Monday, August 23, 2010

can i live here in this howard roark-ish house?

in portugal
swimming pool
wind turbines in the backyard (not pictured)
(the yard!)
bullet-proof windows
no neighbors saying you can't park in front of their house
in portugal

no cafe rio
no pinkberry
may develop reptilian characteristics from so much sun basking on those rocks

Want to see the inside? Watch this video. I don't know the Portuguese things, so I can't vouch for what it actually says.

photo by Feliciano Guimaraes


  1. This makes me think of "How to Train Your Dragon." If you move here, I will buy you a Night Fury--and deliver it in person, sans vikings.

  2. Make me think of that story about the big giant who comes to kill the smaller, husband giant. The wife disguises the husband in a baby carriage, and the story just gets weirder.

    To be a true HR house, doesn't someone need to be standing triumphantly in the sun somewhere?

  3. yes, yes they do. and howard roark would never eat at cafe rio, anyway.


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