Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Groundhog day...

...Always busy, always tired, always behind.

Four days of work to go.  Three days of school to go.  Two concerts to go.  Then holidays and welcome unemployment.  Presuming parenting and full time study count as unemployment?  

Whatever it is called I am counting down the days!  More time for me, more time to study, to clean my house, to learn how to sew and knit again (it has been so long I am not sure I remember how!!)...

This year has been wonderful in so many ways but next year I am going to finish my degree and get back on the horse and live rather than exist in a hazy, busy fog.  Who knows, maybe I will even get time to blog?!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Term 1 {Catch Up}

On the last day of Term 1 Possum got to wear 'crazy socks' as a reward for having earned 10 merit awards. I did not have any socks so decided that stripes on stockings under her sports shorts were crazy and would count.  She looked great and was so proud of herself.  In addition to her Bronze Award for merits she also got a reading award so she had a great day at school.  Kindergarten also hosted the final assembly for the term and Possum had memorised her readings and spoke clearly and well into the microphone; yay!

The holidays included a trip to Nan and Pop's for the children, craft and a quick trip to the Northern Rivers area of NSW.   ANZAC Day also featured and Possum wore her school uniform and marched with the school which was a nice experience for her.  It was not a nice experience for the rest of us as Blue hit his head when he fell off a fence so the Mr and I took him up to the hospital for some glue and we missed the big event.

Little Athletics also finished up last term.  We still have to have the presentation night but I am looking forward to having a few months off with quiet winter nights on a Friday in front of our fire.  I am trying to be less busy but I have no idea how long that will last ;)

This term I popped my head in and helped the Kindergarten class do some cooking for Mother's Day.  Possum was so excited to see me in her class as a 'teacher'.  I will have to do that more often; it was fun to help the younger Kindy children as I work with Year 1 and 2 and also help Year 3 and 4 with reading groups a couple of times a week while I am there but had not helped in my daughter's class at all as I was worried that she would find it hard to switch between mum the 'teacher' and mum the parent.  It wasn't an issue which was great.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Summer Snaps

 Our summer break seems a little bit random when I look back through the photos.  We did little bits of everything and a lot of nothing much at all.  It all felt normal and good, just what summer should be.




More playing




...and a little bit more sewing.

Summer, in a nutshell!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What is Craft?

Sewing is craft.

Sewing badges on uniforms is not...

This seasons Little Athletics badges are now on the children's club shirts.  There is one on the back too, four badges per shirt and my children are too young to compete; why did I bother?

And the Mr's 'Bush Fire Fighting' (BF) badge from the N.S.W Rural Fire Service turned up in the mail so that has been sewn on too.

Better than nothing I guess, but NOT craft.  I postponed the camping trip we had planned until after this run of assignment due dates is past.  I hope this will let me take knitting or hand sewing away on the trip rather than work.  Fingers are crossed anyway!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Month?

Looking at the date on my last post it would seem I have let a month slip by without much thought.

I have been thinking, working, studying, sleeping and doing the 101 things I need to do in the name of being a parent.  I have not had time for a great deal else.  Why is this part of the year so busy?  Will I get a brief reprieve before the Christmas season is upon us?  I hope so!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I am almost organised...

The veggies and flowers are looking good, but the garden beds need weeding.
I remembered Mister Music's antibiotics this morning, but forgot to give Possum hers.
The washing is up to date, but not the ironing or folding.
I remembered to put the pork on for tea, but I forgot to add the rosemary. 
I remembered to call about pony camp forms, but forgot to call and order 4 new tyres.

Oh well, it is all a good start, I am still catching up after being away last week.  We visited friends in Sydney, friends in Albury, colleagues in Wagga Wagga, family in Cootamundra and had tea with a friend in Cowra all in the space of 5 days.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Silver Lining

Rural Living.
Clearing sales.
Cleaning Up.

Enjoying life.

Remembering all the good things around us as we put the events of the past few weeks behind us.  We have so much to be grateful for, even if I am behind on some things.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sunset on the Road

I am on my way to Canberra to spend a weekend with a lot of friends.  As I was driving this evening somewhere near Dunedoo I watched the sunset.  Looks like my weekend is off to a beautiful start already.

Happy travels. x

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day - The Good and the Bad

Flowers from Possum's pre-school garden = good

Cute card made by Possum at pre-school = good
When you open it up it has fun facts such as my favourite colour is blue and I like to knit jumpers, both are true.  There is also a little photo of Possum.

The book The Mr bought me.... not so good*...
Thankfully there was also chocolate!

It also makes me VERY glad that I bought myself this:

Hurruh!!  I will be taking part in the Handstitched class learning something new and having some fun.  I am picturing cosy winter nights in front of the fire as I work on new techniques and create something special.

What fabric range should I buy?  I was thinking Echo by Lotta Jansdotter....

*I am a big Chuck Norris fan, and some of the one liners in this book are pretty hilarious, but really, for Mother's Day?  I guess the airport newsagency didn't leave him many options?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Random Ramble

Yesterday I had an appointment in town so it was a good excuse to ditch my standard  SAHM (stay at home mum) uniform of jeans and a tee and put on something a little neater.  I also did my hair which did not go unnoticed down the street.  Georgia took a quick photo before we rushed out the door, it isn't in focus and the light is wrong too, but the grass was wet and I was late so I did not bother to set up anything better.

The fact I am wearing high heels, and you still can't see my feet is a pretty good indicator that I need to mow the lawn...  Today, at lunch time I am still in my pj's.  Funny how two days right next to each other can be so different!  

Happy hump day :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Softie Making

Ever since Amy gifted me the Badskirt 'Moxie the Doxie' sausage dog pattern I have had plans to make a couple.  The only problem with this plan is that my 'couple' got pinched before they were even finished and have been off having adventures with the children ever since.  That meant I had to make a couple more.

