Thursday, October 16, 2008

Update on our lives!

Well, here am I sitting here staring at the screen at home with no Ben to take over the computer so I decided to take the opportunity to update my blog. It is still in the works and I have yet to figure out how to post pictures and such. Ben and I have been very busy with work and school. Ben is currently in the nursing program at ISU and keeping busy with all the demands they put on him. He has been working rotations at the hopsital Wednesdays. Sometimes he works 7AM to 7 PM or 7AM to 3 or 4 PM and then works 7 to 11 Thursdays. All depends on what area of the hospital he is doing rotations in. He works late on the weekends and it is kind of hard that I don't see him much but I won't complain because he is willing to earn money so we don't go into debt. He is truly a wonderful husband and I wonder what I did to deserve him.

I have been working at Walgreens and coming home worn out every day. Now the sick season is kicking in which means prescriptions that need to be filled. I can always tell when there is something going around. Right now I think the cold season is coming in full blast,..I even have one! My nose is peeling from using kleenexes so much and Ben was thoughtful enough to go to Walmart and buy me kleenexes with lotion in! I never thought I would be so grateful for that! I took a whole stack from my box at home to work and refuse to use their cheap and rough kleenexes now...not since I've been exposed to luxury!

Ben and I had to give a talk in our new ward last sunday. I was very nervous since it was a new ward and I was planning to use my voice. New people and new faces always make me lose my voice! I get so nervous when I talk to someone I don't know. However, working at Walgreens has somewhat helped me overcome that step by step. I prayed everyday for two weeks that Heavenly Father would help me speak clearly and help the audience understand what they needed to learn. I had to speak on how to get the most out of sacrament meeting. I loved preparing the talk. For some strange reason I love giving talks just because the spirit teaches me so much and I get the opportunity to share something I've learned with my assoicates and that just uplifts me. I love how I can feel the Spirit flow through my body and getting assurance that what I'm testifying about is true. My mom tells me that when I was in primary I always volunteered to give talks. She said I loved to talk but she got tired of it because she was the one who had to write them. I remember volunteering a lot but I never realized that my dear mother had to work hard for me! I thank her for the willingness she had to let me have spiritual experiences. Anyway....I got distracted....when that Sunday came, I was very nervous and I kept saying a little prayer in my heart and then I knew everything would be fine. I got up and right before I began, I remember thinking, "Heavenly Father, I've done my part, now I give all my faith to thee." Wow, I have forgetten exactly the reason why I love giving talks! I love it because everytime I open my mouth, an amazing thing happens...I just know what to say and the words just seem to pour out of my mouth without effort. I could feel the spirit so strong and I hope everyone else around me felt it. I know Heavenly Father has always helped me say what I feel inside of my heart. I hope that I can help someone who is in need., I always love hearing his talk! He is indescribable in how he teaches the gospel. It has been so long since I've seen this part of him. A part that was so humble and he expressed so many things about how he knew we were supposed to be together and how I teach him so much....well...he teaches me a lot! I have learned that is what a marriage is all about....working together and teaching each other. I have also learned to change myself for the better when he tells me that I'm doing something that bothers is interesting. I used to get so mad when someone told me I did something wrong. Alot of things have happened since we got married and I try so hard to be a good and supportive wife.

I better is getting late! I'll add some pictures when i get it figured out!