tahoe...which I say was a whole new experience for me driving! (Katie and I traded cars for gas reasons...her Tahoe guzzles gas and my Cobalt has good gas mileage - 30 to 35 mpg)

I got to Katie's at about 11 and Nicole who had come to watch the girls since I had to work late and Katie and Kyle wanted to hit the road as soon as Kyle got off work. My mom got there shortly and we both went to bed. I kept dreaming all night that the girls woke up and I wouldn't wake up. Needless to say...I did not sleep very good due to my paranoid self bothering me. At 7:30, I felt a bump on the bed and I woke up to this sweet little face of Emma's. Both Aubree and Emma seemed suprised to see Aunt Chennelle and Grandma! My mom then left shortly after that and left me all alone. I was hoping I would not be alone for long since I hoped that Ben would come and help me until he had to go to work at 2. I admit I was very nervous because I just don't trust myself especially with communicating. A cute little story...before my mom left, I decided it would be a good idea to put my hearing aids in so I could hear the girls. Emma saw me put my hearing aids in and said (as translated to me by Mom), "I don't have those earrings! I have these (while pointing to her earrings) but not THOSE earrings!" I just laughed! Her tone of voice sounded like she was jealous! I almost told her that she should be glad she has the earrings she has!

I let Emma and Aubree watch a short movie when I went and do you moms shower if your kids are awake? I know they say not to have your t.v. babysit the kids...but...oh well! I had to hurry so fast because I was afraid that something would happen and I wouldn't hear it because I didn't have my hearing aids (my mom says that you can't really hear anything when you are showering....the water is too loud...of course I didn't know that! ha!). The whole day was pretty much feeding them breakfast...going outside and playing...coming back in the house...going back outside...coming back in and feeding them lunch....putting Aubree down for a nap....Emma had quiet time...I cleaned up lunch's mess....I also sat and rested ...I was so tired already! Emma came in and helped me put the dishes away from the dish washer...she is a good little helper! Especially since I didn't know where most of the dishes were! She also helped me load the dish washer.

Oh...another story! I went out to water Katie's tomato plants on the deck and Emma and Aubree followed me around when I was watering the plants. I went back in the house for a second and then went back outside. Emma said, "The water melted! Where did it go?" I had to laugh to myself and told her that just like Emma needs a drink of water, the plants need a drink and it just goes down like water goes down her throat. I don't know if I explained it very well but...I tried. It seemed to sastify her since she didn't say anything after.

When Aubree woke up, I took the girls over to Andrea's house to play with her twin boys. I then went back home and Aubree did not want to leave. I tried to get her in the car seat and she screamed and cried the whole way home. I asked Emma to sing a song hoping that it would calm Aubree down (I tried to sing I'm a Child of God and she stopped, but then started crying again) and I'm driving the whole way home to screaming and singing...which was interesting! Once I had Aubree out of the car seat, she was happy! I don't think Aubree felt good either...her throat must have hurt and her nose was runny all day. She wanted to be held a lot as well.

I fixed Macaroni and Cheese for dinner...sorry...I know I'm a big health freak and I told myself I would never fix my children Macaroni and was hard mostly because Aubree wanted me to hold her and Mac and Cheese seemed like something easy and fast since I could tell Aubree was hungry. Emma helped me set the table and we ate dinner. After dinner, I can't remember what we did until 7...because I gave them a bath at 7. Emma told me that Aubree and her could not take a bath together because they both share a room. I didn't know how that worked but...I let Emma take a bath by herself which was hard because Aubree kept trying to get in with her clothes on!

After the baths...we still had 30 minutes until bed time so I didn't know what to do. Emma begged to go outside and after a few minutes debating with myself, I decided..oh well...if they get dirty I'll have to give them a bath again. My fault for giving them baths early...I thought it would take longer for some reason. So we went outside and jumped on the trampoline for 30 minutes. Emma would chase me around the tramp and try to catch me and Aubree just jumped around and when Emma caught me, I would fall over and say, "Oh No! You caught me!" and the fall itself made both Emma and Aubree fall over. They thought it was hilarious. Emma wanted me to do it again and again. I got tired so fast! Those little balls of energy! I hoped it would tire them so they would sleep well that night.

I tried to put them to bed but Emma thought she had to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed and watch a movie. After debating with myself...I decided to let them watch a short 30 minute movie even though it was 8:15 since they were a little wild and reading books did not seem to help since they would not stop squabbling over the books. After the movie ended, they went to bed with no fuss! I was so tired and went to bed shortly after.

