She is a mommy of three.
She wanted to know what another mommy of three carried in her purse.
A show-and-tell if you will.
I love a challenge.
You can read about it here.
I immediatedly got my purse and began snapping pictures.
I dumped out the contents and made several discoveries.
A) This wasn't really MY purse. I confess. Claire went to the beach with a friend this week. She forgot to take her purse. I
B) MY purse is not usually THIS tidy, but because I had just
C) MY purse is not this tiny. Oh how I have enjoyed a small bag this week. Cole has not worn diapers since the summer. It has been fabulous to finally (after 12 years 0f toting everything but the kitchen sink) carry a smaller purse.
So here it is....

( now you see why I took it!)
And these are the contents:

A wallet containing $7. 92 (that should get me far), a half charged cell phone ( noticed the chewed upon antenna...thanks kids!), and my shades.
I also found two packs of gum, and some fruit snacks.

Under my wallet I found five pens (more chewing) and a hair "thingy". (sorry for the technical term)

I also discovered several receipts in the bottom of the bag. (I need to remember to record those debit card purchases!)

There you have it.
Claire's purse with my things.
Thanks OHMommy for including me in your purse meme.
Thank you OHMommy for choosing this week for the challenge.
This week I carried a tiny, cute, tidy bag.
Ask me the same thing in a few weeks.
I promise the scene will be much different.
Now I must challenge you my friends, my little internets.
What is found in the purse of young, hip, newly married girls? Ashley and Katie...I want to know.
If I were to look in the purses of those girls expecting babies, Aly, Amy, Courtney and Meredith, what might I find?
What might I discover in the purse of a mommy to one sweet girl ? Please answer Motherhood for Dummies.
Brittany, Rebecca and Kristy what is in the purse of a mommy of two precious children at home?
I want to see what a mommy of three carries in her bag. Do we carry like items? Leah,Cecily, Emily, Stie, and Wendi . I lay awake at night wondering.
I really want to know what is lurking in the purses of mommys with four or more children. Really, how do you carry it all? Show me Carrie, Emy5, Jaz, and Lyla. Impress me!
* The big Ped Egg giveaway will be chosen at random tonight. The winner will be announced tomorrow! Stay tuned!