
Monday, July 20, 2009

Busy Bee...

Takde lah....hehehe.

Sibuk sikit aje....weekend yg full...ada tetamu, turun Frankfurt pi tgk Harry Potter and shopping (lagi?) then lepak2 sesama kengkawan....bunyi cam org bujang aje kan?

Jumaat: Ada tetamu dr Aachen, Elfi & Najib and baby diorg, Aiman (comeyyy...buat aku rasa nak ada baby gak...hehehe) dtg singgah on the way diorg nak ke Stuggart. Then geng2 Siegen pon dtg on the same day dan tak terkecuali best friends kami, Liza & Mat. Dinner adalah special (special sbb ada ikan steam tau!) yg di supplied oleh cik Mat dan di masak oleh cik Liza. Sedaaaapppp....

Kembar dan baby Aiman

Dinner malam jumaat....

Tetiba rasa mcm rasa suasana kat Mesia ngan hidangan ala2 kedai tomyam tomyam xde pon...hahaha

Sabtu: It was ladies day xde la jadi ladies sumanya. Plan asalnya....aku, Didie dan Liza nak kuar tgk Harry Potter bersama2. Ini adalah first time aku ngan Didie nak tgk wayang kat Deutschland. Didie mmg kena dtg all the way to Frankfurt sbb kat Siegen xde cinema dlm English version (ke ada Didie?). Even kat Frankfurt ni pon, ada satu ni je kot kalau x silap. Manakala kaum bapa/suami dok kat rumah jaga anak2. Didie dah siap2 beli tiket wayang online since seminggu lepas lagi. Tp Liza pulak x sihat, maka dia tak join. Jadinya tiket Liza itu digunakan oleh Zul Conti.

Sampai Hauptwache, punya la ramai org. Rupa2nya ada perarakan....after a while, baru kitorg tau ianya adalah perarakan gay & lesbian...x tau la apa kebenda yg mcm kelakar la tgk diorg dressed up. Tp yg pasti ia adalah satu perarakan yg tidak sihat, penuh ngan alcohol dan ill manners....and too much flesh exposed. Harap2 budaya ini tidak menular di Malaysia.

Begitu ramai rupanya golongan ini....

Gambar yg tiada motif....hehehe

Gedik tau....

X tau la apakah jantinanya....

Cuba korang teka....mana satu sang 'isteri'?

Harry Potter-The Half-Blood Prince : Well, aku agak suka jugak though sebelum tu aku dok baca kat FB status ramai yg kata Harry Potter kali ni agak slow dan bosan. Tapi aku x baca pon satu lg buku Harry Potter so no komen about jalan citernya. And then lg satu aku x tgk Harry Potter- Order of Phoenix so aku agak blur sikit la ngan jalan citernya. Tp nasib baik Didie is a Harry-Potter expert, so mana2 yg aku x paham, Didie la ngan bersungguh2 explain.

Abis wayang, walaupun hujan, aku dan Didie went around Hauptwache sbb Didie nak shopping dan aku dgn x sengajanya tertangkap beg H&M rega EUR5 dan sehelai blouse PROMOD rega EUR6.95. Tu la...sapa suruh jual murah sgt...kan aku dah beli!

Kami pulang dlm pukul 8 mlm...dan rupa2nya anak2 dan bapa2 menanti di rumah cik Mat di Russelsheim. So kami dinner di sana aje dan pulang ke Raunheim kul 11 lebih. Sampai rumah, aku mmg harus la pengsan kan...kalau x mau jugak bergossip sampai kepagi.

Ahad: Kaum2 bapa amik turn with boys outing...tapi outing mereka adalah berbadminton sahaja. Lunch adalah nasi daging dan ikan masam manis dan sambung ngan melepak2 sampai ke petang sehingga la semua tetamu pulang.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Semalam aku ke Frankfurt sendirian. Misi adalah untuk menyambung sesi shopping yg tidak accomplished last week. Dalam train aku duduk berhadapan satu couple - typical mat saleh berambut blonde. Disebabkan si lelaki mempunyai kaki yg panjang dan aku pasti kalau aku duduk face-to-face dgn dia, sudah pasti la lututku akan bersentuhan ngan lutut dia. Maka aku memilih duduk mengiring. Dan since aku x tau nak buat apa (takkan nak dok pandang couple depan aku tu kan) aku pon main game on the phone.

