
Friday, December 28, 2007

The Gosselin Family

Gosselin Family

Gambar keluarga di atas xde kena mengena ngan aku tapi aku dah jatuh cinta ngan kisah keluarga Gosselin ni eversince aku tgk first dokumentari diorg kat Discovery Home & Health Channel of 'Surviving of Twins and Sextuplets'. Aku rasa bukan aku saja suka tgk kisah family diorg ni, ramai lg kot sbb after that first dokumentari, keluar pulak dokumentari kedua and now dah become a reality tv show, Jon & Kate Plus 8 with bape episodes tah kat DHH yg ditayangkan pada hari Rabu kul 9 pm.

Kisah keluarga Gosselin ni jadi tumpuan coz diorg ada anak kembar pompuan yg skrg berumur 7 thn dan KEMBAR 6 ( 3 boys and 3 girls) berumur 3 tahun. Well, actually the twins and sextuplets were not all conceived in natural manner but all thru fertility treatment as the mother, Kate has ovarian syndrome problems. Rupanya dalam treatment 'tabung uji' ni, beberapa telur dan sperma yg telah disenyawakan ( called follicles) di luar akan di tanam kedalam rahim coz possibility utk these 'follicles' berjaya develop didalam rahim amat kurang. Dalam kes Kate, terdapat 7 follicles di tanam, cuma 1 follicle saja gagal berkembang. Meaning she has 6 babies in her belly. Though dr,. cadangkan 'reduction' dilakukan utk mengurangkan jumlah bayi dalam kandungan, this couple refuse to do it and choose to proceed with all six babies. And the beautiful part, the sextuplets are 3 boys and 3 girls....nice number, huh? Kuasa Allah s.w.t....Kate delivered the sextuplets at 26 weeks. Walaupun lahir pramatang, all six babies survived and grow healthily. Semua comel2 belaka.

I think what people impressed with this family, is because they take care all the 8 children on their own. Takde maid, xde parents yg duduk sekali tolong diorg. Jon, the father works (as what I don't know) from7 am to 7 pm. And Kate stays at home to take care the 8 children by herself. But she's one organized person that I've ever met ( I mean thru the her shows that I've watched). Even DHH labels her as super organized mum. Her house looks neat and clean ( if just for one show I believe it's just to show off but the TV crews are there most of them, so it proves that it's her way of living - house must clean). Kate has her own way of organizing life. She labels everything.There's even a chart showing her children's sitting arrangement on the dining table! And her twins also has adopted the organizing effective! But between all the chaos in the house, she still looks good for a mum of 8 children. When the first documentary came out, the twins were 4 years old and there was a scene where one twin aku tertanya2 bila la masa dia ajar anak2 dia membaca. Dalam episod realiti tv show pulak, now Kate tgh toilet train the 3 girls. It seems dia berjaya train the girls guna potty. Jelesnya aku sbb aku pon penah try nak toilet train kembar tu tapi penat weh, asik bertabur aje n aku asik nak mop lantai. Last2 give up, pakai la diapers balik.

Having twins myself, and remembering the days when they were babies, changing diapers, feeding, bathing, when they were sick and now as toddlers, to handle the fights and all kind of things, I know how much work to do. And with that, multiply the effort three times ( 3 pairs of twins!) and not forgetting the twins girls.... really requires physical and mental strength. Jon and Kate Gosselin are one tough parents indeed!

I miss my children....

I didn't bake cheesecake last nite, in fact when I arrived home last nite, I didn't do anything productive for my house. I came back quite late, around 9 pm after going round and round Jusco until I got tired. At least I've bought some stuffs and managed to buy a wedding present for my old friend..his wedding is on this Sunday. It's a wooden cabinet which he has to assemble it on his own...I know guys like this Handy-Manny stuff (if u are watching Disney Playhouse, u know what I'm talking about :) )

Actually my house is in a mess although the twins are not around. Now I know who is the culprit that actually contributes to the's my husband daa....Since this week I don't do much cooking (I think the last time I used the stove is two days ago to boil water) so I hardly go to the kitchen. Apparently my husband has stocked up dirty cups on the dining table....gosh! and he got away from washing them by going outstation! I was thinking to clean up the kitchen, wash the dirty cups, put the rubbish outside, fold all recently washed clothes, finish up laundry and arrange the miserable newspapers which he just left on the hall but I just didn't have the drive to it. If I were in that reality tv show 'Perfect Housewives', I have just done a crime! I just didn't care and to ease the guilt feeling, I told myself that it's just this once in a blue moon time I'm lazed around. By the time twins are back, I'm also back to my normal endless routines....huhuhu.

I watched "Amazing Race Asia" which I haven't watched for many years (again it's because of having kids) with peace. Most of the time, my 'watching-tv' session is always 2 in 1 tasks by doing chores in between. It's either folding clothes or feeding the children but most of the time is folding clothes. Or even if I'm not doing any chores, it will always disturbed by having to check twins' activities when they suddenly disappear from my eyes or entertaining them when they are asking for milk/water. Last nite, I even stayed up until 1 am watching 'American Next Top Model' then continued with AFC channel. On normal days, by 10 pm, I am forced by the twins to be on the bed, doing the at least 10 minutes bedtime stories/singing session until they go to sleep and of course with me fall asleep together. So I always miss those tv shows with aired above 10 pm.

Am I complaining about having kids? No, I'm not complaining...actually though without the kids, I can enjoy doing many things, things that you don't get to do or don't have time to do when the kids are around, I feel like two parts of me is missing. And how I miss the noises they are making, the messy toys thrown all over the places , the crying, the whining, the hugs n kisses, the repeated questions of 'apa tu?' I even switched to Disney Playhouse channel on and off and when I came across their favorite tv shows, I also watched it for a while. It's so difficult when we get separated from the children. And with this feeling, I can't imagine the sadness of Nurin Jazlin's parents on losing her. Semoga mereka tabah........

Thursday, December 27, 2007

4 Days to 2008...Countdown Begins

Seems like December has been a month of blogging for me....wallaa.....I mean considering the previous months eversince I've started blogging, December is the month with highest no. of posts....I'm so proud of myself.....hehehe. Guess it's just the mood and the free time that I have and the drive as well...I just feel like blogging every day.

And now it's end of the year and I'm counting days to 2008. Not that I'm excited about the new year but beginning of 2 January 2008, my twins are going to 'school'. So I can't wait for the day to come. It's another stage of growing up for them - learning to be on their own with new friends. And since it's new year, and people start talking on their new year's things to achieve or target kind of list, so I should have mine too, though for me everyday is a fresh start.

What do I want for 2008 ?
Career wise:
  • That my Bekok Dam project to be completed by early next year. Or even if it delayed again, my boss is leaving for another job (he's a contract staff who normally will leave at the end of the project if he could secure another job)
  • That my HQ will offer me another site position for project in Melaka when this damn project finish so I don't have to commute from Melaka to KL daily.
  • Or I get a contract job which pays me as much or higher that I earn now and I can quit when I need to quit (ada ke keje camni?)
Family wise:
  • That I can spend more time sitting with the twins, read to them, play with them. I'm thinking to start teaching them to read by next year. But between job n house chores, will I manage that?
  • That I can run my house hold more efficiently, with house free of dust, dirty laundry, nice looking yard, bla...bla..bla...
  • That I can do gardening, I could plant lemon grass, banana tree, turmeric, curry leave which I need in my cooking. I hate it when I have to buy those leaves from market, n I only use probably 1-2 slices, keep it in the fridge n few days later it turns brown and I have to throw it away. Such a waste......
In person:
  • That I will lose weight!!! I don't know how long I've been fussing and fretting on losing weight but still fail to loose any, but I don't care....I'll keep fussing and fretting until I can see some progress.
  • That I will improve my physical look coz I've noticed eversince getting married n have kids, I've lost the passion on looking good. I must change my attitude. I'll take care my skin, I'll reward myself with nice clothes.
  • That I am stress-free. I'm not going to feel down if people around me irritate me.
  • That I could recite Quran everyday....even for only a page.
  • That I will get more friends in Melaka....hoping that I could mix around with my husband's friends' wives.
My husband:
  • That his plan to further study is running smoothly.
  • That he's going to achieve good result for IELTS
  • That he's helping more with house chores....hehehe
See...that's why I don't want to list it down coz I know it will be a long list. But anyway, it always nice to have a list so we can plan accordingly and we could keep focus on our target. Hope it will be another year of achievement.

Another Lousy Movie.....

Malam tadi aku n hubby kluar tgk wayang lagi....hehehe. Actually aku nak tgk citer "Enchanted" sbb ramai dok war2kan movie ni best. So sementara kitorg jadik org bujang ni, why not take the opportunity. But hubby told me when he checked movie time, "Enchanted" xde show malam. Show siang aje. Ala....but then thinking that if we stay at home, we'll miss the twins very much or we will fight for the TV (like previous nite), we have decided to watch any movie available. Ada beberapa movies yg hubby mention.....National Treasures 2 ( x mau...sbb aku x bape suka ngan Nicholas Cage, poyo je dia tu), Alien vs. Predator (hish...boring dah citer2 camni) and I Am Legend. So aku pilih I Am Legend though aku x tau citernye cemana tapi sbb Will Smith kira ok la. Since movie start kul 10.15 pm n kitorg sampai kul 9.00 pm, gi ronda2 Jusco. End up aku beli lagi baju utk twins (shouldn't go that Power Puff Girls many nice clothes for kids) . Beli baju utk diri sendiri kedekut, asik2 anak yg dapat....untungnya anak2 aku.