Oh...Ben never came. He did not wake up until 12 PM. He slept a whopping 18 hours!! I ended up spending the night all by myself Saturday night. I was proud of myself for doing that. I do not like being alone especially at night. Ben knows this but he didn't get off til 11 and then he had a meeting at 9. He did not want to come all the way over to Katie's house and then go back to the other side of town for his meeting. So...our babysitting job ended up being my babysitting job.

To make the long story short, Katie and Kyle came home Sunday at noon. I went straight home and picked up Ben for church.

I have decided after this....I do not ever want to be a single mom! I am grateful for all the work you moms do and Katie...I look up to you so much! No wonder you always say you are tired! Being a mom is hard work and your girls are so cute it is worth it!

Anyway...I'm glad I still have a long while to prepare for being a mom and that I get them one at a time! I hope...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

been awhile...

I have been checking everyone's blogs and wishing people would come up with a new post and then I realized...I have not updated my blog for a month or however long it has been! I decided I better stop being a hypocrite and start updating my blog more often. I don't really have much to share. Summer is here! I have looked forward to the warm weather for a long long time. I love Winter...but it can be too long. I'm not a cold weather girl....I've always hated being cold. Ben thinks I'm strange since he prefers to be cold than hot. I've always preferred to be hot than cold. I don't know why but...anyway I'm rambling.

The past few weeks have been rough on me but I'm still hanging in there. I'm still trying to be worries. Ben has been working overnights since has been hard on both of us. Especially with sleep. I have not been sleeping very well with Ben gone and I have been so frustrated...I'm so tired but yet I dread going to bed alone since I toss and turn and have strange dreams. I guess I better start putting pillows around me to trick myself like my sister-in-law suggested I should.

This morning, Ben woke me up and said, "Good Morning Beautiful!" and after he said that he gave me a the process...I noticed three white pieces of butterfly bandages on his cheek....I instantly woke up then! I gasped and said, "WHAT HAPPENED?" Ben just smiled and casually said that a shelf fell on his face. Don't worry...he did not have to get stitches but it is a pretty bad gash. I'm just glad it was not worse! I asked him later how the shelf happened to fall on his face and he said that he was bending over under the shelf to do something and when he got up, the shelf just fell on his face. He did not bump it or it was some freak accident.

Anyway, Ben and I are babysitting my sister, Katie's little girls for the weekend. We are a little nervous...since it is for two nights but excited for this adventure. I hope all goes well and I'm excited...her girls are so fun to watch!

Anyway...that is my post for the day and I hope to be able to post more after this weekend!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile - Albert Einstein

Well...well...I came across this quote and I thought it was so true! I've been doing a lot of contemplating and pondering lately about how my life has been and if I truly am showing people Christ like love. I have been so drawn up in myself lately that I realized that I needed to stop focusing on my problems and serve others. I have been struggling a lot with so many things and I realized that I was digging myself a pity hole. One day....I could not take it anymore and I just cried and cried and finally I opened this book entitled, "When You Can't Do it Alone, Take the Savior's Hand." by Brent L. Top. I was inspired by his words:

"When we are down in the dumps it is easy to drown our sorrows with cupcakes and ice cream (or whatever your favorite comfort food may be), but it takes real effort to go to the gym and have a strenuous workout. Why is that? I think the answer is that the natural man always seeks the path of least resistance - both physically and spiritually. That is why it takes real effort to focus on Christ. While it may be easy (and almost always a waste of time and energy) to dwell on all of our problems, it takes conscious effort to think about the many ways God has blessed us....I know what I'm talking about. I've been there. I've spent plenty of wallowing time in life's "pity potholes." It is easy to do. Unfortunately, those pity potholes are nothing more than emotional quicksand. If you don't stop flailing away, you'll surely sink and drown. Our only hope in that condition - in all the conditions and circumstances of our lives - is to reach out and grab on to the rescuing arm of "him who is mighty to save" (2 Nephi 31:19). "

I suddenly felt guilty....I've been sitting here pouting because life is not going my way or is not as wonderful as I hoped it would be...however later in the chapter Brother Top talks about how important gratitude is and how gratitude saves us from drowning. He says "..ingratitude is like those mirrors found in amusement parks and carnivals that distort reality. Failure to see the hand of God in our lives in true perspective actually leaves us with a warped view of our real circumstances and true selves." I realized how ungrateful I was...I was so wrapped up in my frustrations and was being so hard on myself. I decided today that I am going to count my blessings and here I go...wish me luck!

