Showing posts with label TTA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TTA. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

uNIQue CliNIQue


This week tell us about your favorite or least favorite job that you've had OUTSIDE of the home (we know the hardest job is being a Mom). Or just take a minute to document the jobs you've had.

That was my here it is.

My favorite job had to be that of a Clinique Cosmetic Consultant.

That really was a cushy job.

I had a uniform.

That standard white lab coat with the gigantic silver buttons.

It did not matter if I wore a skirt, slacks, or nothing underneath.

My wardrobe was EASY.

A sassy pair of heels and my lab coat... and I was off to work.

You can't imagine the sheer heaven I was in keeping all those products in straight little lines.

I had every drawer and shelf labeled.

It was organizational bliss.

After a year of working there I became the counter manager.

Which meant a little more pay, a little more gratis, and a little more responsibility(the books).

I was in charge of monthly inventory and ordering.
Another aspect of the job I truly adored.

Nothing makes a girl do the "happy dance" like balanced ledgers and controlled inventory.

Clinique gave me a gratis every 3 months or so and I could buy all my makeup and skincare.

What girl would not love that little perk?

I had 100's of lipsticks and eyeliners.

I could bathe in all the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion I owned.

My skin was impeccable.

I took such good care of it.

My makeup was flawless.

My nails were always manicured.

The only downside to the job was lack of exercise...I was stuck in this little cosmetic bay for 6-7 hours.

Stooping down to open a drawer of powder or applying someones prom makeup was not exactly physical labor.

(My previous job was that of a waitress at a quaint little restaurant. Running up and down stairs, carrying heavy trays. (Lots of exercise...great abs!)

In retrospect, I think this was the beginning of my weight problems.

Darn you Clinique job.... you tricked me, you did!!!

You gave me free lip gloss and skin care.

In return I got flabby arms, thunder thighs, and an ever expanding behind.

Darn You Clinique job....Darn You!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How do you do? I am WENDI SUE!!!

Tuesday Tell All

This was the challenge for today: Is there a story behind your name? How did you pick the names of your children? This is your chance to document it.

Well, here goes nothing.

I am Wendi.

Wendi with an "i".

I love that.

When I got married I dropped my middle name.

Not legally.

Just stopped using it.


My middle name is Sue.

That is right.

Wendi Sue.

Southern enough for you?

My thinking is...that is why I kind of "lost" that part of my name. After this assignment, I may have everything I own monogrammed to include "Sue".

Why you ask? Sue was my mother's middle name. MY MOTHER. She chose to give me a part of her name. This wonderful woman who tried to have a baby for 6 years. This incredible woman who wanted children so badly that she applied for adoption. This exemplary woman who upon completing the adoption papers found out that she was pregnant. With me. Up until this very moment I have questioned the decision to call me Wendi Sue. At this very moment all I can think of is how incredibly lucky I am to have my mom's name.

A name she must have thought of for six grueling years. A name she must have planned for. A name she must have written on paper in her own hand a dozen times. A name she must have been so excited to share and give. A name I completely took for granted until now. Thirty-seven years later.

My mom is truly the best mom in the world. She would do anything for any of her four children, four in-laws, and five grandchildren. I believe that. She is the most giving soul I know. This is the same mom I remember making Halloween treats to GIVE the neighbors. We were not allowed to "beg" for candy. We took baked goodies to others instead. She could always be found serving others and always putting herself last. She still does. I could write a book on all the things she has done for me and my family. I could write yet another on all the things she has done for others. I can only hope that I love and serve as she has.

She has other fine qualities too. She is a fabulous wife to my father. She still treats him like they have only been married a few years. I still see her eyes light up when he walks in a room or when he stands to speak. Cute- huh?

She is a superb cook. She does not use her culinary skills like she once did, but she can still make a mean carrot cake.(my personal favorite)

She is the cleanest, neatest, most organized woman I know. I have tried, without success, to be like her in this area. My spices are alphabetized. My pantry is so organized and rotated and labeled it would make you sick. That is all thanks to my mom. I use a lot of bleach and scrub and clean things like nobodies business. However, when she comes to visit...she can always find something I did not clean quite enough .(Meaning I haven't found a way to incorporate q-tips, cotton balls, or toothpicks to get in the "grooves" of things) Thus, we fondly refer to her as the "Clorox Queen". ( When are you coming for another visit MOM?)

I am going to stand a little straighter and pronounce my name a little louder from now on. I am not going to leave my middle name off documents or my drivers license. I have a first and middle name. I am proud of them. I am proud of the great mother that shared her beautiful name with me. Thanks Mom...I love you!

(note to self: get a better photo taken with my mom!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am participating in a fun group called "Tuesday Tell All". Here is this weeks assignment:

We all have those pictures from the past that we wished we didn't. The ones that make us think "what were we thinking when we got dressed that morning"?
Trends are fun at the time, but can later come back to haunt us. Think overalls, high waisted jeans and pegged pants.
This week's assignment is to pick an item from your wardrobe that you love now, but think in five years will fall into that category (or already does).

So with Clinton and Stacy in mind, here are my thoughts. I have surmised my closet and found that the trendy things that use to live there are gone. (Note to self: must go shopping) I can't find anything I think would be completely laughable in say five years. There are several fashion fiasco's (past and present) that I will address.

Low(low)-rise jeans- I mean the jeans that are so low rise there is no where else to go...very uncomfortable. I am usually trying to keep my backside covered when I stoop down, or wishing the girl in front of me would. I have seen more of this "crack" epidemic than I would care to share. I would be happy to see them go away from the fashion scene. (No high -waist though.)

Crocs- HATE.THEM. Could there possibly be an uglier shoe made? My kids wear them. I am fine that they use them for pool or beach use, but seriously? Are they not the ugliest shoes? Don't send me hate mail...I know they are comfortable... but I would rather wear a pair of foot-cramping, toe-pinching shoes any day than to walk around in those things!

Stirrup pants- Had them. Wore them. Hope and pray they never resurface. What were any of us thinking? Not attractive on any body type.

White hose- You know you wore them too. Awful. Terrible. Ugly. My legs are white enough in the winter without pointing it out (thank you) with the whitest of white hosiery. The only folks that should be wearing these are nurses.

Shoulder Pads-Do any of us really want to look like a linebacker? No. What or Who decided all dresses and tops should be accessorized this way? Better yet...why did we listen?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am participating in "Tuesday Tell All". This weeks topic is "Never Say Never". The following is my list.

I 've never.....

*Broken any bones
*Bungee jumped
*Had a root canal
*Eaten Sushi
*Eaten ANY raw seafood(yuk!)
*Worn braces
*Had a tattoo
*Scuba Dived (though I have snorkled!)
*Won the lottery
*Gambled( which would explain why I've never won the lottery)
*Been to jail
*Given blood( Willingly... please don't hate is a whole different post!)
*Been on a cruise
*Been in the top 1% (financially speaking)
*Gone to bed hungry
*Worn contacts
*Changed a tire

So there you have it folks... the things I have NEVER done! Tune in next Tuesday for a new "Tell All" . Maybe you will learn something about me you didn't know and maybe you will come back anyway.