"I Am Legend" turned out to be not-that-nice movie. Coz it's too thrilled and tensed. And hero is dead at the end of the movie...(woi, ingat citer bollywood ke nak happy ending suma?). But even my hubby also shared the same opinion. Berat kepala aku pas tgk citer tu. Dua ari in a row tgk movie, dua2 movie bad selection. Should have watched 'Enchanted" yesterday instead of "The Golden Compass".

Today, hubby is off to KL for two days and that means I'm left alone tonite. Lama dah aku x pernah dok rumah sorang2. N thinking that on left and right, even the front houses are not occupied and small jungle behind my house, makes me feel quite bad. So I'm planning not to go home straight after coming back from office. Aku nak ronda2 dulu kat Jusco sampai rasa penat so that balik rumah aku senang nak tidur. And I'll buy stuffs for baking cheesecake (I've been thinking to bake cheesecake since the twins are not around) so if can't sleep, I'll bake cheesecake!

N hubby menambahkan lagi suspen aku ngan pesanan "Make sure semua pintu n tingkap berkunci, pintu bilik pon kunci. Kalau dgr apa2 jgn gi tgk, buat tak tau aje". Boleh tak? Baru je the previous nite jam dinding kitorg yg dah giler tu tetiba berbunyi2 tgh malam. Aku paksa hubby gi tgk, so dia just take off the bateri. Harus malam ni aku take off bateri jam tu sesiap. Kang dibuatnya berbunyi, x k haru aku nak gi check? Kalu biar lak, memekak pulak..lg la suspen. Abis, kalau dah buang bateri bunyi gak? Hish...stop urself from thinking ridiculously ok........

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yay!...It's Public Holiday Again

Semalam another public holiday (bestnya kalau tiap2 minggu ada public holiday :) ) n since the twins are outstation (hehehe...selalunya mak bapak yg outstation, ni anak2 lak yg outstation) aku n hubby mmg dah plan nak kuar gi tgk wayang. Aku dah lama ngidam nak tgk 'The Golden Compass' coz aku dgr citernya ala2 Lord of the Ring. Sebenarnya rasa gak bersalah keluar bersukaria ngan anak2 tinggal kat kampung. Tapi diorg dihantar balik kampung coz this week xde org yg boleh jaga diorg kat Melaka. Next week baru stat anta diorg ke school.

Kitorg gi Mahkota Parade n dapat tiket 'The Golden Compass' kul 12.20 noon though kami samapi situ dalam kul 12 noon. Teringat aku zaman2 tgk wayang kat KL dulu...kalau x reserve tiket, main gamble beratur nak beli dah dekat2 show nak start, jarang la dapat unless kalau movie tu x popular boleh la. Pulak tu kalau kat KLCC beratur sikit punya panjang. Kat Mahkota Parade ni beratur kejap aje.

'The Golden Compass' though is a fantasy adventure movie but it's not up to my expectation. That's what happen when you keep compare it ngan Lord of the Ring. Nampaknya TGC ni cam ada sequel lagi, coz ending nya tergantung begitu shj. Tu yg aku x suka sbb LOTR though mmg ada sambungan, but each movie tgk mmg puas hati la. Apa la diorg ni, semua sibuk nak buat sequel. At least Narnia is much better. Harap2 the 2nd sequel of Narnia which will come out next year is good. Sbb selalunya (except for LOTR) the sequel turns out to be boring cam Pirates of Caribbean. Hish...aku ni dah bunyi cam movie reviewer dah, padahal tgk movie setahun sekali pon belum tentu :).

Lepas tgk wayang, kitorg ronda2 kat Parkson. Aku ingat nak survey skincare product coz the current skincare product that I've been using doesn't improve my skin condition ( dah pakai Olay aje...what do u expect?). Nak gi kaunter SKII, aku seriau tgk harga2 brg dia. Though aku dgr hasilnya sgt berkesan ( tgk aje la iklan2 dia) n dr testimoni rakan2 yg dah menggunakannya, tapi for me to spend that much of money, oh...rasanya tak sanggup. Surprisingly, my hubby encouraged me to review it first, try2 product dia ke. Aku ckp malas...ingat nak survey cam Clinique or Bioterm. At least Clinique tu aku tau rate harga dia cemana, though consider mahal tapi x la semahal SKII tu.

Baru je jenguk2 kat kaunter Clinique, staff dia dah invite aku duduk. Hish...kalau dah duduk2 ni dah consider serius nak beli. Walaupun sebenarnya it's up to us nak beli ke tak, cemana baik pon dia entertain kita tapi based on my experience sebelum ni, kalau dah go thru consultation tu mesti aku beli punya la. Bila aku ckp aku tgh survey skincare, minah Clinique tu terus analysis kulit aku. Masalahnya ngan kulit aku skrg walaupun dah x berjerawat, tapi warna kulit x sekata, pastu asik berminyak, n then byk tul white and black head. Then pores pon nampak besar. Nak2 dah dok kat site, kengkadang aku berjemur bwh panas, so kulit dah mcm terbakar. Before aku dtg site aku guna Artistry, Amway, which was good for my skin (this one pon cost me a bomb tapi last long). Tapi since it is a direct selling product and aku dah malas nak bayar membership fee utk amway, tambah pulak ejen Amway yg ku kenali ada di KL, so aku malas la nak continue ngan Artistry. Pada firasat aku, apa la salah nya aku guna aje product2 Olay aje. Kan ke Datuk Siti Nurhaliza kata produk Olay bagus utk kulit dia ( yo la tu....ntah betul ke tidak dia pakai Olay). Most importantly, aku nak pakai Olay sbb boleh jimat duit aku. Tapi tu la, bila aku pakai Olay, kulit aku jadi dull n mcm2 hal. Agaknya dah biasa pamperkan kulit ngan benda mahal, so kulit aku pon reject la benda2 kurang mahal...hish..hish.

So thru consultation ngan minah Clinique dia pon explain la bla..bla...produk mana aku kena pakai utk repair balik kulit aku ni. Ada la kot dalam 7-8 brg aku kena guna utk my skin care regime. So aku tanya, semua2 tu harga dia berapa. Dia pon mula tap2 calculator n showed me the figure. Mak datuk....semuanya dalam RM700 lebih.....kuang...kuang...kuang. Gilos aku nak spend byk tu demi kecantikan. Tu kalau betul terbukti berkesan, kalau tak....

Tapi biasa la, org berniaga sure nak promote brg2 dia. So aku hanya tanya quotation utk 3 benda utama, cleanser, toner n moisturizer. Yang itu harganya affordable, even aku tanya hubby cemana, dia kata beli lah. Tapi hubby aku bagus la, dia dok potpet2 ngan minah tu, asik tanya xde ke brg free, end up minah tu bg aku sample brg2 lain yg dia demo kat aku tp aku x beli mcm make-up remover, SPF sunblock, pore minimiser. Even bg miniature perfume and foundation lagik. Tu pon hubby aku pas bayar, complained that we should ask for more. Aku sebenarnya rasa bersalah spent duit byk2 on this stuff. But my hubby said I shouldn't coz I suppose to treat it as a reward to myself (I've just got this year bonus...yey! But I'm planning to save it). He said, if he himself can afford it, he would give it as a present to me. Ye ke? So aku ckp dia kena stick with that promise coz if I'm no longer working, he needs to sponsor me with these Clinique stuffs...padan muka, hahaha.....

Balik tu x sabar2 aku men'try' skincare baru aku. Bila basuh muka, rasa sensasi je muka (ke perasaan aku jek?). Tapi each n every item, especially yg sample2 tu aku guna ciput aje, nak jimat punya pasal. Harap2 boleh last long. N pastikan semuanya di letakkan di ketinggian yg tak tercapai dek anak2 aku. (Nabihah pernah tuangkan toner Artistry aku, waaa.....nasib la dalam suku jek dia tuang).

So inilah citer org pompuan ek...dalam dok kedekut2 nak spend duit utk diri sendiri, at last spend jugak. Mahal kos nak cantik baru beli skincare product, belum lagi yg buat facial, buat spa, slimming course suma. Sungguh menggunakan duit yg byk. Tu la keperluan materialistik, it would never enough.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Hi Lya Qaisara.....

Sabtu baru ni on the way balik Tg. Malim, aku sempat melawat kawan baik aku, Linda yg baru melahirkan baby girl on 16/12/07 lepas. Si kembar macam biasa, excited tgk baby. Umi nya pon excited gak, lama dah x pegang baby baru lahir camtu. Comel baby Linda, namanya Lya Qaisara, glamer gitu nama dia....Tapi asik tido aje, so tak tercapai la hasrat aku nak pegang dia. Linda kata nak, angkat je la tp aku x sampai hati la plak nak kacau baby tgh tido.

Nabihah memandang baby dgn khusuknya...nape? kakak nak adik lagi ke?

Nabilah pon x melepaskan peluang bergambar ngan junior baru

Balik tu aku soksek2 ngan hubby, saying that 'cam rindu la nak ada baby kecik'. Dia kata 'Hish, rileks la, kembar pon kecik lagi'.....hehehe. Aku cakap je mcm nak tapi bila mengenangkan zaman2 masa kembar baby dulu, hish...x sedia lg la. Ngan kembung perutnya, ngan jaga malamnya, now dgn lasaknya....aku rasa plan for the next baby would be another years kot. At least sampai hubby abis Master dia dulu. Lagipon kalau ikut experience aku pregnant with twins dulu, the first four months aku mabuk teruk. Sampai masuk2 hospital. Masa tu xpe la, aku xde anak lg, so layan je la blues org mengandung. Kalau la the next pregnancy aku mabuk camtu, harus anak2 aku terabai n kesian lak kat hubby yg tentu2nya nak concentrate on his study.