1. I have two wonderful parents who love me and helped me know that I could do whatever I wanted to do. The fact that I could not hear did not mean anything to them. I really appreciated that more when I left home for college.
2. I have a wonderful husband who loves me in spite of my imperfections.
3. I have the knowledge that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me so much and He is aware of my needs.
4. I can pray anytime and anywhere and know that He hears my prayers.
5. I have an apartment that gives me warmth and provides a place for rest.
6. I have eyes so I can see all the beautiful things God created even if I can't hear....I am so blessed to be able to see all the beautiful flowers, all the beautiful mountains, all the beautiful waterfalls, all the beautiful trees, all the beautiful lakes, all the beautiful temples, all the beautiful colors, all the beautiful rainbows, all the beautiful snow, all the beautiful creations my Father in Heaven has allowed me to see on this wondrous earth!
7. I have the knowledge that I can be with my dear family forever!
8. Even if I can't hear so great, I'm glad I have the hearing I do have so I can listen to the beautiful music! I love music so much and I look forward to the day when I can hear everything and not have to concentrate or feel so sad because I can't hear the music as well as I would love.
9. I have a job that pays the bills and gives me good insurance.
10. I have the opportunity to be wake up and know that I'm alive every single day!
11. Hot, running water that I can shower everyday in.
12. The Book of Mormon
13. I am blessed to have a great education and to be able to read. Reading gives us knowledge that those who are illiterate don't have. Imagine not being able to read? I would not even be sitting here.
14. I live in a time where there is to much to learn and to do than ever before.
15. Hearing aids! They are great! :)
16. Glasses and contacts....I would be lost without them!
17. Art that is all around us. Beautiful pictures and paintings about Christ are my absolute favorite.
18. I have legs that work.
19. I can laugh and be happy.
20. Opposition...this may be a weird thing but if there was no would we know if we were happy if we were never sad? So for all the sad times...I'm grateful for because I have the ability to be happy because I experienced sadness.
21. I have hands that I can do so many things with!
22. Pens...
23. Good books
24. BYU - I miss that place but I'm grateful for the education that I was able to get even though it was only a short period of time.
25. cameras so we can capture memories!
26. Printers so we don't have to hand write everything!
27. Blankets
28. Socks
29. Shoes
30. alarm clocks that shake the else would I wake up?!
31. light...electric light, sunshine, moonlight, starlight, the light of Christ, firelight....all types of light!
32. My family and Ben's one will ever know how much I love and appreciate all of them. They are always looking out for us and I hope they know we care for them as well!
33. President Thomas S. Monson, who is a living prophet for us today and all of the Apostles and leaders of the church who watch out for us and give us guidance in today's world.
35. running water...I do not have to go outside and pump a bucket of grateful I am for that!
36. Toilets....we don't have to go out in the freezing cold to use the outhouse like those pioneers of old! I'm so glad!!
37. Soap....I can wash my hands and my hair and my body and keep it clean!
38. Fruits and vegetables!
39. paychecks
40. Temples....they are truly a place of peace and comfort! I love going especially when I'm down and helps with focusing on the Savior and having His spirit there to give comfort is a great panacea for anything!

I could go on and on...but I looked at the clock and it is past my bedtime. I feel so much better and I hope everyone gets a chance to read this book. I am not done yet but there are so many great quotes from the prophets. Another thing is that Brother Top uses the story of when Jesus walks on water and Peter tries to walk and sinks. I love that because when I was in high school, I was going through a difficult this time, I drew a picture of my hand reaching out of troubled waters and the Savior's hand was there reaching for mine...that's truly how I felt at that time and I need to find that picture and hang it up somewhere so I can remember that the Savior is always there for us. Even if we are drowning...all we have to do is reach up and take His hand.

I want to testify that I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I know that I have a Father in Heaven who loves us and He gives us trials to shape and strengthen us. No trial is ever is our choice to be strengthened or weakened. I know that prayers are answered...even if it is not our will. I know that when you can't do it alone...the Savior's hand is there for you to take. I love you all and I know this is a long blog but I feel so great! I suggest everyone try it!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life's one big roller coaster ride!

