Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts

Mar 17, 2017

AC: ritual and routines

she sent out love, joy and goodness
to the world

a heartfelt routine

I enjoy my routines and rituals. 
Something easy/graceful about falling into rountines. 

Sometimes I move a waste basket to another spot, it takes days to 
fall into the habit of the new spot, often tossing trash in the wrong place. 
So I also like changing routines, simply to be more present. 

I thought this painting would be about the waste basket
the drawing had a different idea. 
Love when that happens. 

is our lovely host for AC this weekend
rituals and routines

visit to see other artful expressions

Thank you Nadine!

Aug 3, 2016

Story Tellers

They have so much to tell her!

They told her about the baby merganser ducks
that like to ride on their mothers back:


about the magical pink and purple moss cloaked boulder
in the forest

how under the stars of the night sky
it rises from the earth 
becoming its moonlight form
a rugged man
who waltzes with the trees


Oct 6, 2013

Dear Grandson

little baby D

may your birth be like a song
that flows with the rhythm of your heart and soul

wishing you 
your mommy and daddy a grace full birth

with love, 


Dec 5, 2012

Harry Potter and the Elf at the Post Office

at the post office
there he was
a unique individual
minding his own
as though he lived
in a world all his own

an elf!

I just had to sketch him!

I Won!!!

Look at how beautifully the package arrived! (above)

Erin made a fabulous wonderful magical 
Harry Potter!

(the colors of this photograph does not do him justice)

still, he is so adorable! 
he is leaning up against my magic ink pen journal

some how, i feel that
 Harry Potter, movies and books

have shown us that the people of our world love magic

how wonderful
because i feel that magic is swirled into each breath
if we allow it 


adendum: i have not read the Harry Potter Books
but have enjoyed the movies!

Jun 26, 2011


 while visiting an in between realm
a space between eyes open
and eyes closed
I met him, the Genie
he grants wishes

lovely lady he did say
your wish of wishes is granted today
open your heart
to the light of high arts
your dreams shall manifest

Enjoy Sunday Sketches


Mar 12, 2011

Golden Realm of Blue Skies

when ones heart 
includes all life
a golden realm of blue skies
between each creature
mushroom flower unicorn
and fairy
even owl and trees
wee tiny deer
is a life of
heartfelt existence
one where joy and peace exists as the spirit of life
all are welcome

Join or visit 
to enjoy art by my art friends
at Sophia's Blue Chair Diary!

I feel like a beginner stumbling along. Do I paint over the deer in yellow and under the trees too?
What is the order to coloring? Ha, so much to learn!

This was done on Canson Acrylic 185 lb. 12"x16" Montval paper. 
Thick as can be!
No warping
accepted watercolor and acrylics

yellow is a color I have rarely worn
or used in art
it was so cheerful lovely and inviting