Showing posts with label girls night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girls night. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quickie~~~ Pizza Style & more henna with the girls

I have to make this short and sweet, because I have a ton of stuff to finish up today. So here goes, without much talk from me, as usual, I took tons of pics, so you can see most steps really clearly. No recipe for the dough this time, I didn't have time to write it, and I don't use a recipe anyway, he he.

Reminding you all of my PARTIES QUICKIE STYLE!

This party is open until Halloween, and is open to ALL things Halloween and Spooky. So show me what you got, because I have a SPECIAL PARTY to plan, and I need ideas, he he. 

For the rest of your Projects, or RECIPES, you can always link up to my regular weekly party, starting every Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing what you got, I know it will be AMAZING!!


Just look and drool, cuz it was quick and GOOD!!!!
Isn't she the CUTEST, yes I know :) They were cracking me up, dressing like little old ladies, and walking like them, and talking like them. The girls, had a blast, another sleep over, and my oldest was crashing at his friends house. They had pizza too, only it was LITTLE CEASERS, so sad, lol. My poor hubby and Dino D were outnumbered by girly girls this night, it was FUN. 

I also had ONE pizza ball left over and made another pizza the following night, hopefully I can post that pic soon, with some small comments, or directions on what I did for this fun pizza party. 

Until then, enjoy trying to figure it all out thru the pics. 

Linking up to the following SUPER parties:
Whatever goes Wednesday@ Someday Crafts
Whatver goes Wednesdays@ It's so VERY Cheri
A brand Spankin NEW party @ Olivia Renn

Around My Family Table

As always ENJOY!

Special requests, or mad love always welcome:)

My photo
In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)