Showing posts with label grapefruit juice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grapefruit juice. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fight that COLD, with FRESH CITRUS, vitamin C baby!!

We are trying to not get sick around here. How about you? I know a lot of people are sick right now. Even if you already are, you can still benefit from some FRESH, fruit. 

While at Trader Joes the other day, I found some beautiful heirloom oranges. I also bought a bag of organic oranges. I have to say they are BOTH, delicious, and super, super, sweet and juicy. Try to find some at a store near you. 

I also cut up a grapefruit, because I love that fruit. 
Check out how I made my own juice HERE.

CHEERS to GOOD health everyone!!!

Linked up to Throwback Thursdays @ Luxe Blvd.
Here's my video Steph!!
Sorry, I know this isn't a song, but it is so funny, I love that movie, and it's perfect. Here I am trying to educate you all on eating HEALTHY,,, and well,,, in the video, just watch and see. 
Hilarious,,, at least I think so!!!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FRESH Grapefruit Juice, even your kids will love!!!

I put this juice to the ultimate test, by offering it to my ULTRA picky, grapefruit hating older son. 

I like to buy my grapefruit, and let it sit on the counter, until it gets really soft, and practically ready to throw out. 

Yes, I know that sounds nasty, BUT, it makes for the sweetest, most yummy juice ever. Fresh grapefruit, is way to sour, even if it's pink.

All I did, was squeeze, no pictures required for that. 
I also made sure there was no pulp, hello, major no no for Big B.
Then got all fancy, put some sugar around the rim, BUT NONE in the juice itself, not a bit, it was ONLY fresh squeezed juice.

I thought the fruit itself looked so flippin cool, I took some pics, and absolutely love the way they looked so much, I sprinkled some rice from dinner on the napkin, for something extra, he he. 

Do you like?

See if you can find this grapefruit anywhere else on my blog?


See I told you even your picky braceface, puberty hitting, potato chip loving, wish he could drink soda, kid would like it, LOVE IT, actually, he asked for seconds.

I worked really too hard on them, but that's another story. 
Show me you love me, and replace your old one with these new ones PLEASE,,, 

Also only 53 more projects to go, until I reach 100 on my weekly party, so come on gals, LINK up, and help me reach my goal.

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In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)