Shame I ran out of hobby fill as I would love to have these all finished.  I have also lost my button jar.  A house search has not turned it up so I have to buy more hobby fill, and buttons.

Gosh they are cute (even without legs).

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I don't know if I am too busy, but I do know I am close to that point.  I still found the time to stop and snap the sunset on my phone as I drove down the road near home.  Maybe I know I am ok if I have time to stop and enjoy the simple things, even if just for a moment.

I love the light just before the light is gone for the day.  It is soft and makes me think of romance, and of taking photos.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Without hyperbole, this is the cutest thing you will see today.

A baby possum found curled up in a ball by my front doorstep.
Oh so cute!

 I gave her some water in a syringe and kept her warm. I really wanted to keep her, but her best interests had me calling WIRES and doing a trip to town to drop it in.   

So, was I right?  Isn't she the cutest thing ever?
We have lots of possums here, I love them!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holiday End

The Mr is back at work but that is ok.  We are still finding time for fun stuff, like feeding the fruit from the orchard to the pigs and swimming in the creek.

I have one more assignment due before I am finished Summer Semester, but that is ok too.  I still feel relaxed and happy and am smiling about the good stuff and ignoring the bad stuff; the broken washing machine*, the sore tooth, needing a new ram.  That stuff will sort itself out and will be forgotten, unlike the memories we are making here for the children and ourselves.

* Washing machine is fixed just one day after I put in the service call.  
Things are looking up again already!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Linen Cupboards

One day I will have a whole wall of built in linen cupboards.  I even have a suitable wall, but given the floor needs re-doing first I bought these wardrobes cheaply to fill the void.  It was actually a three piece set, two double door cupboards (one of which is not in this photo) and a narrower cupboard with draws.  The makers mark tells me they were made in 1964 in Maitland, I forget the company and will pass on pulling one out to double check.

Neither bigger cupboard had any shelves so the Mr very carefully put some in for me so I could use them for linens.  He also added some magnetic closures so I didn't have to key lock them closed each time.  All three cupboards are neat and organised and I now have all the linen out of the second pantry which gives me a lot more space for pantry stockers.

Don't you love the old suitcases and hat boxes?  I do!  They were gifted from the Mr's parents and they are being used as storage too.  I have others throughout the house, I love them all a lot.  You might also notice the lack of cornice and bare plasterboard.  We are slow renovators at best on this house.  I love that there is no rush to finish this one.

One day, when my linen cupboard goes in, I plan on using these for fabric and yarn storage; there is plenty of room for patterns and bibs and bobs too.  I can't wait!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Baby K

In the Christmas holiday we had Baby K drop in for a quick visit.  I snaffled him for a quick couple of photos before my two children dived in to play with him.  He has very cute blue eyes!

I don't miss the baby stage, until I get to play with a cute baby, then, just a little, I do.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011, The Year That Was in Pictures (and words).

In March I flew to Sydney for Sew it Together.  It was the most fun you can have with a group of friends catching up, laughing and shopping together! Blogged here and here.

In May both children were Christened at our local small Church.  I made my first fruit cake to mark the occasion and it looked pretty good to me, there was much patting myself on the back here. 
Blogged here, here and here.

We flew to Sydney to be on SBS Insight. the subject was the ethics of eating meat.  I was there to represent farmers.  I have not watched it as I fear I will think I look or sound silly on national tv and I won't like it.  Ignorance is bliss?  Blogged here and here.

I went to craft camp with friends too and managed to finish a quilt top.  
I STILL have not finished quilting it!

I had an early mid-life crises and enrolled at UNE.  
I am doing well so far and enjoying the subject matter greatly.

There was The Flood.  It came too close to the house for comfort.  We still have fences down that need repair, we have it book marked to fix in the next week or so.

We tripped about camping at Mt. Kaputar, Lightning Ridge, Bourke, Canberra Zoo, and had a day at the snow too.

There was also the usual small farm stuff, and family stuff too.  It was a busy year, but a very good one.

I hope 2012 is just as good, or better for everyone.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Random Moments from my Phone

Waiting to catch her fist train in Sydney.

Same gum tree in each photo, shows how much water there was here last month. Both of these photos were snapped from the house.  Too close for comfort.

Before all the rain.  Even dry, I love where we live.  
The road home from big town is dusty (or muddy) and bumpy but a nice 45 minute drive with a great view.

Best Playgroup ever!

We have a great local library, both kids love it.

Oops. We don't always get it right, but don't often post the photos of the bungles...

K mart wishing tree.  Great cause, and this year Possum got the concept and had fun picking a gift to give to someone else.  Blue, not so much, yet.

Monday, December 12, 2011


You know you are busy when you draw your Blogtoberfest give away, and then forget to email the very nice person who won to tell them.  And when you finally remember last week you email and beg forgiveness and pretend that it was always meant to be a Christmas gift, even if it wasn't.

And then you forget to post it again... I may need a new excuse, or maybe I should tie a piece of sting around my finger? I am so SORRY for being this *hopeless!

And I have had great things happen that would be well worth blogging, if I wasn't too busy for blogging:

  • I had a birthday
  • I got two Credits and a High Distinction for last semesters uni results. Yay!
  • I read a whole book, and it was fiction 
  • We went bouldering
  • There was a road trip with friends
  • Gifts sent, and received
One of these days it will stop raining and I will take photos of things to blog.  I might also remember to go to the post office...

*Can someone please remind me at the end of the week in case I forget again?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mum, can you..

..take a photo of my seal?

...take a photo of my rock?

I would have preferred a decent shot of the latest lamb, but it was not to be.