So now aku enjoy je la tgk baby org dulu. Kata org tgk sekejap2 mmg la best, kalau ngadap sepanjang masa, tambah2 kalau melalak2 aje mau asalnya 'angel' jadik 'incredible hulk'......hehehe.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dok Melaka, Keje Yong Peng?

Since my long lost friend , Are-T is asking on this, I think I should come out with this new post so that kalau org lain tanya aku leh ckp "Ha, baca blog aku"....hehehehe.

Before January 2007 yg lepas, aku sekeluarga bermastautin di KL. But last year in June, both my hubby n I applied jawatan Jurutera Pengajar di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka. Sebenarnya saja try sbb aku keep telling my hubby how I wish we can live outside KL sbb aku rasa KL ni crowded sgt. And how I wish dapat dok umah atas tanah sbb umah yg aku duduk masa tu is an apartment yg sungguh cramp (750 sq.ft) tp sewanya RM700 sebulan! The reason why aku sewa rumah tu in the first place, it was because rumah tu dekat beno ngan opis aku. In fact belakang opis aku jek. And that rate mmg standard rate kat Desa Pandan yg kepadatan penduduknya mmg tinggi ditambah pulak kawasan yg sungguh strategik. So nak tak nak terpaksa la aku sewa gak rumah tu. Dalam masa yg sama kitorg plan nak beli rumah tp asik consider, nak beli rumah atas tanah tp kena travel jauh or beli rumah dekat ngan opis tp rumah apartment yg kecik n tinggi2 and mahal. Selalunya kalau umah atas tanah kat area KL yg mampu dibeli mesti kat area cam Kajang ke, Sg. Buloh ke, Rawang ke. Tapi bila mengenangkan traffic jam di KL yg sgt menyeksa jiwa n raga, or kena bayar tol yg setiap tahun for sure naik, kitorg x jugak buat decision nak beli rumah though kengkawan seangkatan dah ramai settle down beli rumah. Tapi rupanya ada hikmah disebaliknya.

So hubby aku dapat panggilan interview dlm July 2007 and dapat tawaran bekerja secara tetap di UTEM as Jurutera Pengajar dalam bulan August. As for me, xde rezeki utk aku...isk..isk... Mulanya hubby x mau pergi sbb dia kata dia x mau dok sorang2 kat Melaka n dia belum bersedia nak join academic line. Tapi aku rasa ini good opportunity utk masa depan dia n kami sekeluarga. Bila dia x leh buat keputusan, kami consult ramai org utk minta pendapat. Biras aku yg jadik tutor di UKM mencadangkan agar hubby minta tangguhkan reporting duty yg sepatutnya on end of August to January. In the meantime dia fikir la whether nak gi ke tak. Aku pon setuju camtu rather than dia tolak bulat2. Tp hubby still stick to the decision, he didn't want to be weekend husband. Alhamdullilah, UTEM tanpa byk soal meluluskan request hubby aku. Dalam masa beberapa bulan sebelum January, dah bape kali hubby kejap nak pergi kejap tak nak. Jenuh la aku mencari points supaya dia nak pergi. Bukan apa, dia pon bukannnya happy sgt ngan keje dia masa tu. Asik complain endlessly kat aku. N ramai gak ckp, biar dia gi sana, once dia dah settle down kat sana, maybe dia leh tolong dpt kan tempat utk aku di UTEM. Or aku boleh carik keje lain kat Melaka.

Then sedar x sedar December menyusul. Masa tu aku masih x berjaya convince hubby aku suh dia terima keje kat UTEM. Sampai la ada sorang opismate aku ni yg dulunya stay kat site kat Melaka akhirnya dah balik HQ. Dia dgr pasal aku carik keje kat Melaka. So dia cadangkan why dont aku commute dr Melaka-KL sementara aku xde apa2 option keje n my hubby does not want to live separately. Katanya ramai org Melaka yg berulang keje ari2 ke KL. And masa tu dia pon commute sbb wife dia yg keje as guru belum dpt tukar ke KL. Kebetulan ada pulak sorang opismate aku lak yg hubbynya baru jek ditukarkan jaga site kat Melaka. Diorg ni dulu mmg penah dok kat Melaka lama sbb dua2 penah jaga site kat sana n dah beli rumah pon kat sana. Dia ni mmg tekad nak berulang Melaka-KL ari2. Aku pon bila dah ada option cenggitu, terus decide that we should move to Melaka. N with an opismate ada commute Melaka-KL as a living proof, finally my hubby agreed to take the job. Dgn syarat, aku x leh menyesal ngan keputusan yg diambil.

In January, hubby report duty tapi dia gi sorang dulu utk cari rumah. Kami sekeluarga berpindah ke Melaka by end of January 2007. Dan aku mula commute Melaka-KL. Budak2 opis ramai yg mengutuk keputusan aku n opismate lg sorang sbb diorg kata kami menyusahkan diri. Nanti x leh cope la, tensen suma. Tp rupa2 org Melaka x pelik sbb ramai yg commute Melaka-KL ari2. Perkhidmatan bas bermula dr kul 5 pg. Aku amik bas kul 5.30 a.m tp since aku naik dr Ayer Keroh, aku tunggu bas kul 5.50 am. Mmg la payah sikit sbb kena bangun pagi2 tp aku set minda aku, jgn fikir susah. Balik pulak mulanya aku amik tiket kul 7 mlm sbb takut x sempat sampai Puduraya. Tp lepas seminggu aku sempat amik 6.30 ptg. So basically if traffic ok, by 8.15 mlm aku sampai kat Melaka. So x jauh beza ngan org yg commute Klang-KL, Semenyih-KL ( ada ramai opismates aku dok kat Semenyih). Cuma aku x sempat masak la for dinner. Selalunya hubby tapau je makanan. Agak chaostic gak that time masa mula2 nak adjust ngan life cenggitu. Ditambah lak ngan hubby aku yg feeling down coz he didn't like the job n the working environment. Ye la, dia biasa ngan working environment yg hectic, suddenly masuk gomen, terasa suma slow. Dia kata x lelaki ni pelik, keje flexible pon jadik masalah.

As for me, lepas sebulan commute, my boss found out that I'm staying in Melaka n commute everyday so dia offer aku jaga site kat Yong Peng. Yang bagus about company aku ni, permanent engineers x dipaksa utk dihantar di site. Kalau x nak, x yah pergi. But then aku mmg dah lama berminat nak dok kat site coz for the past 5 years aku keje kat situ, aku belum keje kat site full time and I need that for my engineering career. Cuma sebelum ni site2 yg ada x sesuai utk aku pergi sbb semuanya jauh dr KL n aku x sanggup nak berpindah randah semata2 nak dok kat site. Actually masa di offer tu, Yong Peng pon aku x penah sampai. But then the offer came with salary increment, site allowance, car provided n petrol is paid for and it's possible to commute from Melaka to Yong Peng, so I was thinking to myself, why not? So I accepted that offer and started working at site since last April.

Nak kata bahagia dok kat site ni, actually teruk gak. Kalau x kuat semangat, lama dah aku minta balik HQ. Sbbnya bos kat site amat teruk! Kengkadang aku rasa cam keje ngan Hitler disbbkan kekejaman n pemerintahan kuku besi dia. This project supposed to end by September 2007, that's why aku bertahan aje. But unfortunately (or fortunately?) the project is delayed due to several circumstances. So aku pon stuck la kat sini x tau sampai bila. Yang bahagianya kat sini sbb kemudahan internet unlimited access la....hehehe, kalau kat HQ hanya leh check e-mail aje...huhuhu. As long as keje aku siap, sukati aku la nak merempit bape lama pon kat internet.

Aku sebenarnya at one time dah mencuba sedaya upaya mencari keje lain kat Melaka. Tapi di sbbkan field aku yg more to consulting/construction nature, maka susah lah aku nak mendapatkan keje seumpamanya kat Melaka. Kat Melaka, kilang byk la. Apply keje as QA/QC pon x dpt respon. I guess my experience is not relevant to their scope of work....hmmmm.

How long aku nak keje cenggini, aku pon x tau la. Hopefully plan sambung study hubby aku yang dijadualkan tahun depan berjalan lancar so aku leh la resign n ikut dia. Nak berenti keje skrg, rasa x mampu lg sbb mengenangkan hutang2 aku yg bertapuk tu. Selagi aku larat nak keje, aku keje la. Apa aku akan buat pas hubby abis belajar nanti, akan ku fikirkan kemudian. But I dont think I will continue working as engineer anymore. Mungkin aku akan sambung study gak kalau keadaan mengizinkan or mungkin aku equip kan diri aku ngan skill2 memasak ke, baking ke so I could start a home based business. Aku tak tau lagi...tgk la cemana.