It's been a while since I've last posted. Ben and I have been going through somewhat of a difficult time. There have been a lot of decisions and struggles over the past few weeks. Ben decided to withdraw from all of his classes this semester and retake some classes in the fall. This was a very hard decision for him to make. I told him that I could not help him make this decision because I could not feel anything, I felt numb. I also felt that since I was not the one taking the classes that I did not really have a say into what he felt that was best for him. Ben did not do as well as he would have liked last semester, due to some distractions that he did not realize was taking up his precious time. He feels that he will have a better chance of getting into graduate school if he gets better grades. I fully support him in this decision and know that he will accomplish his goal. Ben is such a wonderful man and I look up to him for having the strength to overcome this obstacle that he is facing right now.

We are so blessed, however, since Wal-Mart had a full-time position open about the time Ben made the decision to withdraw. I know the Lord is watching out for us and that He is aware of our needs. Ben is now working full-time at Wal-Mart and will continue to do so until the end of this year. He would like to find another part-time job but does not think he will be able to find one due to the economy. We are planning on saving money so that when he goes back to school that he will be comfortable to not have to work and focus completely on his classes.

One downside to all this is that we got a letter from ISU on Thursday saying that we had to pay a certain amount back for a loan that Ben took out for this semester since he withdrew. Ben and I were both very upset and did not know how we would be able to come up with the money since we did not have that much in our hands. (A note...ISU told Ben he would not have to pay anything until he graduates...hmm...seems like that was not true...which is why we were not expecting this). Again, the Lord watched out for us and we got quite a sizeable tax return and will be using that. I was disappointed because I wanted to put it in savings and have it there for when we are done with school. However, I feel more blessed than disappointed today. I cannot tell you how hard this has been for both of us but how much we have grown and learned from this on-going experience.

Instead of graduating in May 2010, Ben will be graduating in December of 2010 if all goes as planned. Another blessing comes up with this fact. Some of you may know this but some of you might not. When Eastgate was sold to Walgreens, Walgreens offered a bonus to those who signed a contract saying that they would work for Walgreens for three years. If we did not keep the contract, we had to pay the bonus back with 8% interest. Ben wanted me to sign up, I did not feel good about it but I signed up for it anyway. I got the bonus minus taxes....which did not make me happy but money is just money. As it turns out...the contract ends in December 2010 so we will not have to worry about paying them back. I was worried since Ben was planning to graduate in May 2010 and I did not know how we would be able to pay Walgreens the amount we would have owed if I had to break the contract. So the Lord is truly watching over us! Although it is hard...I can't express how grateful I am for all this... this is not what we wanted but we have been so blessed!

I would like to pay a tribute to my dear husband Ben. He has done so much for me over the past two years and we have been through so much more than anyone would know. I have truly come to love Ben so much more. He has helped me change for the better and I only hope I can do the same for him. He truly makes me whole and I know that we were supposed to get married. I will have to admit that I've struggled with being married for the longest time because I never really knew how to be married. The Lord has known the feelings of our hearts and by all the things that we have gone through...we have become better people and I know that Ben has sacrificed so much for me. He is such a sweet and loving husband. Thank you Ben for interpreting for me in Sacrament Meeting and Sunday School so I can understand and learn about the gospel. Thank you Ben for all those little things you do....I truly do love you!

I know this is a little personal but I have had the strongest feeling that I needed to share this with Ben's family and mine. I love both of our families and I am so truly blessed to have all you people in my life. You all make my life so much sweeter and I couldn't have asked for more!!

This is Ben doing the one thing he loves.....golfing! I hope he can continue to golf and I love to just go walk with him!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ah....that did not post right....the preview does not match the post! That makes me a teeny bit frustrated! I need some help so if anyone one could help me that would be great!! Also does anyone know how to get rid of mold and if mold or mildew can cause sinus problems?

Pictures....of our anniversary one and one-half months ago

Here is my handsome Ben posing for the camera on our anniversary. He looks so good in his suit! Mom Curtis gave him Travis's old suits and it is amazing how handsome Ben looks in a suit! I have not seen him in a suit before and I love it!

Here is me in my old prom dress from high school. I was amazed that I still fit in it!! It is my favorite prom dress and I didn't even do my hair and any make up. I wanted to look all beautiful but ah well...Ben said I looked just fine. It was fun nonetheless. We had spinach artichoke dip...which is our favorite appetizer. Thinking of it makes me want some right now!!

This is our dinner....hope you can see how yummy it was! :)

The other funny story....