Selepas seketika, tetiba aku dgr perbualan in English dgn slang Amerika:

Lady:Look, she keeps playing on the phone´s game.
Man: Yeah, I see her.
Lady: Where doyou think she´s from?
Man: I don´t know...Jamaica perhaps.

Oh! Bukan Deutche rupanya mereka ini. Dan kenapa la ngan aku main game?

Dan paling penting: Me? Jamaican?

Oh! Noooooo!!!!

Cemana patutnya rupa org Jamaica? Mcm aku ke? Bukan muka aku typical Asian look ke? Uwaaaa....tetiba aku adalah African!

Dan kenapa korang fikir aku x paham apa korang ckp? Sebab sini adalah Germany dan rupa aku adalah rupa org x tau English?


Takpe la, mungkin diorg penah jumpa org Jamaica rupa mcm aku kot.

On the shopping matter; aku telah berjalan keluar masuk kedai and keluar masuk dressing rooms dr kul 11.30 pg to 4.30 ptg non-stop! Hebat x? Kalau ari2 aku buat camni sure aku turun berat badan berkilo2. Sampai makan pon tak!

Tapi hasilnya aku sgt berpuas hati. Dgn kerajinan aku menyelidik, aku dapat sandal summer yg diidamkan, 2 blouses yg menepati citarasa dan undergarment yg selesa pd harga yg sgt munasabah. Total sumanya hanya 63.50 Euro!

Ini la sbbnya kenapa aku mesti round suma kedai.

Hasil shopping...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rachel's Birthday Party

On Sunday, we were invited by twins´new friend, Rachel to celebrate her fifth birthday at her house in Kelsterbach. We first met her on Kak Liza´s wedding day last month. Rachel is Kak Liza´s friend´s daughter. According to Kak Liza, eve rsince Rachel met the twins, she is excited about them and keep asking when she will meet them again. She calls twins PURPLE and PINK...hehehe. Maybe she got confused with the names. To some people, Nabihah & Nabilah sounds very much the same!

Rachel had this all-in-pink-theme for her birthday party. In her invitation card she had addressed that all guests were requested to wear pink. Which was no problem to me...the twins´wardrobe contains full of pink stuffs!


Her family had arranged such a beautiful and fun birthday party. Her mother, Chris is a lady full of skills. Despite her busy career at the airport, she managed to bake two beautiful cakes along with other foods for the party, sewn herself the beautiful birthday gown and prepared the party props and games. And she also maintains a garden, with many types of flowers and vegetables.

I´m jealous!

The cakes...
Some of the vegetables at Chris´garden

The first game: Hit the candy ball

Finally the ball broke and fell on the ground, and the kids grabbed as much as they can!

Second game: musical chairs

Third game: Eating apple in pair...nobody won...hehehe. Actually it was quite difficult to eat a hanging apple for preschoolers if they can´t hold it with hand.

Final game: random activities at the playing ground

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sommer-Kinder Fest

On Saturday, I took the kids to nearby supermarket to buy some groceries when I saw apparently there was a kids festival being held at the parking lot. There were some games and activities provided for the kids to enjoy with free charges! There were bouncing rubber horses, jumping trampoline, playing with bubbles, playing washing-dishes and lots more.

This looks dangerous, isn't it?

Well, with the bubble as much and as long you as want it, because you dont get to do that at home!
See how much this girl so enthusiastic washing dishes!

Then, we met Kak Liza and Cik Dee there, they told me there was another Sommer festival being held at another location in the vicinity and invited us to go check it out. I refused to go at first as the twins were already soaking wet all over. But they insisted we should go because it's summer and let the kids have fun, they said. Luckily KIK (the famous cheap clothes store in Germany) still opened and it was right in front the parking lot, so I bought another dresses for them and got them changed before heading to Russelsheim Ostpark, the place where another Sommer Fest being held.

Well, I didn't really enjoy being there because it was so noisy with the musical band playing some african tunes which sounded so irritating to my ears and people drinking beer and beer and beer all over the place. This was truly a German summer party! Except for the huge trampoline with cage, set up for the kids and decorating balloons activities, there was no fun at all for me. Only that I got to see how the Germans enjoy their summer time.

Nabihah enjoying her jumping-in-trampoline-moment

This is how it looks at the Sommer Fest....nothing much...people enjoying the musics while having beer and BBQ foods.

Nabihah and her decorated balloon

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Shopping Spree

Hehehe...skrg sana sini di sini adalah SALE ok!