The Day of Aidil Adha

Rupanya sgt boring bila sambut Hari Raya Haji x balik kg. Kengkonon nak dapat semangat raya, mlm raya tu beria2 aku rebus ketupat and masak rendang. Pagi raya lak aku sambung masak nasi minyak, ayam merah, acar timun n kuah kacang (akhirnya aku buat gak kuah kacang sbb ada pembantu nak ngerjakan kacang tanah tu...hehehe). Aku buat agar2 marble sekali. Bila hubby balik solat raya, aku hidangkan nasi minyak n lauk2nya, dia ckp x best mkn nasi minyak xde gulai kari. Pulok sbb semangat memasak aku tgh tinggi, aku buat la kari ikan. Sempat gak aku anta ketupat n kuah kacang kat jiran India yg dok selang sebuah dr rumah aku. Kiri kanan umah aku xde penghuni, so jiran India tu la yg paling dekat ngan rumah aku. Jiran2 Melayu macam balik kampung aje...semua bertutup. Huh! Sungguh rasa cam raya kat oversea...aku ingat org kat oversea pon lagi meriah. Adik ipat aku yg first time x sambut raya kat Kota Bharu dok komplen ckp x rasa cam raya, rasa cam ari biasa je. Ye la, org Kelantan sambut Raya Haji kan mmg meriah.

Agar2 marble...amacam? cantik tak?

Kul 11, the one and only kawan hubby yg x balik kg raya ni, dtg rumah. Jadik la, at least ada gak tetamu. Lepas dia balik, kitorg anak beranak layan tido. Dah lah hujan lebat, syok aje tido. Dah ptg pon hujan still x berenti. Tp at 5 pm, bila hujan dah stop aku paksa hubby bawak kitorg gi jalan2 kat taman botanikal. Aku rasa sungguh x sihat asik dok kat umah...makan, tido, least jalan2 sikit dapat la bakar lemak kat badan. Rupanya ramai gak org Melayu yg gi jalan2 kat taman tu. Sure x tau nak buat apa kat rumah....hehehe.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aidil Adha

Esok Hari Raya Aidil Adha dan aku hanya akan menyambutnya di Melaka buat pertama kali. Nak ikutkan turn raya haji tahun ni balik Tg Malim, tapi aku dah takde cuti. Setakat x balik kg masa Raya Haji aku tak kisah sgt. Masa sekolah dulu pon pernah x balik kg masa raya haji. Anyway hari Sabtu ni aku akan balik juga ke Tg Malim.

Since aku x balik kg, aku plan nak masak2 sikit sekadar nak memeriahkan sambutan Aidil Adha sbb aku x buat ibadah korban n x naik haji. Aku suruh hubby jemput mana2 kawan dia yg x balik kg dtg beraya kat rumah kitorg. Adik ipar yg belajar kat Bangi pon x balik Kota Bharu dan akan dtg ke rumah aku. Aku plan nak buat nasi minyak, ayam masak merah, rendang daging n acar timun. Barang2 suma aku dah balik masa weekend.Ingat nak rebus ketupat gak, so aku dok tanya2 budak kat opis ni mana nak beli sarung ketupat. Dengan baik hatinya, Azman rakan sekerja aku kat opis ni, suruh wife dia anyamkan utk aku. Aku ingat nak upah dia, sama ngan harga yg jual kat pasar tp dia refuse to take the money. Dia bg aku 15 biji sarung ketupat. Pada aku banyak tu, sbb so far hubby confirm cuma sorang aje kawan dia nak dtg beraya. Yg lain suma balik kg. Takpe la, aku rebus je suma, nanti bg la kat jiran2 yg ada kat rumah.

Masalahnya, kalau ada 15 biji ketupat yg gemuk2 (sbb sarungnya besar2) cukup ke 1 kg daging rendang nanti? Aku ni x pandai budget. Rasa macam nak kena buat kuah kacang gak. Tp buat kuah kacang, part yg paling aku benci is the preparation of kacang itself. Tak suka betul part nak kena ramas2 kulit kacang tu n asingkan kulit dr kacang. Tgk la cemana...balik keje kang aku decide. Besides, kalau nak buat kuah kacang, kacang tanah, udang kering suma nak kena beli.

Baru nak masak sikit dah kecoh...apa daa......

Kak Jimah Dlm Kenangan....

Semalam aku mendapat berita yang sungguh mengejutkan dr officemate di HQ tentang pemergian salah seorg ex-officemate kitorg, Kak Jimah ke rahmatullah. Innalillahi wa innalillah rojiun....drpd Allah dia datang kepada Allah dia kembali. Yang mengejutkan dia meninggal dunia sewaktu menjalani pembedahan thyroid. As far as I'm concerned, thyroid surgery is considered a minor surgery in which death risk is very minimal. In fact, aku x pernah lg dgr org meninggal dunia sebab pembedahan throid. Tapi itulah takdir Allah.......

Aku agak rapat jugak ngan arwah Kak Jimah masa dia still keje ngan SMHB and aku still keje kat HQ sbb kami selalu handle projek-projek yang sama. Even lepas dia join SYABAS pon aku selalu jumpa dia everytime aku attend meeting kat SYABAS. Last sekali aku jumpa dia before aku kena post ke site Yong Peng ni, agak-agak dalam bulan Mac lepas. Dan aku mmg tau ttg masalah thyroid dia yg dia developed sejak lahirkan anak no. 3 yang sebaya ngan twins aku. It's so heartbreaking bila memikirkan anak-anaknya yg masih kecil tu kehilangan ibu. Macamana lah perasaan suami dia dan ahli keluarga berdepan dgn dugaan macam ni? Harap2 diorg tabah dan dapat menerima takdir Allah ini.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Kak Jimah. Aku x dapat nak menziarah jenazah disebabkan jarak yg jauh. Hanya mampu mendoakan semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Kak Jimah. Al- Fatihan buat arwah Norazimah Mansur.....

Monday, December 17, 2007

Congratulation My Frens

Weekend baru 2 kawan baik aku berkongsi kegembiraan. Dua2 dah naik 'pangkat'. Sorang bergelar isteri n sorang bergelar ibu. Ina dah selamat dinikahkan dgn buah hatinya, Sabri pada hari Jumaat, 14/12/07. So sorry Ina, I can't make it to your wedding sbb hubby is not around, off for another course. And semalam, Ahad (16/12/07) aku dapat sms dr Linda, dah selamat melahirkan baby girl pada pukul 1.15pm. Hope I can visit her soon....

So December is the month of wedding events and baby booms. Balik Tg Malim nanti aku nak kena melawat few babies baru yg tinggal around KL. Baby Mis yg delivered bulan lepas, baby Aida yg baru delivered last week n latest is baby Linda. Takpe, aku suka shopping barang baby.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Malaysian Drivers Sucks!!!!

Sounds very annoyed, am I? That's what happens when you drive 240 km a day. The more I drive the more I agree that Malaysian drivers are the worst drivers in the world....sounds like I have travelled around the globe to jump up at this conclusion. Of course I haven't, I have only been to Taiwan and Thailand but isn't that spelled out everywhere n look at the accidents rate...Malaysia is among the top.

To travel from Melaka to Yong Peng, I will use either the trunk road or the hi-way. Of course hi-way is the fastest way for me to get to work but it is also expensive. So if I'm in no hurry the trunk road will be my option.

Here are the things I hate about driving on the trunk road:
  • Reckless drivers whom overtake without consideration whether it is safe or not. Come the hilly roads, sharp corners, you still find some crazy drivers do it. Funny is, whenever I bumped into these drivers overtaking on my lane from opposite direction and I beam them to tell them "hey, don't u see me?", they beam back to me. What? Are you annoyed? I'm the one who supposed to be annoyed cause it is my way.
  • Selfish drivers who don't bother to give signal telling which direction their going or they are changing lane. On two lanes road, when there is a car moving so slow on the left lane, the trailing car behind try to change to the right lane without giving signal. They just try to squeeze in even though the car on right lane is approaching very closely. I hate this too when I am in the car on the right lane. I don't mind giving way but give SIGNAL please!!!
  • People who drive car at 40km/hr doing the sight seeing I guess....
Driving on the hi-way? Only one thing I hate.... I stick to 110km/hr when I drive on the hi-way. First, it's the speed limit allowable on the hi-way. Second, I only drive Kembara and Kembara can't run so fast. At 120km/hr, it shakes terribly. And I always stick to the left lane unless I have to overtake vehicles ahead that speeding at slower rate than mine. So when there are lorries in front of me, of course I will overtake but I make sure there is no car approaching from the right lane...unless I'm confident enough that the approached car moves slow. Sometimes when you overtake it's not only one lorry but few of them, but then suddenly there's a car behind beaming at you as a signal "Move Away!" (you name it...mercs, BMW, Honda, even a Wira does this!) Hey, can't you see that I'm driving on the right lane because I need to overtake the lorries and I'm travelling at 110 km/hr, even trying to push it to 120km/hr cause I'm trying to get away from this lane. I know your car can run so fast, maybe you are running it at 160/180 km/hr . But then can't u just wait until I finish overtaking the lorries? How do you expect I squeeze in between the lorries just to give way to you? I could cause an accident, man!
It's so arrogant when they keep beaming and stay behind as close as possible to your car. "Are you trying to kiss me?" If I have to brake my car under emergency, I'm sure I can't avoid accident to happen.

So, for those who happen to read my post, and if you a driver too, I'm calling for all of us to change our driving attitudes. Please be considerate, the roads is for everybody to use. And remember patience is a virtue. Stick to it, ok!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bila nak mula ni????