I wrote in the last post that I had another funny story. My sister, Katie asked me what the other funny story was and I could not remember. Now I remember but I know a few of you have already heard this one.

One morning...early morning...I'm sleeping peacefully in my warm comfy bed and dreaming a wonderful dream. All of a sudden, I feel the blanket and the sheets slip off me and I open my eyes to Ben standing with all the blankets piled on him and he is walking out of the bedroom. I was so confused why Ben would do such a thing and so I decide to get up and find out what he is up to. When I walk out in the hall...I see the pile of blankets on the floor. I could not figure out what the pile was, at first I thought it was Ben lying on the floor since I'm blind without my glasses and it was still dark. I go a little down the hall following the trail of blankets and sheets ended up at the door of the bathroom. While I'm looking for Ben's head, Ben pops out of the bathroom scaring me half to death. I asked Ben what he was doing. He did not say a word but tried to push me into the bathroom. I told him I did not need to use the bathroom and left him standing there. I went back to bed and decided I would sleep without the blankets since I was so tired. After a minute, Ben gets back in bed with the blankets...only this time, the sheets were on top and the blanket was on the bottom with the ties poking me. I didn't care how they were on as long as I was warm. The next morning, I asked Ben what in the world he was thinking and why he did all this. Apparently, he remembered doing it but he doesn't know why. I hope this was entertaining for you all as it was for me!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We defintely need a spare key!

I haven't gotten the chance to be on the computer lately. Ben has been such a computer hog and making me use the slow laptop while he plays his all time favorite game World of Warcraft. A word to the wise...any of you who have husbands...don't let them touch that game!! You will instantly become a widow! :)

The past few weeks have been very stressful for me. I don't know about Ben. He seems to be doing all right. I have not been able to talk to him much which makes me sad but I'm trying harder to ask him how his day goes each day. However, I do have a funny story to least I think it is funny.

Ben and I are members of Anytime Fitness. We have not been going for about a month and we decided to start trying to go every day. We tried to start on Tuesday, 2 weeks ago (I think it was). We woke up at about 6:30 and I was still exhausted. Ben pushes me back into bed...I told him I wanted to go work out but he kept insisting I go back to bed (which was good because I'm trying to beat this ole sinus infection). Ben went out to start the car and let it warm up. He came back in the house and did a few things. 10 minutes later, he grabs his shoes, locks the door and heads out. There was still frost on the windows so Ben opens the back door to get the scraper...however, the back door did not open all the way. The car decided that someone was trying to break in and locked all the doors. Poor BEN! He was locked out of his car and apartment with his deaf wife sleeping oblivious to all noise around her! The sad thing was that morning was the coldest morning...I can't remember how cold it was but I know it was way below zero plus the wind was blowing. All this is happening while I'm asleep. Ben knocked on our neighbor's door and asked if he could use her phone book. She let him stay in the apt...(I also felt bad because he felt uncomfortable since her husband wasn't home and I'm sorry to say...their apartment doesn't smell so pleasant as well). Ben called the locksmith and paid 40 dollars to get the keys out of the car. Ben comes in the house and wakes me up. I felt so bad...I wished that I had been awake. Poor guy!!

This is not the end of the story either!! Thursday morning, Ben has to go to clinicals at the hospital at 7. I had to work at 10...but I wanted to be there early since I had to make up time I missed on Monday due to hives...that's another story I do not want to tell. Anyway...I got all ready to go to work and grabbed my lunch. I put my coat on, grabbed my purse, water bottle, and lunch and headed out the door. I locked the door and shut it. The minute I shut the door...I realized that I left the keys inside!! I was at loss....then I thought it was funny! I didn't know why but it sure was funny because it happened to Ben the other way around. Now it happened to me! I sat down on the stairs wondering what to do and how to get to work. I didn't want to walk even though it is only 1/2 mile away because it was cold. I texted everyone I could think of. I texted the ladies at work and my friend who lives close by. No one answered me...I was starting to think this wasn't funny anymore. However, one of the ladies at work responded and said that she could pick me up while at the same time my friend who lives practically next door said she could take me. So I had to hurry and text the other lady and tell her not to come get me. I ended up being to work at 10 which was a relief! I was on time but I had to stay later...oh well! I learned that I need to be patient and Heavenly Father will help me. I am so blessed to be able to text people! The wonders of technology!

