Showing posts with label Kids Extracurricular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Extracurricular. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We are going to the zoo in the holidays and the children* are excited!  

It is a shame I can make a giraffe look short and stumpy; adjectives not usually used when talking about that animal.  Perhaps I should have bought a hippo costume...

*Possum is an elephant but she is at school so that photo will have to wait.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Over the Christmas break we found ourselves in Canberra briefly.  We had enough time to stop and visit for a couple of hours only so we decided to head to Questacon.

The children, despite being quite young, had an absolutely fantastic time.  There is so much to do, a lot of it hands on even for their stage although there was also a lot for older folk.

The children keep telling me they want to go back.  It is a shame we live so far away so they will have to wait until we are next on the road south. 

I cannot recommend Questacon enough. We all enjoyed it and will go back.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Children's Theatre - The Gruffalo's Child

We love the book The Gruffalo's Child, so when I saw the show on the local theatre programme I booked tickets for myself and the children.

I believe one of the most important things you can do with your children is read to them.  Literacy skills begin with even the most simple of children's books.  Both of my children love to read and already they have an extensive home library.  I hope they continue to love books.

He will not smile!

I was worried that they would not enjoy the live show but both children sat at watched it happily and Possum did the actions and sang out as directed.  It was a lot of fun.  I did get a giggle when we sat down looking at the set before it started and Possum said 'not much of a show yet' and looked at me as if I should make it hurry up.  Also funny was Possum telling me that the show used more words than the book so she wasn't sure if they did it right.  It would have been a very short play if they stuck to the script as written in the book!

I will keep an eye on the programme as we had so much fun that I am sure there is more theatre in our future. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Early Childhood Music

Today the children had their last day of early childhood music classes.  Next year Possum moves into group piano. Blue will have some time off, I feel guilty about this, but he is going through a 'no' stage.  It is tiring.  I am telling myself that a part of being a good parent is providing as many opportunities as you can, but also in knowing when your child is not ready.  Blue has enjoyed it, but he started younger than Possum so he still has time to take 12 months off and then start again at pre-school age.

excuse the dodgy editing of names on the certificates

I cannot say enough good things about early childhood music programmes.  They are wonderful and the children have fun while learning in an interactive environment.  It helps that we have a wonderful teacher here, the children love her.  

We bought Brookie a cabaza as a thank you/Christmas gift.  She uses a lot of different instruments and sounds in her early childhood music classes so we thought this might be a useful addition.  Possum is booked in for a theatre workshop at the Conservatorium in the New Year.  She can't wait!

A very bad photo of Possum's class

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Santa came to Playgroup today.  When he walked in Possum made a hasty retreat out the back door and hid around the corner.  We talked her out, once we found her.  

When asked if he wanted to say hello to Santa, Blue replied with "No thank you".  He is polite, even in his fear.  He did say "Thank you" to Santa when he was given lollies, even if he did avoid making eye contact.  I tried for a photo, but the tears started so I didn't push it.

Possum did warm to Santa and even moved in for a photo.  
She is so brave, especially when lollies are on offer! 

And then Santa and his helper jumped in the sled and drove off, complete with carols playing.  I love that we live in the kind of town where it is still ok that Santa jumps in the back of a trailer and drives off down the road while waving.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advent 8-11

Plenty of Advent activities underway here.

The 8th saw us at the Playgroup Christmas party. I will really miss Playgroup over the next 7 weeks as the activities, craft and support are wonderful in our local group.

When Santa left he jumped in his sleigh, a converted box trailer towed behind a car, and drove down the street while sitting in his trailer's chair.  How fun, if not exactly legal.

The 9th was a day when I needed a rest so the activity for the day was reading two new Christmas books I found in the second hand shop and had put away.  They join a growing Christmas book collection.

Friday the 10th was going to be a trip to the park, but it rained (again!) so we ended up at the library instead.  Neither child minded as they both love the puzzles and books in the children's section.

Today saw us build a Gingerbread house.  It looks pretty good given we didn't know what we were doing!  Possum and the Mr both helped and had fun.  Blue slept, but has made up for that by helping to eat a bit of it already.  I don't think this house will last long, Possum is already 'Gingersbread Hungy'.