I thought I wanna seriously start focusing on my mission to lose weight, watching over what I eat (start learn how to count the calories) and work out at least 30 minutes a day. For days I've been reading related articles on losing weight in healthy ways n people' s blogs dedicated for losing weight, hoping it will motivate me to start doing what I'm thinking to do. I'm so hooked with these two blogs. One is belongs to Liza and another is Amanda. I find their stories is very inspiring. But yet I still haven't do it. Lots of plan but no action.....

My plans should be :

1) Eat healthily:

I will eat 3 times a day, but my meals not to include deep fried foods. No fried chicken, fries, nuggets and fried kuih. But the problems here I love kuih karipap n pau goreng so much. For breakfast, I've taken cereal drink but it's so boring. I have to force it down my throat and keep telling myself I can do it. But so far I've manage to do it only for two days. Then one morning my colleague offered me 2 pieces of pau goreng and that's it...I totally forgot the cereal drink. This morning I ate 4 pieces of karipap (1 piece= 130 kal!). Thought of sharing it with my colleague but nobody in the office this morning. So since it's my favourite, I ate them all...sooo bad!!!!

I'm suppose to eat more vege and fruits. But when I bought lunch, the vege selection not so much and cooked in unhealthily ways, cooked with santan, overcooked and there is no buah potong sold there. So I ended up with jantung pisang rebus. Is that a vege too? Guess's ok, when I get home I'll eat more vege and fruits. I've stocked up in my fridge with lots of fruits and vege and if I put more effort, guess I should fix my own vege + fruits salad.

2) Drink 2 litres of plain water

It's raining everyday now, and very cold. If I drink lots of water, I will have to go to toilet frequently. So it's very uncomfortable. And I tend to forget to drink coz I dont feel thirsty. But anyway, I'm not giving excuses to myself anymore. I will have to finish at least that 1 big mineral bottle the whole office hour.

3) Exercise 30 minutes a day

Phew...that sounds very ambitious, isn't it? But I know it's not impossible coz I've done it before. At least I managed to do it for 1 month, if I'm not mistaken. Every single day. I forced myself to get up at 5.20 a.m and ready for that 'Total Body Sculpt With Gilad' aired on Discovery Home & Health channel at 5.30 a.m. I found that show it's very convenient for me to do because it's not that hard to follow and it's good for a beginner like me. I even bought a pair of dumbbell coz we need to use it as one of the exercise material. Before I bought the dumbbell, I used two bottles of chili sauce (hehehe...I always have extra chili /ketchup sauce bottles). So I worked out for half an hour every weekdays. On weekends, I went jogging at nearby botanical garden while my husband entertained the twins at playground. Along that period, I've lost 3 kilos from 67kg to 64kg. I remember the routine has stopped when I went to my husband's family day vacation. After spending the weekends having fun and eating lots of delicious foods, we came back feeling so exhausted. I was telling myself that I only stop the morning exercise for 1-2 days until I feel better but that's the end of it. I never resume from that time. Such a lazy bump....

Now that I have thought of doing it gain, apparently Astro does not air that program at 5.30 a.m anymore. They have changed it to 7.30 a.m which is not convenient for me anymore as I have to leave for work at 7.30 a.m. Too bad...n I dont have Astro Max so I can't have the program recorded. I have yoga and aerobic CDs which I bought before I got married. But those CDs are lousy, with the yoga is too difficult to follow and the aerobics are too extreme to follow neither. Guess I have to look out for a new do-it-at-home exercise CD....maybe I should try pilates, belly dancing or tai-chi...mmm, I already sound very ambitious now. I'll update in my blog what is my selection.

That's it for now....I will have to get moving, or I will not doing at all!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Daadedaa....hubby dah pulang!

My dear hubby n the twins

Hooray......smlm suamiku pulang selepas hampir 3 minggu berkursus di PD n Segamat. Tension gak rasanya sepanjang ketiadaan dia. Maybe sbb dah lama dia x pegi outstation so aku rasa sungguh helpless. Apa yg susah sepanjang ketiadaan dia:

1) Kalau kembar mengamuk, aku kena handle diorg sensorang. At least ada hubby I can just leave them to him to handle.

2) Mlm2 selalunya yg akan tukar baju n diapers n buat susu is hubby. So without him aku kena buat semua...huhuhu.

3) Gi beli brg either kat pasar or Tesco, aku x yah susah fikir nak carik parking. Troli n barang2 hb n kembar hubby yg uruskan. So aku boleh carik brg ngan aman damai. But when I go shooping groceries on my own n taking the twins with me, aku rasa cam nak pengsan. Mana nak carik brg, mana nak control si kembar jgn tarik2 brg. Carik parking pon satu hal. So groceries shopping is not fun without my hubby.

4) Aku selalu lepas tension pasal keje aku especially bab kutuk bos aku ngan hubby. Normally masa mkn mlm la. Although dia pon selalu kondem aku pas aku citer2, n makes me annoyed, now I have realize that the 'complaining session' does help reducing my stress level. Dia xde, aku x leh nak ngadu2 masalah aku kat opis. Ngadu thru phone x best....

Hmm..pendek kata, terasa gak susahnya bila husband xde though bila aku sakit hati ngan dia time dia malas2 x nak tolong, I feel like going somewhere away to teach him a lesson. I thought I am capable to handle everything on my own. Mmg boleh handle tp tension, penat, marah semua come along. Cemana la kalau kami duduk berjauhan atas sbb keje? Tapi I always believe, when u have to be in such siatuation, you'll manage. It's just that I'm not get used to this, that's why I feel a little helpless.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jaga Badan

Aku mmg struggle dalam usaha nak menurunkan berat badan. At one time ari tu aku adalah kejap beria2 jaga mkn n exercise. Tp konsisten dalam sebulan je kot. Dapat la turun dalam 2 kg. Tp pastu tah kenapa aku dah malas pulak. Skrg berat aku statik at 65 kg. Berat impian 55kg....huhuhu, 10 kg tu beb nak hilang kan.....

Ingatkan nak mula balik jaga badan ni. Sebab aku risau badan cam berat je. Takut kang datang pulak mcm2 penyakit. To start with, ari ni aku jumpa satu artikel pasal diet from Internet. Menarik sbb fokus on kandungan kalori makanan di Malaysia. Since aku x mau buat crash diet but to eat healthily, aku nak simpan artikel ni.

Apa itu kalori?
Kalori adalah unit untuk mengukur tenaga.

Adakah badan perlukan kalori?
Ya, badan perlukan kalori untuk menjana tenaga, tetapi jika ia diambil (dimakan) terlalu banyak dan tidak dibakar, ia akan ditukar menjadi lemak dan disimpan dalam badan, ini akan menyebabkan pertambahan berat badan dan membahayakan kesihatan.

Macam mana saya hendak kira kalori dalam makanan?
Biasanya setiap produk yang dijual ada kiraan kalorinya di bahagian “Maklumat Pemakanan” dan kiraan juga boleh dibuat dengan mendarab berat dalam “gram” nutrisi berikut dengan nombor pekali yang disenaraikan. Karbohidrat: Didarab dengan 4 kalori setiap gram. :

Protein: Didarab dengan 4 setiap gram
Lemak: Didarab dengan 9 setiap gram.

Contoh: Satu hidangan Sos Cili yang mengandungi;
Karbohidrat- 53g (53g X 2 = 106 Kalori)
Protein-1g (1g X 4 = 4 Kalori)
Gula (juga Karbohidrat) -16g (16g X4 = 64 Kalori)
Jadi satu tuangan Sos Cili bernilai 174 kalori!

Berapa kalori diperlukan oleh lelaki dan wanita dewasa dalam sehari?
Lelaki : 2000-2500 kalori
Wanita :1600-2000 kalori

Apa akan berlaku jika saya makan lebih pada itu?
Setiap 8000 kalori yang terkumpul (tidak dibakar) akan menaikkan 1kg berat badan.

Berapa kalori dalam makanan orang Malaysia?
Kategori: Kuih Muih
1. Kasui berkelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori

Kategori: Lauk Pauk
1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Rutin
1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Segera
1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori

Kategori: Buah-buahan
1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori

Berapa yang selalunya orang dewasa makan sehari?
Makan Pagi: Nasi lemak bersambal (400 kalori) + Telor mata kerbau (21 kalori) + Teh Tarik (120 kalori) = 541 kalori

Pukul 10 pagi: Kuih karipap 3 biji (390 kalori) + Teh O (20 kalori) = 410 kalori

Makan tengahari: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ayam kari (250 kalori) + Dalca Sayur setengah cawan (150 kalori) + Air Tembikai (80 kalori) = 900 kalori

Minum petang: Kopi susu (120 kalori) + Popia Goreng 3 biji (390 kalori) = 510 kalori

Makan Malam: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ikan Tenggiri Masak Merah (142 kalori) + Kangkong goreng belacan (120 kalori) = 682 kalori

Jumlah (541 + 410 + 900 + 510 + 682) = 3043 kalori.

Apa akan berlaku jika tabiat makan kita seperti di atas berlarutan selama setahun?
Jika lelaki bakar 2500 kalori tetapi makan 3043 kalori sehari maka mereka akan simpan 543 kalori setiap hari sebagai lemak. 543 X 365 hari = 198, 195 kalori setahun disimpan. Jadi dalam setahun berat akan meningkat sebanyak 24.77kg!! (198,195 / 8000).

Bagaimana untuk bakar kalori?
Tingkatkan aktiviti harian, berjalan pantas, naik turun tangga, cuci kereta, bersukan, senaman. Kurangkan menonton TV atau bermain permainan computer kerana badan hanya membakar 1 kalori seminit jika kita beraktiviti seperti ini dan ia sama nilai dengan kalori yang dibakar semasa tidur!