Some of you may know...Ben and I have a history of locking ourselves out. Ben especially when I'm asleep. This wasn't the first time for him to lock himself out. I always tell him that's what he gets for marrying a deaf woman! We have decided that we are getting a spare key and trading spare keys with our downstairs neighbors. They are the only neighbors we trust in this part of the apartments. We are glad to have such great neighbors as them!

Well...I better go get ready for bed or I will be in trouble with Ben when he gets home and finds that I am not all ready for bed like he hopes I will. I do have another funny story that I wish to share but that will have to wait for next time and I still need to post pictures! time is restricted for this woman! I am so glad to read all your blogs and love to know what is going on in your lives.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Problem solved!!

I thought I would give the update. I went to the doctor last week on Wednesday. He said I probably never got over my sinus infection and bronchitis. So...he gave me antibiotics and some cough syrup. I had not been sleeping very well since I was coughing so hard during the night. Wednesday night I took some and I was able to finally get a good night's rest. I felt so great the next day! It feels wonderful to be on the road to recovery and not be so tired all the time!

I am planning to work on posting some pictures tonight so hopefully I can figure this out! Thanks for all the sweet comments...I really do have wonderful family and friends!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello everyone....I decided it was time to put up a new post. Ben has now started school...he seems to be doing okay. I can't really tell since he does not really share much about school. Ben's brothers both had their babies in the past few months. Jason and Liz had their little boy at the end of November and Josh and Lindsie had their little girl about two weeks ago. They are both very cute and adorable babies! Makes me wonder what Ben and my babies would look like. We'll see someday huh? No babies on the way...sorry!

I have been continuously sick the past few months. We are trying to figure out why. At first I had sinus infection and a throat infection. Then the week of Christmas I had bronchitis. Now...when i thought I was all better I am sick again! I have an appointment tomorrow so hopefully we can find out what is wrong and kick those germs out of my body!

Ben is only working at Wal-Mart on Saturdays. He seems to like having extra time...but I hope he uses that time wisely. I have faith that he will. I look forward to the day when it's my turn to stop working and start working at home! I am working and working...still haven't gotten my application in yet. I am waiting to hear from the stake president to have our eccelestial interview. I have finished the bishop part. I still have to get the transcripts from ISU...something for me to do tomorrow!

A few members in my ward have mentioned a desire to learn sign language...this got me thinking...hmm..maybe I should start a class. However, if I do start a class I don't know where to start! I have been teaching the Young Womens the theme in sign language and I really enjoy teaching them. I still feel strange and mean when I try to correct their signs. I don't want to intimidate any of them. They are supposed to sign the theme in sacrament meeting next Sunday...I look forward to seeing how that goes. I'm sure they all will do well...they learned amazingly fast! I love our ward and am glad we are here to stay for at least another year.

I better get to bed so I can get better faster! I love to read all your posts! Thank you all for entertaining a lonely girl who is all home alone while her husband goes out and plays. Have a lovely day and week!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Let the New Year in!

It has been a while since I last posted. Life has been hectic since then. Ben and I just got a new computer and so I can't post any pictures...sorry..they are not on there yet. I have not had time since Ben loves the computer too much...I try to remind him I am the one who worked for it :). Our holidays were all right. It wasn't the best I've ever had. However, our anniversary was last monday and we had a great night. We don't really have a lot of money to spend and we didn't want to go out anywhere since the weather was stinky. I proposed we dress up and have ourselves a fancy dinner at home. Ben's parents were sweet to give us steak and a broiler pan to broil our steaks on. My parents gave us potatoes and beans. So basically the whole meal was provided by our parents. We didn't realize that until we sat down and ate. We do have pictures but I will have to post them together. I wanted to dance but Ben thought I was crazy so we didn't....I was disappointed but I've moved on! :) New Years was all right...I had to work 9 to 5 and Ben worked 5 to 10. I didn't care...New Year's has not always had an appeal for me...just a new year to make goals I guess.....I personally think we shouldn't just make goals at the beginning of the year but constantly make new goals once we acheive our old goals...hope that makes sense.

Ben starts school on January 12th. I don't know if I look forward to it or not. This semester is supposed to be hard. However, I am proud of him for pursuing this and for not giving up no matter if he can hear or not.

I have decided to go back to school and am in the process of applying to the BYU Online General Studies program. I hope all goes well especially with paying for it. We hope to get some grants and scholarships this year.

I can't think of anything else to write so I'll end this post. Hope the holidays were wonderful for everyone who reads this post!!