I could tell you about my 3 days in Paradise.
But, I am a visual kind of girl.
I will do a show-n-tell with pictures.
I went to the beautiful island of "Emerald" last weekend.
I stayed here.
[ it's good to have friends that own beach property!]
I went with 9 other southern girls.
I went to scrapbook.
For those of you that are not "scrappers"... you may not understand my excitement.
For those who are.... this is what our beautiful living room turned into.
Dreamy- huh?
Every sticker, paper, adhesive, and die-cut you can imagine was at my fingertips.
I had full access to every cutter and punch and a sizix machine.
I just brought my photos and a few essential items.
Like this.
And this.
I even brought some of this.
Shhhh! No, I never had a headache, but it contains 150 mg of caffeine and I did not want to miss out on the all night "power cropping"!
We never had to get up to exercise because we laughed until our sides ached.
My abs have not been this sore since the last time I tried to use the exercise ball.
And laughter...is much more fun!
We also had to climb the three flights of stairs with our bags in tow. That counts for something-huh?
Apparently not. When I stepped on the metal thing called a scale Monday morning...I was 3 lbs. heavier. WHAT? With all that working out? Up and down stairs and laughing.
Must have been because of these.
Or maybe because of these.
[ Sausage Balls]
Could of been this.
[Banana Nut bread]
You think?

Oh...did I mention we ate ourselves to death?

By the time the trip was over we were all in need of some of this!!!
Nothing like sitting in a chair, cropping photos all weekend while you are cramming thousands of calories into your face to send your body into insulin shock!
We had access to this.
But noone brought their suit.
We could have played a game of this.
Or we could have enjoyed the picture perfect weather and played a few games of this.
Instead, we stayed inside our beautiful accommodations. ( Thanks Karyn!)
Looked outside to enjoy this view.
And cropped til we dropped.
It was just what I needed.
A weekend at the beach.
Good friends.
Good food.
No kids.
Lots of Laughter
Oh, and the reason I went...
I almost forgot.
I completed 35 pages in Cole's book!
Thanks girls for another fabulous weekend!!!