Berapa kalori dibakar dengan aktiviti yang kita lakukan?
Kalori yang dibakar bergantung pada berat badan dan ketumpatan tubuh seseorang Berikut adalah kiraan kalori yang dibakar seorang yang seberat 68kg beraktiviti selama sejam.

1) Menonton TV = 40 kalori
2) Berjalan pantas = 300 kalori
3) Bermain bola keranjang (agresif) = 450 kalori
4) Mengemas rumah = 240 kalori
5) Berkebun = 320 kalori
6) Bermain golf (bawa sendiri Club) = 385 kalori
7) Berbasikal statik = 380 kalori
8) Erobik = 405 kalori
9) Ping Pong = 280 kalori

Ari ni ( sehingga pukul 1.30 pm), food intake aku seperti berikut:

Sarapan : Satu mug Nescafe 3 in 1 (89 kal)

Lunch : Setengah pinggan nasi putih (260 kal)
1 ekor ikan cencaru goreng masak kicap (140 kal)
Sedikit tempe goreng (110 kal)
Sayur tauge besar (40 kal)
Betik (45 kal)

Total so far is 684 kalori. Sounds good eh since woman suppose to eat at rate of 1600 - 2000 kal a day.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Alamak...kereta rosak!!!!

Adeh...benda yg paling aku takuti about travelling setiap hari from Melaka to Yong Peng ialah org jahat follow ke, org saja2 langgar ke or KERETA ROSAK! And semalam mmg dugaan betullah, kembara tu buat hal. Hb aku selalu pesan, kalau drive kereta jgn lupa check meter suhu. Kalau tinggi, maknanya kereta ada masalah. Smlm aku pon jeling kat meter suhu, alamak...suhu mmg tinggi, dah maksimum pon. Nasib baik masa tu aku baru nak lalu R&R Pagoh ikut jalan dalam. Selalu aku balik ikut Muar tp sbb ari tu dah lambat sikit aku pon decide nak masuk hi-way half way. Jln Pagoh a bit sunyi n kawasan ladang kelapa sawit. Tu yg suspen sikit ikut jalan tu. Ingat nak masuk hi-way ikut tol Pagoh. So aku pon masuk R&R Pagoh and cepat2 call hb bgtau condition kereta tu.

So hb suh matikan dulu enjin, biar kereta sejuk dulu dlm setgh jam. Pastu check air radiator/karburator. Hah? Radiator? Karburator? Aku langsung x tau apa2 pasal kereta. Yg aku tau cuma drive aje n isi minyak. Dah le hujan tgh lebat. So aku pon ikut ckp hb, tinggalkan kereta masuk R&R, terus order bihun sup. Panik sebenarnya tp sempat lg fikir pasal makan....hehehe. Dlm dok order bihun sup aku sempat la tanya kat kakak penjual whether ada tak org2 PLUS yg leh tolong aku tgk kereta. Kakak tu kata selalunya org2 PLUS akan singgah situ tp masa tu xde lak. Org2 awam mmg la ramai tp aku takut nak tanya sebarangan. So, aku amik keputusan mkn dulu pastu baru fikir cemana. Kebetulan bateri hp lak weak jadik aku x leh sesuka hati nak call sana sini.

Dah mkn tu, kakak penjual tu tegur, dia kata minta budak lelaki yg keje ngan dia tlg aku. Tp budak lelaki tu ckp dia x pandai pasal kereta so dia minta tlg brader yg meniaga kat situ gak. So brader tu ngan baik hatinya ikut aku gi kereta. Dia bukak bonet, check suma, dia kata tangki air radiator tu kosong. Dia n sorang lelaki india yg keje as cleaner tolong isi kan air dlm hujan2 tu. Aku rasa terharu le sesgt. Pastu start enjin, tgk suhu dah turun. Aku pon lega la tp brader tu pesan simpan air, kot2 kang suhu naik lg. Dia pesan gak every half n hour stop la, takut kereta ada masalah lg. Aku pon angguk2 je. Aku hulur duit RM10 kat brader tu dia x mau. Dia suh aku bg kat lelaki india tu je. So aku pon bg la n terus jalan.

Tup2, x sampai 2km aku jln, tgk suhu naik balik mendadak ke maksimum terus. Hah??? Aku panik balik terus stop kat area kedai2 tepi jln n call hb. Hb pon x tau nak kata apa dah, cuma suggest aku carik bengkel kereta. Aku pon pi tanya kat tauke kedai runcit kat mana ada bengkel. Dia bg tau tp buat aku lg panik "Ini jam aa amoi, sy rasa itu kedai sula tutup la" Ye la, time tu dah kul 7 mlm pon. Tp aku merilekskan diri, drive kereta slow2> Nasib baik sempat fikir nak draw duit dulu sbb aku dah xde duit dah dlm wallet. Kebetulan every time aku lalu pekan Pagoh tu aku mmg perasan sign board maybank, jadik xde la aku mencari2 mana bank.

Selalunya kalau aku takut nak draw duit memlm sorang2. Tp dah terdesak ni aku tawakal je la. Pagoh ni dah le pekan koboi, kul 7 dah sunyi sepi. So dah draw duit cecepat aku masuk kereta n lock n terus cari bengkel yg cina tu bgtau. Nasib aku baik sbb cina bengkel tgh dlm proses nak tutup kedai. Mulanya dia x mau layan "Ini jam ka amoi? Sula mau tutup la" . Aku merayu2 gak suh dia tgk so dia pon setuju. Tp jawapan sungguh menghampakan " Ini mlm x boleh buat la...Ini aa sy ingat dia punya gasket sudah rosak ke atau dia punya head mau potong ke...bla..bla..."

Aduss...aku bila dgr dia kata mlm ni x leh repair, kaget terus. Dia citer gasket ke, head ke aku x peduli pon sbb aku mana la paham. Yg aku fikir cemana aku nak balik rumah mlm ni? Aku call hb, dia pon ternganga gak. Kalau dia ada kat rumah aku x risau sgt. Tinggal je kereta aku kat bengkel tu, nanti dia jemput la aku. Tp dia skrg outstation. At last aku terfikirkan member keje aku, Zuki yg dok kat Parit Sulong, which is about setgh jam from Pagoh. So aku call dia, nasib la dia jwb. Bila aku cerita keadaan aku n minta dia tlg hantar aku balik melaka, dia terus setuju. Fuh...lega yg amat, x tau la cemana nak cerita.

Dah discuss ngan cina bengekl yg dah x sabo beno nak balik rumah, n bg kunci kereta suma tinggal aku sorang2 kat bengkel yg dah ditutup tu. Nasib la sebelah tu ada kedai mkn cina n seberang jalan ada shell, so xde la aku takut sgt. Tp mlm tu hujan n tadi aku dah kena hujan, baju basah, so sejuk gilerr.....rasa nak nangis pon aje. Tp aku cepat2 relax n tell myself ini dugaan kecik aje. In fact, there are people helping me going thru this.

Half n hour later zuki sampai ngan anak2 n isteri dia. Leganya aku but at the same time rasa bersalah sgt sbb menyusahkan dia. Nak buat cemana, dah desperate sgt nih. Sempat le aku berkenalan ngan wife dia yg sgt baik. About 40 minutes later, kami pon sampai melaka. Aku belanja diorg dinner dulu. Kesian anak2 zuki, mesti belom mkn.

So zuki n wife, terima kasih byk sbb tolong aku. Tak lupa gak kat brader n org2 yg tolong aku kat R&R tu. Harap budi baik korang akan terbalas hendaknya. As for me, pas ni kena belajar la serba sikit pasal kereta. Kalau nak kena tukar tayar pon aku x reti. Typical ladies...hehehe.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

yea..yea..anip kawin

1 Disember baru ni aku gi kenduri kawin kawan aku si Anip. Mamat ni minat betul ngan outdoor activities dari zaman A-Level, Uni10 hingga la dah keje. Kitorg ni dulu hardcore gak ngan outdoor activities tp rata2 keje je pencen dah benda2 camtu. Aku ingatkan dia xde masa nak bercinta ngan pompuan sbb dok kemaruk ngan cycling, hiking, scuba diving suma. Tapi alhamdullilah, sampai gak jodoh dia akhirnya.

Pengantin baru....

Nasib baik sampai kat umah anip, Linda ngan Ati n her family ada kat sana. Takde la boring. Tp x nampak muka2 budak uniten yg lain. We were hoping dpt jumpa kengkawan kat kenduri anip. Al maklum la masa kenduri la baru dpt jumpa memember. Kenduri kawin tempat reunion paling sesuai...hehehe. Tp off late dah payah dah nak jumpa memember kat kenduri kawin. Maybe sbb skrg ramai dah kawin, stg pon sendirian berhad. Kalau kenduri jauh, lg la jgn harap nak jumpa memember. Lain la masa bujang dulu. Gi ramai2 pastu jauh pon sanggup pegi. Masa tu x yah susah2 nakk angkut anak, senang la...

Mak-mak dara.....

Tunggu punya tunggu, dah dekat pengantin dtg baru la nampak geng2 guys dtg termasuk la Wazil, Apit, Kamal n tak ingat dah sapa. The most eligible bachelors.....hehehe. Bila la bebudak ni nak kawin?

The most eligible bachelors except the one in the middle....he's mine....hehehe

To Hanif Fuad and wife, Jasmine....selamat pengantin baru and selamat menempuh alam rumahtangga. Semoga berbahagia and hope to see the new generation of yours soon...

