I am not exactly what someone would call a car person, but visiting Speed Week at the Bonneville Speedway was very cool. Somehow I kept forgetting that the salt was, in fact, neither snow nor ice.
Josh and I left at about 4:45 a.m. to see the sun rise over the Salt Flats, and the beauty of that was quite worth the four hours of sleep (two sunrises for two Saturdays in a row!). I took 47 million photos in anticipation of making a time-lapse video of the sunrise, but iMovie 08 hates time-lapse and won't let me make the photo duration less than 0.25 seconds. I still have hope of figuring something out...
And then I had to take all of the reflection photos that I could find.
Wow, Becca, you look so great in that top picture. Also I was confused why you guys were wearing summery clothes in the snow! How cool.