Cik HB pulang smlm dgn announcement ' Darmstadt tgh byk sale skrg'. And dia kata lg, esok (hari ni) dia xde kelas so kalau nak pi shopping, jom la. Hehehe....bagus x laki aku? Maybe dia tau aku adalah ari2 dok kat rumah aje, bergelut ngan urusan rumahtangga n anak2 x sudah2 (hey, dont start babbling about this ok!). And barangkali dia jugak tau isteri dia ni adalah sgt wise dlm membeli-belah (hehehe...wise ke?), tidak akan menuntut brg2 mahal yg boleh membuatkan sang suami botak kepalanya (tp kalau tuntut pon, dapat ke? idok ler dilayannya) . Soalnya aku mmg bukan seorg yg gila jenama (tp adakala berangan la jugak kan!) , janji ianya adalah sesuatu yg selesa, cantik dan mampu dibeli. Dan aku lg suka membeli sesuatu yg murah supaya dgn nilai duit itu, aku boleh beli another item. Contoh la kan, kalau lcik HB bg 50 euro suh beli satu kasut, aku akan beli kasut rega 20 euro aje so that aku aku boleh lg satu kasut (aku mmg suka beli kasut, kalau aku ada byk duit ntah2 aku pon sama aje cam si Emelda Marcos tu) . Mmg la bukan kasut branded, tp x kisah la...janji aku ada variety.

Tp kisahnya ari ni kitorg adalah lambat keluar rumah, pulak tu ari Jumaat, ngan cik HB nak sembahyang Jumaat lg n janji pulak ngan kwn nak dinner kat rumah dia kat Frankfurt, maka kami pon memilih ke Frankfurt aje dr ke Darmstadt (aku lg prefer shopping di Darmstadt because kat sana not as crowded as Frankfurt). Tp kat Frankfurt, lg syok rupanya! SALE sana sini! so dr kul 3 ptg to 7.30 mlm, aku dragged satu family masuk almost kedai and stores. Tu pon x sempat pi semua sbb dah janji nak dinnner kat rumah org. Kalau x harus la aku dok berjalan lg sampai kedai2 tutup.


X la byk mana, cuci mata je lebey...cuma satu pant H&M yg aku beli pd rega 5 euro (dr harga asal 19,95 euro), satu blouse TATUUM (from 39,95 reduced to 7,95...murah kan?), birthday present Rachel, 2 T-shirts rumah dan 2 leggings utk kembar (beli kat Woolworth aje), groceries items dr REWE (ala, ni pon nak citer ke.... tp ni pon kira shopping jugak kan?)

Selingan: Dal, akhirnya aku jumpa MASCARPONE cheese ari aku bakal mencuba resepi Tiramisu mu itu!

Tp mission aku masih tidak accomplished sebenarnya. Sbb benda utama aku nak adalah sandal summer! Aku dah jumpa yg berkenan on the first kedai aku pi, tp biasa la aku...mesti nak round suma kedai dulu, kalau x jumpa yg lain berkenan di hati, konon2 nak patah balik ke kedai yg asal itu. Tp mmg x sempat la jawabnya. Tp cik HB ckp 'xpe week u pegi la balik kedai tu'

Next week?


Boleh la aku menjamu mata lg walaupun bukan semua aku dpt beli. Tp nampak gayanya aku kena pi seorg la sbb cik HB dah x sanggup nak ikut plus anak2 pon keletihan dok ikut mak dia keluar masuk kedai. Aku pon sakit kaki buat2 la gagah. Abis, dah nama pon shopping kan?

Shopping mmg best kan ? Walaupun hanya window shopping kadang2nya, ia tetap best!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On the Weather...

Summer has officially started on last 21/6/09 and it's getting hotter day by day. But so far the hottest is 28C, which is still ok for me though some friends in another parts of Europe complain about the unbearable heat at their place. And here, we don't even need to turn on the fan.
But the weather is very unpredictable....not everyday it is a bright, sunny summerday. Rainy days occur too. And the sun is like playing hide-and-seek. Like today, the morning started very sunny, so I happily did my laundry, including washing bedsheets and comforter covers. Then all of sudden, it rained heavily! I hastily ran outside, saving all washed materials from getting wet (which were still damp). Then about an hour later, it was sunny again, bright and hot! And determine to get all the clothes properly dry up, I put the them outside again.
An hour later, another heavy downpour again!!!! I know why people say you shouldn't trust Germany's weather!