My Ex-housemates......

Dari kiri: Ati, Mis, Kak Nah, Neny (me), Ina, Azma, Linda

Aku jumpa gambar ni kat friendster Azma. Aku ada gambar ni tapi hardcopy version. Aku suka gambar ni sbb ni lah kali terakhir kitorg dpt berkumpul complete as housemates. Kitorg jadik housemates dari October 1998 sampai la grad tahun 2002 masa belajar kat UNITEN. Except for Kak Nah yg grad dua semester awal dr kitorg. Kitorg gi Bukit Tinggi, kalau x silap masa tu bulan Julai 2003....lamanya, 4 thn lepas. Ingat lg masa tu Mis nak kahwin lg sebulam, kira tu cam bachelor party la...huhuhu. Mis adalah ahli pertama kami yg berkahwin so it was a big deal. Kak Nah masa tu dah keje kat Kedah, tp still sanggup turun KL nak gi Bukit Tinggi ngan kitorg. Best betul masa tu...mmg girls outing habis lah.

The latest update of us:

Ati: Married, with 1 girl aged 1 year

Mis: Married, with 2 children. 1 boy and the newborn baby girl.

Kak Nah: Married, anak dah nak masuk 2 org kot.

Me: Married, with twin girls.

Ina: Wedding coming soon...

Azma: Married

Linda: Married, expecting baby due in December

Kitorg still contact each other, selalu online kat YM especially aku, linda, ati and ina. Mis and Azma kadang2 ada. Tp Kak Nah dah lama menyepi, so x byk cerita tau pasal dia. Ni kitorg dok berangan nak arrange percutian sekeluarga utk semua ahli tapi tak tau lah bila boleh merealisasikan hasrat murni tu. Dah beranak pinak ni, byk betul perkara nak kena consider. Yg penting sapa mau buat proposal daa...kertas keje kena ada kalau tak sure x jadik punya.

Anyway, big event coming sson is Ina's wedding and delivery of Linda's first child. Tak sabar nak tunggu......

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Twins

When my twins were born, we have noticed there are dissimilarities between them. The first twin, Nabihah was weighed at 2.95kg, while Nabilah was at 2.35 kg. So Nabilah looked so small tat he time she was delivered but both of them were healthy and fine babies, didn't even have to put them in the incubator as they were born at 38++ weeks. We thought Nabilah eventually will catch up with her sister's size. From the time they were born, we always tell people that they are identical twins coz according to my husband, when he washed, cleaned and buried the placenta, there was only one huge placenta, which is the identity of identical twins. If they are not identical, then there must be 2 placentas, right?

Twins @ 2 months old

But then months after months, Nabihah grows bigger n bigger compares to her sister. Now at 2 1/2 years, Nabihah weighed at 13.5 kg and Nabilah is only 11 kg. People do not recognize them as twins anymore as the size and height differs so much and they also dont look alike. Nabihah has straight hair with narrow eyes while Nabilah with curly hairs and round eyes. I used to buy clothes for them in the same pattern but different colors. But now since Nabihah belongs to another group of size (I have to look clothes for age 3/4/5 yrs) and Nabilah still wears the size of 1/2 yrs, it's very hard to dress them in the same manner anymore.

Twins @ present
And we always receive questions like " Kakak umur berapa, adik umur berapa?' and once they know that they are twins, then these questions will normally pop up ' Eh, kenapa x sama ye?' or "Ingatkan beza setahun'.Even their characters and attitudes also different. Nabihah is a demanding but independent child. Nabilah on the other hand is so attached to us and fragile but very active. Nabilah is a creative child as she knows what to do with her toys and she loves pencils and any objects that she could use to scribble the wall. So there goes my wall with lots of abstract arts images produced by her. Even the socket plugs can become her utensil to write on the wall. Nabihah always attracted to Nabilah's activities and that will create a fight as Nabihah will snatch stuffs from her. And Nabilah will end up screaming and crying.

I wonder how is it going to be when they grow up as teenagers. Are they going to fight constantly? My husband's twins sisters are very close but they also fight constantly for things. They do not want to dress, look, own the same things but most of the time their taste on clothes, jeweleries, interests is same. For example, when one choose to wear one pattern of baju kurung, apparently the other one also wants to wear the same pattern of baju kurung. Though it's different colors, they refuse to wear it unless one agrees to change. So they keep quarreling who suppose to change. At the end, both of them changed to different pattern of baju kurung.....hahahaha.
Anyway, I really enjoy watching my twins growing up. Their daily progress with new behaviours, crackings, vocabs are so exciting though at times it makes me crazy. I guess every parent feels the way I feel - the excitement of parenthood. Hope my twins grow up to be anak solehah.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Husband Away....

Hubby goes to PD for three weeks course starting from 24/11/07 to 12/12/07. Ayo...lamanya. Last time he went away outstation that long was when I was in maternity leaves but that time I was in kampung so didn't feel loss so much. That three weeks period he only comes home for 2 days i.e this Friday n Faturday. Luckily I have my two sisters come stay with me now until he finish his course so at least I could get some helps to handle the twins. But with husband gone, I become very lazy. Nak masak pon malas. Kalau masak pon masak as simple as possible. The twins pon bila Abah nya takde, semakin mengada2. Aduh...camni rupanya jadik single parent. Not a easy task.....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What goes around comes around

One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but
even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he
pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still
sputtering when he approached her.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to
help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look
safe; he looked poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold.He
knew how she felt. It was those chills which only fear can put in you.

He said, "I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car
where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson."

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad
enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the
jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change
the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.

As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and
began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was
only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to
her aid.

Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she
owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already
imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not
stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job
to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were
plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole
life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time
she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance
hey needed, and Bryan added, "And think of me."

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold
and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home,
disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to
grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of
her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old
gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came
over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile,
one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The
lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she
never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady
wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a

Then she remembered Bryan..

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill.
The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill,
but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the
time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could
be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: "You
don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me
out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is
what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you."

Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to
serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when
she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the
money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how
much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was
going to be hard....

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to
her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's
going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson."

There goes an old saying "What goes around comes around."
You be good to people, you receive good deeds in the end.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Emergency Leave

Malam Rabu last week, pukul 11.00 mlm, aku tgh tido, maklum la bulan puasa ni aku bangun pukul 4 pg then straight tak tido. Lepas terawih, dah mcm zombie...ngantuk cam ada gam kat mata. Aku dikejutkan dgn bunyi hp ku yg terletak di bwh bantal tp x sempat nak jwb dah stop. Bila check missed call, rupanya Che Wa, biras aku di KB call. Nape ek telefon time2 camni? Tak lama pas tu hp hubby aku lak yg berbunyi. Since hubby ku yg menjawab, aku dok suspen dgr dia asik ckp 'Haa?, Bila? Kat mana?'. Ekspresi muka dia pon semacam. Hati ku dah berdebar2 dah ni, wondering is there anything bad happen back in KB? Is it my father or mother in law? Kedua2 nya ada mcm2 penyakir esp. FIL. Ada gout, kencing manis, darah tinggi and jantung.

Bila hubby hang up phone, dia bgtau that my FIL is in hospital. Adik beradik dia yg mmg duduk kat KB beramai2 hantar FIl gi hospital. Hubby aku pon mula gelabah dan dah stat fikir bukan2. He started making calls to other siblings yg dok luar KB and they also apparently kept trying making calls to us. So sama2 enganged, mana la nak dpt. But finally we managed to get hold abg ipar kat Seremban. Hubby terus buat keputusan nak balik KB malam tu gak since abg dia pon decide nak balik. Adik ipar kat KL pon nak balik gak. However, kakak ipar dr KB bgtau MIL berpesan jgn bgtau adik2 yg tgh belajar, Marina and Mek Nor sbb diorg nak exam, takut nanti kalau dgr berita mcm ni, mengganggu study.

Bila hubby kata nak balik KB mlm tu, aku blank. Sbbnya kami x pernah travel balik KB mlm2 buta camni. Perasaan bercampur aduk antara takut and panik. Nak stat packing pon aku x tau nak mula dr mana. Dah le mlm tu air xde, pinggan dlm sinki byk, baju pon berendam. Tp cepat2 aku buangkan perasaan2 yg x penting tu. Bapak mertua sakit, jgn fikir hal2 lain. Aku cuma takut hubby aku yg gelabah, nanti drive pon x concentrate. X sampai 1/2 jam aku packing, main sumbat mana2 yg perlu. Utk kembar, aku angkut je satu kotak toyogo baju2 diorg. Kul 12 mlm kami bertolak dr Melaka. Nak jemput Mek Ja kat Wangsa Maju n janji nak jumpa abg ipar kat Tol Karak.

Sampai KL dekat2 kul 2 pg, tp on d way kakak ipar dah call bgtau FIL x kritikal tp hanya di masukkan ke wad biasa aje. So diorg nak bgtau x payah la balik tp we all dah on d way pon. Cuma bila dah tau camni xde lah hubby aku nak kalut2 sgt. Tak lama lepas tu we met abg ipar kat Tol Karak, he told us we are not going thru Gua Musang route tp lalu LPT then ikut Terengganu. Route tu jauh compare ngan Gua Musang tp dr segi safety it's better sbb route Gua Musang byk bas n jln bahaya.

Sedang melalui lebuhraya Karak, Nabilah yg sedang sedap tido atas pangkuan aku tetiba menjerit takut. Terkejut sungguh aku. Takkan bulan puasa ni ada gak 'benda2' yg mengacau dia. Tp Nabilah mmg selalu mcm ni. Hubby selalu kata Nabilah agaknya selalu nampak hal2 supernatural. Jenuh la aku peluk dia, sambil tutup mata dia sbb dia asik nak pandang atas, pastu ckp takut. Hish..kalu lalu ikut Gua Musang, lg le suspen aku.

Sepanjang perjalanan, aku asik tersengguk2 tahan ngantuk tp x berani nak tido sbb takut hubby aku tgh2 drive terlelap ke. Dia pon mesti ngantuk gak sbb siang langsung x tido, penat posa lg. Dah le x biasa drive mlm. Dekat2 kul 5 kami berhenti di R&R Gambang utk bersahur. Tp R&R LPT ni x meriah cam R&R PLUS. Tu pon nasib ada satu kedai jual buhun/mee sup. Dapat juga la kami bersahur. Lepas subuh, kami sambung perjalanan. Keluar LPT kami lalu jln Jerangau-Jabor. Masa ni ada lah masa yg sgt2 ngantuk2. Hubby pon x berenti menguap. Risau aku tgk dia. Aku pon dlm dok tahan mata, terlelap gak.

Abg ipar drive laju ke depan, entah berapa kali dia asik kena stop tepi jln tunggu kitorg. Mana nak potong lori lagi, pastu asik ada road block je sepanjang jln kat Terengganu. Rasa nya pasal isu rusuhan bakar bendera tu kot. Akhir setelah dekat 12 jam travel, kul 12.30 tghari baru kami sampai KB. Aduh, xpe la, demi org tua.

Sampai aje rumah mertua, kami mandi n bersiap ke hospital. Alhamdulliah, FIL dah ok. Rupanya sugar level dia rendah sgt sampai affect memori dia. Yg diorg suma ni panik sbb dia mcm x ingat apa yg berlaku. Cucu yg dtg rumah ari2 pon dia x kenal. Tu yg ckp pun merapu aje. Hari Khamis dia dah discharged.

Hari Sabtu kami pulang semula ke Melaka. One more issue to think consequence to 3 days emergency leaves, plan cuti raya needs to be advised. Huhuhu....jenuh nak negotiate ngan bos ni.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Zoo Melaka

Ahad baru ni kami bawa si kembar gi Zoo Melaka. Bukan apa, dah dok lebih 6 bln kat Melaka n ari2 lalu zoo, xkan x pergi2. Lgpon nak tgk perkembangan minda si kembar, samada kenal ke x ngan animal2 live at zoo rather than watch them in books and tv.

So pepagi lg aku dah bangun siapkan bekal sbb x tau kat dalam tu nanti makanan yg dijual ok ke x. Sbb malas nak masak beria2, aku cuma buat nasi goreng, ayam masak kicap n sandwich sardin. Ala, bukan nak berkelah pon. Since umah aku kat Durian Tunggal aje, x payah la aku nak bawa makanan beria2 cam satu ari lak nak dok dlm zoo tu.

Kul 11.30 pg kami sampai kat zoo, nasib baik org xde la ramai sgt. Beli tiket pon senang. Kalau kat Zoo Negara beratur sikit punya panjang nak beli tiket. Si kembar dah awal2 diikat kat stroller. Walaupun dah 2 tahun lebih, still lg senang bawa diorg berjln2 ngan stroller. Kalau x susah nak kontrol.

Mula2 kami tgk spesis2 haiwan mamalia. Nama pon aku x ingat apa. Tp syok jugak la dtg zoo ni sbb ada koleksi binatang dia yg aku x penah tgk lg. Kembar pon excited tgk animals. Cuma dah tgh2 jln rasa lenguh gak berjln so bila nampak ada train berhenti kami sibuk nak naik tp kena halau sbb rupanya kalau nak naik train kena naik dr stesen yg dah ditetapkan shj n perlu beli tiket. Malunya.......

Anyway, it was a good outing sbb kembar appreciate apa yg diorg tgk kat zoo. Kul 3 ptg kami balik tp kepala aku punya la berdenyut n sgt le penat.

Hai...lepas ni kat mana lg nak berjalan?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hari Keluarga

Familiku dtg hari Jumaat lepas. Malam tu bawa diorg mkn ikan bakar kat Alai. Order kupang masak cina (yg ini mmg sedap), pastu ikan siakap yg dimasak pelbagai. Satu ikan black pepper, sweet sour, bakar special, ikan bakar berempah, sotong goreng lg, kerang bakar lg. Pendek kata mmg puas mkn la mlm tu. Harganya untuk 10 org dewasa n 5 kanak2 baru RM140. Rasa berbaloi giler sbb rasanya kalau mkn kat Umbai mau double. Tp agaknya level iodine aku mau tinggi kot. Bahaya ni...

Sabtu lak sibuk memasak n ptg bawa diorg jln2 kat Bandar Hilir. Tu le baru aku masuk Muzium Melaka. Rasanya penah masuk dulu masa rombongan sekolah rendah. Peh! bape tahun dah tu....
Tp naik lenguh kaki jln ngan diorg ni. Maklum la rombongan cik kiah...sat org ni nak gi situ, sat kang yg sorang ni nak gi sana. Malam lak dah lepas masak dinner, aku dah flat. Diorg still leh kuar gi Jusco lak.

Ahad diorg balik, kakak aku ckp lain kali nak amik cuti seminggu jln2 kat melaka. Huh! Aku dok melaka dah bape bulan ni pon x abis lg ronda2 melaka.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hari Keluarga - Coming Soon

Esok famili aku nak dtg umah. Ramai lak tu yg nak dtg. Kakak aku n famili dia n adik beradik aku yg lain. Yg x best nya dtg masa aku blom gaji. Tp dah ckp ngan hubby, kalau dia dah gaji esok, nak belanja diorg makan ikan bakar. Dah 2 kali parents aku dtg sini tp aku x sempat lg nak bawa diorg pusing2 Melaka sbb dtg masa x kena. Nape la diorg ni x mau dtg on 31/8 tu nanti? Cuti panjang sket. Mak kata suma ada hal masa tu nanti. Ok la, nak dtg, dtg la....

Ni tgh plan menu n aktiviti utk diorg, senang nanti xde la aku pening nak masak apa.
Menu seperti berikut:

Jumaat (24/8) :

Dinner: Asam pedas ikan tenggiri, sayur bayam, ikan goreng, sambal belacan

Sabtu (25/8)
B'fast: Nasi lemak, roti sardin
Lunch: Ayam goreng, sambal udang, kacang buncis goreng
Dinner: Makan kat luar (gi Alai)

Ahad (26/8)
B'fast: Bihun goreng
Lunch: Kari daging, sawi goreng, ikan goreng

Mlm ni kena la aku berkejar gi Tesco/Giant cari stok brg. Peti ais dah kosong tu.

Happy Anniversary!

Smlm, 22/8/07 is our 3rd anniversary. Rasa cam baru je kawin...hehehe. So dah mmg plan nak keluar berdua to celebrate. Ni our annual event, so far blom miss lg. Sbb nak save cuti utk raya terpaksa la amik half day. Kul 2 ptg, aku pi park keta kat Jusco and hubby dtg jemput. Park keta kat jusco tp pi dating kat Mahkota Parade. Saja...sbb Mahkota Parade besar sket. Lgpun kat Melaka ni apa la sgt shopping complex yg ada.

Sampai Mahkota Parade pi lunch dulu. Lapar giler ni. X byk option utk restoran (selalu kalau anniversary pi restoran yg 'class' sikit, fast food x main...hehehe). At last pi Nando's aje....
Ye la, nak mkn yg mahal2 e.g kat hotel ke, tgh pokaai...hahaha. Anyway, mkn kat Nando's for two pon dah RM50. Then we decided nak tgk wayang. Hubby nak tgk Rush Hour 3 tp aku x suka ngan Chris Rock tu. Sebenarnya nak tgk Transformer tp hubby dah tgk masa kes dia merajuk ari tu (merajuk pi tgk wayang...cheh!). Tp dia kata it's ok kalau tgk lg sekali pon sbb Transformer best. So beli la tiket 4 Transformer. Show kul 4.30 p.m, ada masa 1 jam lg, kitorg pi ronda2 kat Parkson.

Hubby dok tanya nak apa for anniversary n dia cadangkan beli handbag ( sendiri tanya, sendiri jawab...daaa) sbb skrg tgh sale. Tp apa aku berkenan suma dia x berkenan. Huh! Boringnya....dlm hati rasa nak keluar sendiri, guna duit sendiri je beli. At last, belek punya belek x beli pon sbb dah dekat masa nak tgk wayang.

Transformer mmg best! Tp penat tgk asik berperang je. Lama lak tu, 2 jam lebih. Bila abis tu kelam kabut gi solat Asar. By d time nak balik dah kul7 mlm. Teringat kat budak2. Rasa bersalah giler balik lambat. Sure diorg dok tunggu kat pintu grill. Hubby drop me kat Jusco utk amik keta. Sampai umah dah kul 7.30 am. Rush nak mandi, solat n masak dinner. Back to normal routine on the day of anniversary day.

Happy anniversary to us!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Episod Pengenalan

Akhirnya sampai gak seru aku nak mulakan blog sendiri setelah puas dok merantau ke blog orang...hehehe, baru rasa cam follow trend.